Chapter 21: Melody of Love

Sunlight cascaded through the stained glass windows of the library, casting vibrant hues across the polished wooden floors. The air carried a scent of aged paper, mingling with the faint fragrance of antique leather bindings. Tall bookshelves, adorned with intricate carvings, stretched towards the ceiling. The atmosphere hummed with turning pages, whispered conversations, and the occasional creak of the floorboards.

In a quiet corner, Lucien sat at a sturdy table, surrounded by stacks of books that reached for the heavens. The volumes leaned against one another, their covers showing signs of wear and tear. As he ran his fingers over their faded titles, he couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration. He was here, researching everything he could about vampires. Specifically he wanted to know how the curse Blaise was under could be reversed. He couldn't find any answers within these pages. The books treated vampires as mere tales of folklore.

Lucien grew frustrated as he closed yet another book. "None of these books have the answers I'm looking for," he thought to himself. "How do you break a vampire curse?" He sighed, feeling a sense of hopelessness. "Blaise hasn't taken the Blood Oath yet, so there must be a way to fix him." But these books offered no solutions.

"Who can I ask? I don't know any vampire experts." Lucien's mind raced, searching for a glimmer of a solution. But he couldn't find an answer, and a sense of desperation settled within him. For a long time, he sat there, just brooding.

Then, a spark of hope flickered in Lucien's mind. Blaise had mentioned the existence of an underground vampire society. Lucien was so overwhelmed by the events of that night, that he'd failed to ask anything about that vampire society. But, if anyone knew real, useful information on vampire physiology, it would be someone connected to that mysterious underworld. Perhaps they held the key to reversing Blaise's curse.

A sense of trepidation crept into Lucien's thoughts. What if that person were a vampire? They almost certainly would be...

The idea sent shivers down his spine. The notion of delving deeper into the vampire world, surrounded by creatures that preyed on humans, frightened him too much to think about. Blaise might be harmless, but these other older, full vampires were almost certainly not. He'd be a mouse in a pit of snakes.

But if someone there knew something...

As he pondered the possibilities, Lucien couldn't help but imagine a different life for Blaise if he were human. With his charm and potential, he could surely find some kind of job, regain independence, and break free from his mother. Maybe even pursue an education, Lucien thought. He could almost see Blaise with a real smile, walking freely in the bright sunlight.

Determined, Lucien made up his mind. He wouldn't give up on finding a cure for Blaise, he resolved within himself. Standing up from his chair, he felt a renewed sense of purpose, even though he had no more answers than before.


Afternoon sunlight spilled into the study, casting a warm glow. Lucien sat immersed in his violin. He wasn't just practicing today; again he was composing music.

His nimble fingers gracefully traversed the strings of his violin, weaving a composition as he went. The air was filled with an enchanting blend of vibrant arpeggios, cascading scales, and resonant chords, each carefully crafted to evoke emotions of joy and romance.

A smile of satisfaction curled upon Lucien's lips as he delved deeper into the composition. The interplay between major and minor tonalities painted a vivid picture of the emotions he sought to convey. It sailed from brisk and spirited passages to tender, languid ones.

As he practiced the piece one more time, he heard an imperfection in the harmonies he had woven. He revisited the section, and played a few variations until he found one that worked. He adjusted the notes on the paper he was writing it all down on.

Feeling satisfied with the changes, Lucien played the composition once more. The music seemed to come alive, now carrying a more refined and captivating essence. Lost in his creative process, Lucien kept playing the piece over and over, until it began to feel like second nature.

After a final performance, Lucien's attention was drawn to a figure standing at the doorway—his father. How long had he been standing there, listening?

Setting down his violin, Lucien stood and greeted his father. His father returned the greeting, a faint smile playing on his lips. "I enjoyed the tune you were playing, Lucien," he remarked, stepping into the study and making himself comfortable on the old sofa. "What is it called?"

"Nothing, it doesn't have a name yet," Lucien replied, scratching his head. "Couldn't come up with something that fit."

His father's brows lifted in surprise. "You composed it yourself? Truly?"

A proud smile spread across Lucien's face as he nodded. "Yes, Father. Every note. Do you like it?"

"Do I like it? Are you kidding me? It was brilliant! I didn't realize you were starting to write your own music."

"It is something I started more recently."

Lucien's father gazed at his son, thoughtful and contemplative. "You know, Lucien," he began, "there's something different about you lately. You seem happier. You have a certain glow to you, especially in your eyes. Has something good happened?"

Lucien's gaze wandered for a moment before returning to his father's eyes. "Not particularly, Father."

"Taking time off from university seems to be doing you good, my son. I'm glad to see your spirits lifting. You're becoming more like your old self again, and that brings me great joy. I was really getting worried about you for a while there."

Lucien bowed his head slightly, grateful for his father's concern. "Thank you, Father."

"I suppose you'll be ready to go back to university next year?"

Lucien felt his body freeze up. He been avoiding thinking about it. He wanted to go study music with a teacher again, but the social aspect of school always made him so nervous. "Maybe," he finally replied.

"Well, we have to do what's best for you. But you also don't want to postpone it too much. I know you're still just relaxing, but give a little thought to what your next steps are." He stood and stretched, and added, "No rush. No pressure."

Lucien nodded.

As Father left the study, giving Lucien a gentle pat on the shoulder, Lucien's gaze fell upon a small silver mirror resting on the desk. He studied his reflection intently, noting the changes that had taken hold. His blue eyes shone with renewed brightness and a friendly openness. His cheeks and lips held a healthier flush, and the crease between his eyebrows had faded. He observed his transformed appearance with satisfaction. Being here, taking time off had been good for him. Better than he realized.

It's because of Blaise, he thought, recognizing the profound influence the vampire had on his heart. The blood-drinking sessions and the physical connection they shared had breathed life back into him, igniting a sense of virility and energy that had long been absent.

And in that moment of introspection, a sudden realization struck Lucien like lightning. His heartbeat quickened, and his mind filled with a rush of emotions.

"I'm in love with Blaise."