Who was that, then? (1)

A few moments and about half an hour earlier, when the women had surrounded Jorge, he had intentionally kept on his polite face by keeping a slight smile on his face with them.

He was not one to act rashly and knew that Williard had given the other women the courage to approach him. He felt it a waste of emotions to feel anything 'bad' towards her.

However, Jorge felt a headache coming as it was unheard of and even disrespectful for him to throw a dinner to introduce his wife to society when he was obviously neglecting her.

It had taken him a while to pry Williard from his person, and he felt his skin crawl after that. Jorge tried his best not to dust himself up from this as a slight involuntary shudder ran through him. He did wonder when almost everyone, especially females, had started to feel repulsive to him.