She sipped from her glass filled with bourbon as she sat still waiting for her friend inside the popular Spotted Cat Music Club. She's been to New Orleans several times but this time is different.

As she was about to empty her half-filled glass, she noticed her friend's familiar face as she sat down across her.

Jamie smiled as she placed her glass in front of her, stood up, and gave her friend a tight hug.

It's been so long since they've last seen each other.

"How have you been, Nola?"

"Never been better old friend."

Nola was wearing a hat that has almost covered half of her face. Jamie could barely see her eyes but she knows why she was wearing them.

Nola also has a supernatural gift like her. One that's bizarre and ultimately very powerful.

If Jamie has the gift of retrocognition, Nola seems to be the Alpha Clairvoyant. She has the gift of precognition, retrocognition, and remote viewing. This in effect has affected her eyesight and if she would choose to remove the hat covering her face, anyone around would see the strange color of her eyes. Nola is also a half-witch who practices dark magic. She can foresee the past, the future and can chant out spells when needed. She believes that staying in New Orleans would keep her powerful. That is why she has never left since.

"You don't come to New Orleans just to visit me. I know you've come for a reason. How can I help you Jamie?" she held Jamie's hand.

Jamie sighed as she prepared herself to talk about everything. But before she could start talking, she noticed that Nola was wearing leather gloves that covered both her hands and her entire arms.

"How long have you been wearing those gloves?"

Nola sighed, unprepared for her question.

"Just recently. I am fine though."

"Are you certain about that?" her brows arched as she tried to peek to see her eye to eye.

Nola bowed down resulting in her eyes being covered even more.

"I can't stay for long. Tell me, what is it that I can help you with?"

Jamie sighed as she raised her fingers to call out on the server and asked for two more glasses of bourbon.

"I've had another experience. But this time around, it's more complicated. It wasn't just a simple retrocognition. For some reason, I have been connected to two other gifted people. Every single time we meet, we get pulled into this paranormal state in the past." she sipped from her glass before she could continue with her story, "We get transported to this unsolved case 50 years ago. A family homicide. That was the very first time I saw both of them on the same retrocognition. I have never seen them before yet I felt overly connected to them both after seeing them on that experience." she recalled how she, Darius, and Yvette met while they were in the stage of retrocognition.

Slowly, Nola removed the gloves from her left arm and pressed her palms against Jamie's.

She stared at her hands intertwined with Nola's. Slowly she too closed her eyes. As soon as she did, her entire body shifted to where Nola is.

They were in the middle of a forest. Nola was standing tall towering over a hole in the middle of the forest.

As she looked at the hole the same way that Nola did, all she could see was the dark surface of the hole yet it brought chills to her spine the moment she came near it. She felt a sudden heavy feeling inside her that made her feel so tired.

Her ears picked up the sound of bats yet she could not see where they're coming from.

"He is here."

"Who is?" Jamie looked at Nola as she saw her eyes dim and turn into an all-white.

"He is here to fulfill the long-awaited fight. You and your three other friends would soon become a huge part of this war. But for now, some sacrifices needed to be made. You must stop them!" her voice sounded like it's coming from inside a cave. She wondered why but remained focused as her eyes continued to be all white.

"Nola, what sacrifices are you talking about?"

"The a mass murder, the death of an oracle and its followers, and the death of ten pure maidens."

All of a sudden, before Nola could even finish what she was saying, a whole bunch of bats started attacking them.

She shrieked from fear as she covered herself with her own arms. Their clicks filled the entire forest and made it look even darker. She struggled to stay standing up while all of the bats were almost tearing her skin apart.

Meanwhile, Nola's clothes suddenly shrunk down and her entire body disappeared. All that was left on the ground were her clothes and the hat she was wearing.

She started to run away from the hole in an attempt to escape from the bats.

As she trod the middle of the forest. She felt her entire body being pulled back towards reality.

Like a force of gravity, she felt her upper body slowly lift coming from the force of the pull.

All of a sudden she was back at the table where she and Nola talked. Unfortunately, her companion was nowhere to be found anymore. All she's seeing now are the two glasses filled with bourbon.

She hurriedly stood up hoping she'd catch Nola. She wanted so much to ask her about

what just happened.

But the moment she got out of the bar, she could no longer see Nola.

"Hey! Are you Jamie?"

She turned around as a young man stood across her. His arms were filled with symbolic tattoos that only a few could translate.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Martin. Nola's son."

She flinched as the horror of what just happened came to her upon hearing her friend's name.

"Where's Nola?" she inquired.

The young man stood tall in front of her filled with confidence as he sighed and looked around.

"You'll have to come with me if you really want to know." he came nearer as he whispered those words to her.

"What do you mean? I just talked to her inside the bar."

It was his time to be astonished.

"That is impossible."

"What do you mean? I literally just talked to her."

"Again, that's impossible. My mother died a week ago. Just before you got here."

Jamie felt herself losing all of the colors on her face. She felt she's turned pale upon hearing that fact.

Indeed, how was it possible for her to actually talk to Nola and touch her when she's already dead?