CH.5 Suzunaan's Bookkeep and Inventory

/Pls Enjoy./

-3rd POV-

Sys was thinking while watching the battle of bullets.

[Where the hell does Sakuya get her knives from anyway?]

This question was asked among the community before and several answers were given, but not officially.

The first was that Sakuya gets knives from other timelines or versions of herself using her Time-Space manipulation. It makes sense on paper since it involved her abilities but at the same time it doesn't.

Another is that she uses her time stop and just grabs her knives after they miss. This is also most likely, but where the hell does she even get some of he knives she threw?

The most obvious one is that she uses something similar to Reimu and fires her knives through that. It's identical to a yin and yang but it fire projectiles that the user sets out of it. Unless your a magician like Marisa, who just uses her own means like Symbols, Glyphs and throwing containers of explosive mana.

As Sys continued to ponder, she noticed a tuff of light red hair and decided to look further. Sys is stuck with Sakuya yes, and only Sakuya can see her, but that doesn't mean she can't just wander her vision around. The System window is stuck with Sakuya but Sys's vision is not.

She essentially zoomed in and saw Kosuzu Motoori, a part-time bookstore worker. But don't be fooled, the store she works at, Suzunaan, is anything from normal. Containing a plethora of Demon Books, she is surrounded by the supernatural everyday.

Sys looked closer towards her features. Her hair was tied into small twin tails adorned with bells. She wore a checkered Kimono and apron with the words "Kosuzu" and "Suzunaan" written on the front. She wore a coat due to the temperature of the night. Then top top it all off, she was short for she is young.

[What's she doing here?]

The problem for Sys however, is that Sakuya hears her whether they like it or not. The same goes for Sys hearing Sakuya. 'Who?'

Sys looked back and saw that the Shadow was on the ground impaled by several knives and not moving. Sakuya looked around and saw who Sys was talking about. Kosuzu is one of the few humans that Sakuya is okay with being around besides Reimu and Marisa.

Sakuya made sure to double tap the shadow as it slowly dispersed and disappeared. She made a note to ask Reimu and Marisa if it was a spirit or not.

She then landed in front of Kosuzu and the girl greeted Sakuya. "H-Hi..."

Sys didn't say anything but Sakuya knew she was gushing. Sys gushed over her mistress, Reimu and Marisa, why wouldn't she gush over another. Plus, seeing Kosuzu timid, Sakuya felt the indescribable reason to tease her with a question.

"Do you perhaps know anything about the shadow?" And contrary to her belief, Kosuzu actually answered.

"Yes..." She shyly pulled out a book from her sleeve and presented it to Sakuya. "I got this recently and when I opened it, something jumped out and quickly left the store." The title was 'One's Shadow'. Sakuya then couldn't help but frown, for that was the same book she gave her mistress.

But what was strange is that the report of the Shadow was given before she even gave her mistress the book. Perhaps it's desire? More research needs to be done. But at least she caught the culprit already, so she let out a smile. "That's good to know Kosuzu, can I perhaps hold onto this book?"

The girl didn't want to let go of the book, so she refused. Sakuya then offered a suggestion, "In the morning, let Reimu seal this Demon Book then. We don't want more things like this happening now do we?" The words Sakuya said made Kosuzu feel guilty, so she agreed.

[Quest completed btw.]

Sakuya didn't know the acronym. So silence ensued as she walked back to the Mansion.

[btw means "By the way".]

She then had one of those moments of understanding but then questioned, 'From your world or the outside?'

[Could be both, there are a lot of acronyms and such for shortening things.]

'I see, let's check the Inventory function now.' Sakuya changed the topic and opened the Inventory. A window with an empty grid appeared. At the bottom, it showed an arrow with a number below it saying 1/∞.

'How am I suppose to fit anything in here?' Sakuya posed a question that Sys answered without hesitation.

[You just hold the item you want to store and push it into an empty space in the grid. There doesn't seem to be a limit either. This thing is pretty ridiculous. Ah, if you want to take something out just tap it on the screen, if you want details tap and hold.]

Sakuya tested it by taking one of her knives with a blue guard and handle then essentially throwing it into the window. It disappeared into pixels and the space on the grid now showed an image similar to the knife Sakuya threw into it.

[That was cool, can this act like a shield then?]

'Let me guess, you don't know?' As Sakuya asked that question, she tapped on the window and the knife reformed and she caught it before it fell. She then put it back in then tap and held the icon.

[Well, yeah, it didn't specify-]

Sys was cut off when the window suddenly changed. She appeared on the side again though only with an emoticon.


[Sakuya's Knife (Blue).]

[Seemingly unbreakable and able to pierce anything by being thrown with enough force.]

'That much is true.' Sakuya then stopped in front of the Scarlet Devil Mansion and saw that a certain guard was asleep once again. For some reason, seeing this person asleep always caused her to get angry, but now she wasn't for some reason.

[Are you going to head in Sakuya?]

Sys broke her out of her strange stupor and she just decide to fly in.