It's Complicated

She groaned while her eyes were closed. She was having the strangest dream she could ever imagine and the feeling it is giving her right now is just too painful.

Her groan grew even louder, each time more hurting. She could not move a single muscle and it's getting more and more painful in every turn.

Suddenly she felt a strong tug all over her body. She could feel herself swaying from left to right.


She could barely hear her name being called out. But she can hear it. And slowly it grew louder, crispier, more panicky.


And in a flash, she opened her eyes. She tried her best to discern where she is.

White walls and curtains welcomed her as she roamed her eyes around.

"Are you okay?" Kaheia bowed down on her trying to help her realize where she is.

"Where am I?" she's still feeling groggy as she attempted to stand up.

"At the hospital remember?"