Chapter 23: Struggle to Resist

Lucien and Maisy stood in the kitchen with Marie. The women were preparing dinner, while Lucien sat near the window, skimming the papers. He wasn't really absorbing any of what he was reading; really, he was just waiting for Blaise to wake up. He seemed to be be taking longer than usual.

But, at last, he entered, looking irritated. Lucien watched as Blaise sauntered into the kitchen, his characteristic air of confidence radiating from his every movement. Blaise's eyes narrowed as he took in the scene before him. Then, he pulled out a little envelope from behind his back. "What's all this talk about a ball? Am I missing something exciting?" he said, hands on his hips.

Evidently he'd found the invitations. And Marie hadn't told him anything.

Marie, caught off guard by Blaise's unexpected presence, gave him a cool glance. "Oh, Blaise. Yes, a ball," she replied, with a hint of annoyance.

Blaise arched an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "And let me guess... I'm not invited?" he quipped, with a touch of mock disappointment.

Marie's gaze hardened, her patience wearing thin. "No, Blaise. It's a formal event, and I don't think it's suitable for someone like you to attend," she shot back.

"Someone like me? Pray, do enlighten me, dear mother, what exactly do you mean by that?"

This wasn't going well. Lucien had to intervene.

"Mother, perhaps you should reconsider. Blaise is more than capable of handling himself at such an event. Besides, it could be an opportunity for him to showcase how much he's matured," Lucien suggested.

Maisy, ever the peacemaker, chimed in, her eyes wide with empathy. "Yeah, Blaise deserves to have some fun too. He's been so good and so quiet!"

Marie's face flushed with exasperation. "Blaise, this isn't a game. I just want to protect this family."

Blaise's lips curled into a sly grin as he took a step closer to Marie, his voice dripping with mock sincerity. "Oh, dear mother, your concern for my well-being truly warms my heart. How fortunate I am to have such a loving and supportive parent."

"Enough, Blaise," Lucien said firmly. Turning to Marie, he said, "Mother, please consider giving Blaise a chance. Let him prove that he can handle himself. It's time to let him spread his wings. Besides, the governor invited the whole family. That includes Blaise."

Blaise's eyes widened in surprise as Marie's resistance began to crumble. "So, I am technically invited to the ball, just like everyone else? Well, isn't that a delightful turn of events," he remarked.

Marie sighed, conceding defeat. "Fine, Blaise. You can do as you please. Attend the ball if you must." Her voice was cold.

Blaise's lips curled into a triumphant smirk. "Oh, how generous of you, Mother. I promise not to disappoint."


As usual, Lucien and Blaise retreated to the study after the conversation with Marie. Lucien positioned himself near the window, his fingers caressing the strings of his violin, producing sweet melodies that filled the room.

Blaise, however, seemed unusually distracted. He leaned against the bookshelf, idly flipping through the pages of a novel without truly absorbing its contents. His eyes wandered to Lucien, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his face.

Lucien paused his playing, looking up at Blaise with concern. "Is something bothering you, Blaise? You seem preoccupied today," he remarked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.

Blaise sighed, closing the book with a muted thud. "I suppose I'm just not in the mood for music today," he replied.

Lucien's brow furrowed in confusion. It was unusual for Blaise to show such disinterest in music, it was their shared passion. "Is there something on your mind, Blaise?" he asked.

Blaise hesitated for a moment before his gaze met Lucien's, his violet eyes . "Lucien, how about we skip our usual walk tonight? Instead, join me in my room. Let's find a different way to pass the time," he proposed, reaching out and tracing his fingers along Lucien's arm.

Lucien's heart raced at the suggestion, his desire fighting against his better judgment. He knew the risks, the danger of indulging in their forbidden desires. With a conflicted expression, he gently shook his head. "Blaise, we can't. They'll be suspicious of us. Then we won't be able to spend time together anymore."

Blaise smirked, his pride evident in his eyes. "Oh, Lucien, always so cautious. Are you afraid to let loose and have a little fun?" he taunted wickedly.

Lucien looked away. "It's not about fear, Blaise. It's about being smart. We can't afford to be careless."

Blaise's smirk faltered for a moment, a flicker of anger crossing his features before he masked it with a cool facade. "Fine, have it your way, Lucien. Enjoy your violin," he muttered.


Lucien lay in his bed, restlessness tugging at his thoughts. His mind wandered to Blaise, an ever-present temptation that kept him awake. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the walls as Lucien wrestled with his desires.

A rustling sound outside stirred Lucien from his internal struggle. He rose from his bed. He approached the window cautiously, parting the heavy curtains to reveal the moonlit yard. There, amidst the shadows, he spotted Blaise, sneaking out of his room and venturing into the quiet night.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through Lucien's veins. Without hesitation, he opened the window and called out softly, his voice carrying on the night breeze. "Blaise, what are you doing?"

Blaise looked up, surprise flitting across his face before a sly grin replaced it. He made his way towards Lucien's window, scaling the trellis effortlessly. Soon, he stood before Lucien, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he teased, his voice low.

Lucien's heart pounded in his chest as he met Blaise's gaze, torn between longing and apprehension. He took a deep breath, gathering his resolve. "Blaise, were you sneaking out to find some romantic encounter? I told you not to."

"No, Lucien, not tonight. I was only hunting. But I must admit, I am in the mood for some excitement." He stepped closer, placing a hand on Lucien's chest.

Lucien's eyes widened at Blaise's words, his body responding to the charged atmosphere. "Blaise, we can't keep doing this. We've talked about it." He held Blaise's hand in his own; he'd intended to push it away but he didn't.

Blaise took a step closer. "Why won't you admit it, Lucien? The desire is written all over you. Don't you want me as much as I want you?" He cocked his head and smiled, a thin fang glinting in the moonlight.

Lucien's heart ached with the weight of his unfulfilled desires. He reached out to touch Blaise's cheek. Blaise leaned into the touch, closing his eyes.

This was too much, Lucien wasn't going to be able to resist much longer. He pulled his hand away and said, "You... you know you are not supposed to be here …you'll be kicked out..."

"Very well, Lucien. If you're not ready to seize the moment, then I'll see myself out. But remember, time is not infinite, and neither is my patience. I won't wait for you forever."

With those words, Blaise climbed back out the window, his silhouette fading into the night.