Remnants (6)

Jorge leaned more unto her, and his lips consumed hers in ways she never thought possible. After a while, she felt him nibble on her lips slightly and reluctantly let go. Their breathing matched each other as if they had just completed a vigorous activity. Added to this, Mirabel felt slightly dizzy, most likely because of her recent illness.

She glared lightly at him when she realized, he had made her take the tonic without realising it. But to him, she looked like a cute kitten!

She had totally disregarded the fact that she was not cringing about the taste of the tonic because of the ensuing kiss. Jorge smacked his lips together as if tasting something delicious. He said, "The 'new tonic' is sweet; we should take it often."

"New tonic?" She asked with a puzzled face, but Jorge just smiled with a knowing look, and Mirabel felt her face getting hot after she realised what he had meant.