Uriah's Limbo

His head was instantaneously banging, his breath was heaving as though he just came from a very quick but really fast marathon. He's been feeling this way since he saw his own reflection depicting as Uriah. He never understood how all of these things seemed to have happened after their visit in the past.

Well, he never understood anything that has happened to him ever since he saw Elizabeth's ghost in his car. Since that day, he met two of the most mysterious and powerful women he's ever met and at the same time traveled to three very distinct phenomena.

Throughout the time that he's been with them, the experiences have been extraordinary. He was never a believer of spiritual experiences and he's grown even more of a non-believer the moment he got into the force.

He always believed that nothing in the world could not be explained by Science. He's just one of those who takes more convincing. But the turn of events lately has been an experience he never thought he will ever have.

He thought to himself, what other proof does he need?

"Hey man? Are you okay?" his colleague Barry came to him.

"Yeah." he tried his best to pretend that he was fine, despite the shocking pain he's been feeling since this morning.

"You look really pale man."

"Do I?" he grabbed a small mirror he saw from another table. All he sees is Uriah's face filling the image in the mirror that he had to throw the mirror away.

"Man, we've got to take you to a hospital. You really look like you're about to lose your shit."

"No!" he could hear himself growl like a bear seeing its prey. Much to his surprise, everyone in the precinct stopped and looked at him. "I'm okay. I'll be fine." but he knows he isn't. He heard his phone ringing. It was almost non-audible but he could hear it.


"Darius, I need to see you." it was Yvette.

"I'm... where are you at?"

"I'm in the coffee shop right now. Can you come?"

"I'm on my way."

His body is trembling and his head just kept panting. He could not fathom the pain he is in right now. Yet, he managed to walk out of the precinct towards the coffee shop. His sight is slowly becoming blurry. It was as if his entire body is being taken over by something, or perhaps someone. Just when he stepped inside the coffee shop, he saw Yvette walking towards him only to halt.

"Darius? Why are you wearing a soldier's uniform?"

His mind could still sense her confusion which ultimately also became what he was feeling. As he looked at the glass door, seeing his reflection, he saw the same thing she was seeing. He was wearing the same uniform he saw Uriah was wearing that night.

"Uriah," he whispered. As those words came out, he saw himself fall to the ground.

An instant void of darkness filled his senses.

Then all of a sudden, he felt his mind started working again. All he could see was the huge darkness seeping through him. Then, a sudden chill started creeping inside him. The chilling breeze of the wind started to frazzle him. He could feel himself rapidly falling.

He opened his eyes quickly and saw dark skies above him. He was literally falling from the sky. The panic started building up inside him. He was rapidly falling that the first thing he did upon the realization is to clamor wildly while trying to move his hands as if there's anything that he could visibly hold on to that would save him from the fall.

As he vehemently tried to swing himself around, he could feel tears that were going up against the strong wind that's rapidly increasing the speed of his fall.

He was feeling helpless, unsure of what is happening right at this very moment.

Relax your mind.

He could hear that sudden whisper.

"Who are you?"

Just relax your mind. Close your eyes and relax your mind.

All that's there is is a set of baritone voices whispering to him while he was falling with the chilling cold wind and dark skies.

He relaxed his mind and tried his best not to think of anything else.

Now think that you could stand up.

"How can I do that?"

Just think.

He threw everything out of the window and tried his best to think of himself standing up while he's in the middle of the dark skies.

As he slowly pictured himself doing that in his mind, he felt his body swiftly switching position. From his back towards the ground, he could feel himself standing or perhaps floating.

Now open your eyes.

His mind was filled with hesitation, yet that voice has been a soothing relief to his mind that's been attacked with anxiety ever since this entire experience has begun.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he could literally see himself floating. The ground below him started getting really visible.

Down below, he's seeing a man who was looking right back at him. In his mind, he thought about slowly landing down into the ground. And like magic, he swiftly landed on the ground just a few steps away from the man he soon realized was Uriah.

His smile widened as he fully landed on the ground. Uriah came to him and gave him a brotherly hug. Up to this moment, he on the other hand is still trying to comprehend what's happening. He kept staring at his hands and his entire body. Then he looked up trying to reminisce the quick incident that happened.

"Surreal right?"

He nodded. "What just happened?"

"Well, I needed your help and you seem to be the only one I can have access to." Uriah grinned like a boy next door. He was wearing his uniform but unlike his usual sight, this time around, the uniform he's wearing is neatly pleated against his body's form.

"How am I here? And what is this place?" he turned around trying to take a look at the entire place. All he could see is darkness, the skies did not even have any stars and what filled the entire place was smog. It filled the entire place and was seemingly tickling his senses.

