Who was that, then? (2)***

After successfully ditching the crowd around him, Jorge stood on the balcony for about a quarter of an hour, getting his bearings back and taking in gulps of fresh air to 'cleanse' his system.

He felt it was unwise to return to Mirabel with all the 'scents' he had 'picked up' from the unwanted attention of his equally unwelcomed guests, but when he turned to leave the balcony, he found a maid standing behind him awkwardly and wondered how long she had been there for,

"What is it?"

"I think I saw Mrs Trimshaw looking for you, sir."

He swore internally, "I have left her for too long amid strangers."

"Thank you," he strode past the maid, but then she added.

"She just went up the stairs to your chambers," Jorge nodded at that and set off in that direction in long strides. 

After this, the same maid who had already seen Mirabel go in a different direction went after her.