Remnants (5)

"How are you feeling?" Jorge asked her,

Mirabel's face contorted in a semblance of discomfort slightly, which Jorge mistook as she was still in pain.

"Let me get Dr Howlett again." He got up, but Mirabel stopped him by lightly holding onto his arms. She flinched slightly at the contact, and Jorge wondered what was up with her. However, the Mirabel, at that time, was confused and absentminded, engaged in an internal conversation with herself.

She still had not processed the question Jorge had asked her because she only thought and asked herself, 'Did his voice always sound like that, or did the fever get into my head? That is right, I must have been too tired and dazed.' She convinced herself, but when Jorge mentioned the doctor, it kind of confirmed whatever she thought she was hearing; his voice sounded so husky and sexy that she would have thought that she was talking to someone else if he was not right by her.