They were chilling to the body and reached up to his torso. It was not hot nor was it cold but there was a certain feel of moist between his feet that he could not describe.

"You, my friend just did an astral projection. You traveled from one space to another. And now, you are here in my very own limbo." Uriah wrapped his arms around Darius' shoulders while explaining what exactly happened to him.

"Astral what?"

"An astral projection. You see, last night when you saw my reflection, it sort of harnessed a particularly powerful force. It made me think that perhaps you have powers you were never made aware of."

"What do you mean powers?" his eyes flickered as he tried his best to understand what it was that Uriah was trying to say.

"All the paranormal phenomena you've been going through this past few days, they are simply not possible if you do not have any paranormal capabilities. As I tagged along with the three of you, I could determine what Jamie and Yvette's powers are. But you, you seem to be a mysterious lot. I can't figure out exactly what you are or your specific powers. And then, this happened."

"The astral projection?"

"Yes. The astral projection and the possession."

"Possession?" Darius could not seem to patch up all of the words that were coming out of Uriah's mouth.

"Before you managed to travel, I possessed you. That was why you kept seeing my face in your reflection."

Now that made a lot of sense.

"So, if I am here. What happens to my physical body?"

"Well, let me show you."

Uriah soon started to walk towards a house that he didn't even know was there.

"Has this house been here all along?"

"No. In this place, I have control of everything that's going on. Everything that my mind thinks of, happens. Cool right?"

They reached the porch of the house that just suddenly appeared, as Uriah opened it, a huge flash of white light filled the place. He had to cover his eyes because of how bright it was.

The moment he noticed that the light was gone, he heard conversations that seemed so familiar.

"He just fell, I didn't even know what happened. All I could see was him suddenly appearing with a soldier's uniform. Then that was it." he could clearly hear Yvette's voice as she was explaining everything to Jamie over the phone.

Darius felt extremely happy seeing Yvette. He tried to come near her to touch her but his hands just suddenly shifted to the other side of her body.

"You -- can't do that actually," Uriah explained.

"So she can't see us?"

He nodded. "We're basically in an alternate world. A space that only the spirits could live in."

"So-- you mean to say, we are in the spirit world?"

He nodded once again as he turned his head towards the figure that was lying on the hospital bed with an EKG and dextrose attached to him.

"No way."

He was seeing his own body on top of the hospital bed. He could recall reading about astral projection. It's said to be the separation of the body and soul. But now, he is seeing it himself. His body and soul are definitely separated.

"Right now, your body is in a coma."

"Can I get back now?"

Uriah shook his head. "I'm afraid it isn't that simple."

"What do you mean?"

"You see, you've been taken here for a reason. And I think I know exactly what it is."


"I think, we will get to know more about you today and at the same time, why all of this is happening."

"Get to know me? I don't think there's anything else I need to know about me."

Uriah smiled. He placed both of his hands inside his pockets as he slowly walked towards the door once again.

Darius took a look at Yvette who was still on the phone with Jamie as was sitting beside him, trying to comfort him.

"I hope you'll get here soon Jamie. I don't know what I'd do with Darius like this, we only have each other now. I can't talk to Kaheia about the things that I am seeing now and then, she might not understand."

"I'll be back soon," he whispered as he saw how Yvette was looking desperately sad with the situation. Soon enough, he followed suit with Uriah. He once again opened another door and another bright light met his eyes. This time, all his hesitation has started to fade. He stepped inside the door as the smog from outside walked along with him.

As he stepped inside, a very familiar smell came across his senses. Pancake and bacon paired with the distinct smell of freshly harvested honey. There's only one person he knew prepared those things. His grandma. As that realization hit, his pace fastened as he walked towards the balcony where he remembered he used to sit with her and have breakfast every Sunday morning.

The moment he reached the balcony, there she was, sitting in her rocking chair with her knitting kit. He noticed how she smiled and looked at him.

"Come on Pancake. Take a seat." she motioned for him to take the set across her.

"Is she talking to me?" he whispered towards Uriah without looking at him.


"How is this---"

"Remember, whatever I think in this place, it happens." he smiled meaningfully.

He composed himself and tried his best not to give in to the pain that's slowly getting to him.

"Come on now. Don't be shy. I won't bite."

Darius took a seat across her grandma as he grabbed her hands and intertwined them with his. He could feel the wrinkles in her skin as he feels the warmth of her skin into his face. How he missed her so much.

In all his life, she's the most important person for him.

His grandma smiled as she looked at him adoringly.

"Now, let's talk about what's happening with you. Are you ready?"

Uriah leaned on the column on one side of the balcony.

"Yes, Grandma."

"Okay then." she continued to smile.