Chapter 21: Reassurance for a Broken Soul

Blaise didn't move from the spot on the bed for hours. He was so still that it caused Lucien to check on him, thinking maybe he'd been poisoned. But he was only sleeping.

Lucien looked at the clock and realized he ought to be sleeping, too. They'd have to be on the road again by nightfall. He laid down next to Blaise and closed his eyes, but sleep wouldn't come easily. He tossed and turned, and despite his exhaustion didn't fall asleep for over an hour.

Even his sleep was not restful. In his dream, Blaise was trying to climb out of an inky black pit, which was quivering and pulsing like it was alive. Blaise was naked, and liquid hands of the same black substance were clawing their way up his body, leaving streaks all over his pale skin. He reached his hand out at Lucien and was screaming, "Help me! Help me!" Each second that passed, Blaise sunk a little lower into the pit.