She hustled towards the living room as she heard her phone ring several times. She just finished taking a bath and agreed on meeting Kaheia at the bar where she's working. The moment she had the phone, she noticed that Jamie's name showed on the caller ID.

"Hey, how's New Orleans?" she cheerfully asked.

"It was a lot. But something happened today."

"Go Spill."

"I think I've met the man responsible for that crime 50 years ago."

She suddenly turned silent. She gulped as what Jamie said seemed to have stung her.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't how it happened. Someone bumped on me and I ran after them to apologize, but as soon as I touched his arms, I had a sudden flashback. And I had a short glimpse of those black bags again."

She could hear her voice tremble.

"Where are you now?"

"I'm at the airport, I'm heading back home now. I just-- I needed to tell someone. I can't bear thinking about it."

"Did you get to see his face?"

"Yes. But he quickly disappeared and I just-- I can't get his face off my mind."

"First, you have to relax. Get home as quickly as you can and we'll plan what we can do when you get back."


"Jamie, don't worry okay?" she too has been trying to convince herself of those words for the past few days after they've journeyed to the Hawthorne sister's death, "we'll be okay. Just come home as soon as you can. We'll be here."

"I know. I'll see you both soon."

The call ended with her still puzzled about what Jamie has just told her. She changed quickly to a pair of jeans and a knitted sweater for her top. She applied light make-up and kept her hair in a messy bun. She grabbed her scarf as she quickly got out and leave her house.

She already walking towards the bar where she's working when she saw Kaheia from afar. As soon as she saw her, she waved towards her and smiled. She was now standing across the street waiting for the last three cars to cross the pedestrian.

As she waited for her turn to cross the street, a woman passed by her. She was wearing a leather skirt and top in all Black while in her right hand was a black case.

An immense aura of fear and worry grabbed her attention. For no apparent reason, Yvette looked in the direction where she was going. She was walking like there's no one else on the road. She seemed unbothered by the various bystanders she passed.

Yvette suddenly stepped towards where the woman was going. She was following her aimlessly, only seeing the woman who is walking ahead of her. Her mind seemed to have left all thoughts she has. The only thing that mattered right at that moment was the woman she's seeing.

"Hey," she whispered.

The woman kept walking and turned to a corner.

Realistically, in a non-aimless mind, she would have noticed that they have already passed by an abandoned building that has been burned down fifteen years ago.

The building was cursed and no one had the guts to buy the property after several businesses built on the same property have gone bankrupt.

Yvette could not seem to stop herself from taking a step. Her mind was aimless and continues to follow the woman. In her current stage, she's seeing her getting inside an old hotel. She carefully grabbed a key from her pocket, opened the door, and seemed to have slowly closed the door almost as though giving Yvette the chance to get in.

Once the door behind her closed, she looked around as she saw a small room with a plasma television situated in front of the bed.

Yvette noticed that what she's wearing has now changed. She was wearing what the woman was wearing a while ago. The leather skirt and crop top are layered with a black trench coat.

She was now taking off her leathered gloves as well as the trench coat.

It was then that she realizes she's living in someone else's past. Her mind is starting to panic once again.

This is not happening. No!

She could feel herself trembling from within, feeling extremely scared of what could possibly happen in this past event.

She sees herself grabbing the TV remote and turning the TV on. She blankly stared at the plasma TV yet her mind was shouting of fear.

In a few minutes, the door to the right of the television, which she assumed was the door to a connecting room slowly opened.

Is this it?

Her eyes never left the television but in her peripheral vision, she saw a man wearing a leather coat with a black fedora covering his eyes with his hands tucked away in his back came in.

"You're here." the woman's voice with a thick accent filled the room.

"Did you do it?" the man, with hoarse voice inquired.

"Yes, it is done."


In a quick second, she saw the man pulling out a gun from behind, as she turned her head around to him, she was met with the tip of a silencer attached to a 9 millimeter Heckler and Koch. The fear she's had within started to grow even stronger. She could feel her fear right at that very moment.

Then, a slow click.

"Set a se omnimodo haec inlusio!"

Those were the last words she heard before the sudden pang of pain attacked her and blacked out.

Kaheia managed to catch her frail body. They were on top of an abandoned building and Yvette was on the edge.

She carried her with all her might as she chanted, "me avolare". As soon as she said those words, she along with Yvette flew into the air. She looked down as she felt the cold wind against her skin. Slowly, she directed their weight towards an isolated part of the nearest park's bench. She carefully laid her down as she looked around to see if there really was no one around. She caressed her head that was now lying in her lap as she whispered a small chant to help ease her fear and to help relax her mind.

She recalled how Yvette suddenly took a detour a while ago as she was waving hello across the street. She seemed to have seen someone who was not visible to her. She was wandering aimlessly, unaware of her surroundings and even bumped into people unknowingly.

She followed her despite how quickly her steps were. Kaheia thought that she's caught in a different dimension. She didn't want to interfere but the moment she saw her standing on the edge of the abandoned building, that was when a peculiar feeling of fear stroke her. She felt an extreme kind of fear she has never felt ever since.


Yvette started moving slowly. Then, she quickly stood as though she woke up from a bothersome nightmare. As soon as she was up, she looked around.

"Are you okay?" Kaheia asked, pretending that nothing has happened.

"How did I get here?"

"Well, you actually fainted in the middle of the street. I was lucky enough to see you being I was just waiting across the street. Some dude helped me get you to this place."

The confusion started to fill her eyes.

"I... I saw a woman.." then she stopped.

For a moment, their eyes met.

"Who?" Kaheia pried.

"It's-- it's nothing. I'm really sorry. I guess I was too tired."

"I'm just glad you're okay now. For a moment there, I was actually scared."

Yvette slowly smiled. "Thank you. It would have sucked if you weren't there."

"I know." she grabbed her hand and clasped it with hers. "Hey, how about you skip work today and come with me, to my place. You know, take a break."

Kaheia could see her hesitation for a while before she nodded. "Yeah, I'd actually love that."
