Where is He? (3)

Mirabel temporarily froze when she saw the duo. The room was slightly darkened as they had not lit any candles, so the light from the hallway was the only thing providing illumination there.

The man's build and dark clothes sent a pang through her as she clenched her fists and closed her eyes tightly as if that would make her unsee whatever was going on in there.

Mirabel shook her head and took one step back, then two…. she couldn't dare to look nor listen to the repulsive 'nggggs and aaahhhhhhs!' coming from the woman in the throes of passion. She closed her eyes tightly, wishing deep in her heart that it was all a dream. But, it all remained the same when she re-opened them.

Mirabel felt her heart sink at that scene that greeted her as if she was seeing it for the first time, but the hurt …. Oh, that pang she felt then deep inside where she never thought she could feel hurt like hell.