CH.6 Sys Explains Reimu

/Pls Enjoy./

-3rd POV-

It was already the next day. Sakuya had waken up early to prepare and organze everything for her mistress. She's currently ordering the fairies around and cooking. She then heard Sys yawning.

[Ah, I didn't expect to actually sleep. Good morning Sakuya.]

Sakuya flipped a pancake. 'Good morning Sys.'

Sys then noticed the food and got curious.

[Isn't Remilia a vampire? Why does she eat regular human food?]

'Well, she doesn't drink blood directly from humans in the village. I occasionally have to go out and get some from the outside. She said that despite not actually feeling full from the food, it still tastes good.' Sakuya then put the pancake on a plate and began making her way to the table.

[Aren't you going to use time manipulation to get there faster?]

When posed with this question, Sakuya stopped for a second. She then stopped time an continued walking. 'I didn't realize till now. Strange...'

As she thought this, she put the plate on the table and continued to her mistress's room. She opened the door and saw Remilia in some pajamas. She let time flow once more and stood at the side of the bed. "Mistress, it's morning."

Remilia groaned and sat up from her bed. "Mhm, thanks Sakuya. What's for breakfast?"

"Pancakes. Do you wish for me to get Flandere?" Flandere is Remilia's sister. Remilia can mess with fate while Flandere is able to destroy anything. The two siblings are terrifying, but just like how they keep some of the other beings of Gensokyo in check, the same goes for them. That is why none of the true higher powers have abused anything.

If they tried anything anyway, Reimu and Marisa will somehow always be there on the double.

"Let her sleep longer. She prefers to wake up at night like an actual vampire anyway." Remilia got up out of bed and put on some slippers. She then groggily made her way to her closet and slowly got dressed.

Sakuya on the other hand time stopped and went to the kitchen. She then had a thought, one that she was extremely curious about. 'Sys, do you know all of the powers and abilities of those in Gensokyo?'


Sys stayed silent but sighed afterward.

[Yes, but if I told you, what'd you do with the information?]

Sakuya stood at the entrance of the Scarlet Devil Mansion and stared straight ahead into the forest. 'It's just mild curiosity. I would only be able to do something if I got stronger from the System and you. In the end, all I wish is to be beside my mistress.'

[Then... who'd you like to know about?]

Sakuya sighed and thought about the first person she lost to in a battle of bullets during the Scarlet Mist Incident. The person who beat her mistress and continued doing so while making friends along the way. 'Reimu Hakurei.'

[That... *sigh* it'll be quite long. Are you sure?]

Sakuya nodded in confirmation, she wanted to know why that lazy Shrine Maiden had always come out on top. She wanted to know her and Marisa were always the two primary characters.

[I got this information from someone who does a lot of research on Touhou. She has 3 or 4 main abilities. The capability to manipulate Auras, The capability to fly, and The Abilities of the Shrine Maiden of Hakurei. You got all this so far yes?]

'Yes... but Aura manipulation is that powerful? So how?' Sakuya's curiosity was leading her to desperation. The look in her eyes made Sys hesitate for a moment before continuing.

[It involved another hidden innate ability she was born with. The ability to Float.]

Sakuya tilted her head a bit in confusion, which matched her eyes that wanted an explanation.

[Do you know of her Last Word? Musou Tensei, or better known as Fantasy Nature?]

Sakuya shook her head, she had never faced such a thing against Reimu before.

[Marisa had given it that name in order to beat Reimu. That's how powerful it is. Her ability to Float allows her to alter reality to her perception. As long as she is unbothered and in a relaxed or even serious state, she is invincible. Her power could even be the sole reason why Gensokyo is able to stay as it is right now.]

This revelation confused Sakuya even further, but as it settled in, her eyes widened even further.

[She sees Genokyo as a peaceful place and is unbothered by all the incidents. Unlike Marisa who looks for clues, she'll "float" towards a random direction and somehow end up where she needs to be. At always, at the end of it all, the villain of said scenario always ends up as a friend afterward.]

'That's... does she know about it?' Sakuya wanted to know if Reimu is conscious of this ability. But Sys didn't know.

[No clue. But one thing is for certain, your probably one of the only people in this world, universe or multiverse that knows of Reimu's power now. Marisa probably knows and perhaps even Yukari, but one this is probably certain. Her powers keeps Gensokyo as Gensokyo.]

Sakuya then stared far into the distance. If you could see far, you could notice that she was staring at the Hakurei Shrine. A small smile crept up on her face. 'If I look at her with shop and purchase her ability, what'd you think would happen?'

[Idk, maybe it would split? Nothing changes? I have no clue to be honest with you. All I know is that the ability to Float is a good ass excuse for plot armor.]

Sakuya couldn't help but spit a little at that. It was funny, knowing that the ability to Float is just plot armor but explainable.

[So, anyone else you want me to explain?]

Sakuya shook her head and proceeded to walk back inside the mansion. 'No, my curiosity is sated. Maybe when I face a foe in the future I will ask.'

[I see... Well, I hope the next quest comes soon.]

'I'm going to still call it mission.'