Chapter 22: Veiled Longings

Lucien's gaze wandered from his coffee cup to the kitchen table, where Marie sifted through the pile of mail with an eager gleam in her eyes. The morning light poured in through the window, casting a warm glow over the room. He took a sip of his coffee, relishing its bittersweet flavor, as he observed Marie's reaction. Her smile widened, and she held up an envelope triumphantly.

Curios, Lucien couldn't help but ask, "What's that, Marie?"

Marie was grinning from ear to ear, her excitement palpable. "It's an invitation, Lucien! The mayor is hosting a grand ball at his mansion, and we have been invited!"

"That sounds so exciting!" Lucien said as he absorbed the news. Being Marie's stepson, he wondered if he would be included in the invitation. He hesitated for a moment before voicing his question, "Does that include me too?"

Marie's smile softened, her eyes full of warmth, as she reassured him, "Of course, Lucien! You are part of our family. We would love for you to join us."

Lucien felt conflicted. On one hand, he appreciated Marie's kindness towards him, and the warmth she extended to him as her stepson. On the other hand, he couldn't help but wonder if Blaise would be welcome at the event. However, he decided to keep that thought to himself, not wanting to dampen Marie's excitement. After all, she looked so excited at the moment, and he didn't want to overshadow it with his own concerns.

Marie's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Its going to be just like a fairy tale. The dresses, the dancing, the music...Oh, Lucien," she exclaimed, "this is the perfect opportunity for Troy to meet a nice girl. He's already twenty-one, and it's time for him to start thinking seriously about finding a wife. And Maisy...oh, I'm sure she'll capture the heart of a handsome gentleman on the dance floor!"

Lucien listened to Marie's words, his heart sinking just a little. Blaise's name was absent from her plans. He understood why, but still, it seemed unfair. Blaise had been on his best behavior, making an effort to avoid any conflicts or disruptions within the family. It seemed unjust that his efforts went unnoticed and unappreciated. Lucien couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Blaise. He wished Marie could see the positive changes he had witnessed in Blaise. It seemed cruel to overlook his progress so easily.

Marie's voice cut into his thoughts yet again. "Maybe, Lucien, you can meet a good girl too. You're around the same age as Troy, tall, and handsome. You'll meet someone!"

Lucien tensed a little.

Oh, the constant reminder of his need to play a part. Always hiding, always pretending. How exhausting it was to bear this burden.

Suppressing his true emotions, Lucien mustered a smile and replied, "Yes, maybe I'll meet someone at the ball. Who knows?"

Deep down, he knew that the chances of finding genuine love at that ball were next to zero. He only wanted Blaise now. But still, there was the pressure to conform and play the part of a dutiful son.

Would he forever be condemned to a life of pretense and hiding? Lucien sighed , looking out the window to hide his expression from Marie.

But for the sake of harmony and peace within his family, Lucien knew he had to continue concealing his desires. He would pretend to have fun with the women at the ball. He'd done it before. It was a burden he had grown accustomed to.

With a final sigh, Lucien turned his attention back to Marie, putting on a happy face. "Yes, maybe I'll meet someone," he repeated.


As usual, Lucien and Blaise took an evening walk in the garden. As the evening bathed the garden in a warm glow, Lucien and Blaise found themselves strolling amidst the blooming roses. The air was filled with the sweet scent of the petals. Blaise's fingers delicately traced the velvety petals of a crimson rose.

Lucien watched Blaise as he did, admiring how attractive his side profile was, the way the light reflected in his almost violet eyes, and his long, delicate fingers.

With a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, Blaise plucked a perfect, scarlet rose from the bush. He gently twirled the stem between his fingers before tucking it into Lucien's breast pocket. "This rose suits you perfectly, Lucien," he declared, a playful smile gracing his lips.

Lucien's breath caught in his throat, his heart quickening at the sweet gesture.

Offering Blaise a flirty nudge, Lucien couldn't help but let his curiosity spill out. "What's gotten into you today, Blaise? You're being unusually nice."

Blaise's eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned in, their faces mere inches apart. "Why can't I give you a compliment, Lucien? Am I not allowed to be nice?" He flashed a teasing smile before stepping ahead, inviting Lucien to follow.

Lucien's eyes followed the slender lines of Blaise's body, hypnotized. He had Lucien wrapped in his web of enchantment now. He couldn't help but wonder if Blaise's gestures held deeper meaning, if there was a flicker of something more beneath his playfulness today. Blaise's recent change in attitude had not gone unnoticed. He'd been sweeter to Lucien, and it ignited a small spark of hope within Lucien.

Blaise twirled gracefully, then settled onto a nearby bench, the vibrant petals serving as a backdrop to his languid posture. A sigh escaped his lips. "You know, Lucien, I want a lover. I feel... bored," he admitted, looking up at Lucien with longing.

Lucien's gaze remained fixed on Blaise, captivated. He couldn't deny the flutter of anticipation that stirred within him. "What sort of love are you looking for? Something purely physical, or something more profound, something like true love?" he inquired, his voice barely above a whisper.

Blaise's eyes softened. "For now, I'll settle for the physical," he confessed, "but true love would be nice for once."

Blaise gazed pointedly at Lucien. Lucien felt a rush of desire as he noticed the seductive look in Blaise's eyes. His heart thumped loudly in his ears, and a tingling sensation spread through his body. He wanted to rush to Blaise's side, hold him in his arms, and tell him that he'd be the one to love him. But he couldn't. If anyone found out...

Blaise, growing restless, let out a frustrated sigh. "Guess I'll have to sneak out again if I want some romance," he remarked, disappointed. He shifted on the bench, his gaze still fixed on Lucien.

Jealousy surged within Lucien, a pang of possessiveness stirring in his chest. "You mustn't do that," he said quickly. "You'll anger Marie."

Blaise shrugged. "She's already angry, and besides, if she doesn't find out..." He looked away and began fiddling with a rose near him.

What could Lucien say? He had no right to deny Blaise this, because he was the one doing the rejecting. But still, the thought of it made Lucien clench his fists in jealousy.

"You'll get hurt," he said at last. "You should wait for real love. It's better that way."

Blaise looked at Lucien with a raised eyebrow. "Where am I going to find someone to love me?"

Lucien felt his breath catch. He wanted to tell Blaise it would be him, but he couldn't. "Don't sell yourself short like that. You'll find someone."

Blaise frowned, then stood. "Come, let's finish the rest of our walk."

Lucien followed, but his feet felt heavy.

If he didn't do anything, he was going to lose Blaise to someone else.