Martin took her to Nola's old house where she used to visit as well. The place has gone aged and spider webs are becoming visible on most of its nook and cranny. It was a property located in the French Quarter, one of the most popular areas in New Orleans and also known as the most powerful source of witch magic. She knew of Nola's stories about the witches still alive in New Orleans harnessing the power in the area. As soon as they got in, Martin leads her to Nola's old room where she saw an altar filled with candles along with her photos. She looked around the room as she noticed how it seemed so simple and so neat. The one thing that she took note of is the classic Victorian-style bed sitting in the middle of the room. The brass and metal that materialized the bed, is still strong and covered with canopies, drapes, and flounce in a cream color.

The walls were filled with ornamental hanging plants she believed were used for her meditations. She's needed them to harness her powers more naturally. As she turned towards her dresser, she saw a photo of her and Nola. It was a photo of them together when she first visited New Orleans with a parade in the French Quarter showing in the background. It was one of the happiest moments she can remember with her.

She suddenly felt melancholic realizing that she didn't even know about Nola's passing. All she knew is that she will meet her in New Orleans, and that was it.

"She died a week ago but she hasn't been herself for months. She's constantly traveling." she stood still as she heard him say.

By traveling, she knew it meant her constant use of her powers. Though she's unsure which power she was using, retrocognition was the power they used to abuse.

"Did she mention anything about her travels?" she brushed a finger on the photo she saw in her dresser.

"She never said anything. She was not eating, she wasn't resting. She was always in this bedroom, seemingly searching for something. And then one day, she got out of bed, much to our surprise. She's been keeping herself in her room for almost four months so imagine how we felt when she decided to join us for dinner one night. She talked to us, laughed with us and she even stayed late, shared some beer with us. She told me a dear friend of hers is coming. That's how I knew of your name. She asked me to meet you on your arrival as she might be tired on the day you two will meet. I promised her I'd meet you and take you to her. But the following day, she never woke up."

Jamie stammered as she realized how good of a friend Nola has been. She made sure someone would come to meet her despite seeing her in her ghostly state. Her recollection of the meeting just a while ago suddenly sent shivers to her spine.

"I'll leave you for a while."

Jamie saw how Martin grabbed something from his pocket.

"By the way, I found this in her room the day we found her lifeless. There was a note written beside this stone saying it's for her friend. I assumed it is you."

He handed her a necklace with a pendant that's a huge Amethyst stone. She accepted the necklace remembering something both she and Nola talked about way back.

"The Amethyst is a very powerful stone. This will send away negative energies and is a good source of the sixth and seventh chakra. It helps us connect to the higher planes of existence." she placed a piece of amethyst inside a glass filled with pure water they fetched from a fall.

"What are you doing with it right now?"

"The Amethyst has amazing healing powers. I, however, use it differently." Nola handed the glass to Jamie. "Drink it."

Jamie hesitated for a while but she saw how reassuring Nola looked at her as she handed her the glass. Slowly, she chugged the water from the glass.

All of a sudden, her mind went to an overly peaceful state. She felt a superb high as she's slowly brought into an open field full of grass and flowers. She could see herself running around the entire field immersing herself in the greatness of nature. The thoughts ran wild up until the entire day has ended and she found herself sitting in front of the setting sun. Appreciating its beauty.

Then slowly, it all faded away and she has pulled back again to reality. She tried blinking her eyes over and over again.

"What just happened?"

Nola smiled. "I harnessed your greatest wish and kept it inside the amethyst. The moment you drank from that water, it gave you exactly what you have longed for."

"So, you used your power to keep memories, thoughts, inside the amethyst?"

Nola simply nodded.

She tightened her hold of the Amethyst. She's the only one who knows about Nola's special trick with the Amethyst. She knows that she's never used it with anyone except her. She sighed as she throws one last look at the entire room. In her mind, she bid her human memories goodbye but she knows that they'll see each other again.

With her hands in her pocket, she bid Martin goodbye and thanked him for seeing her.

"By the way, my mother told me one last thing."

She turned around and waited for him to spill whatever it was that he was told.

"She said that a big fight is about to happen on Earth. And that you are a big part of that battle. She wanted me to tell you, that no matter the circumstance, she along with the entire French Quarter coven are here to help you."

She noticed how slowly, people of different kinds and ages started showing up. One by one, they all turned to her. She slowly turns around as everyone who was there, from the ground floor up the third floor of the huge property, wore the same Amethyst necklace that she was handed a while ago. The stones seemed to have illuminated each other. As she stopped turning, she landed on Martin's eyes that were now turned to a deep, muted, rusty orange almost copper-ish from its black shade.

"We have your back, Jamie. That necklace will serve as your connection to us. Just call on us and we will be there."

She hugged him tightly as she felt like meeting another friend in him.

"I will call on you once I get to figure out what this battle is all about. I appreciate everything that you and Nola have done for me."

Martin hugged her back tightly, reassuring her that everything will soon be okay.

As she left her property, Jamie felt a different kind of peace, yet at the same time, a few more puzzles have been added to their plate. She can't wait till she gets home and performs the ritual of the Amethyst.

As she walked in the middle of the entire French Quarter, she felt a sudden bump in her shoulder. She turned around as she tried looking for whoever it was she bumped into to apologize.

"Hey!" she tried catching up to the man wearing a hoodie. As soon as she was near him, she tried to catch him and grabbed him from his shoulders, only to stop and let go as a quick and sudden surge of memories came rushing to her.

The man she tried to catch up to, looked at her and smirked before he continued walking.

Jamie remained standing in the middle of the road trying to comprehend what it was she just saw the moment she touched him.

It's him.