Press Conference (2)

That night, after the dinner between the Wankys and the Magworts, the whole family departed with mixed states of mind. Mrs Magwort was torn between what she wanted for her daughter versus its reality.

Her husband was just sad. Mr and Mrs Wanky were kind of happy because their wish of having their younger son marry a worthy young woman had been achieved. 

As Ky and Joy Wanky entered their home, it was already a few minutes to midnight on Sunday, and they were exhausted! Joy was the most excited about this new daughter-in-law, so she had spent the weekend rearranging Charles's rooms.

In an actual sense, a redundant room had been cleaned and prepared for Ivy as Charles preferred that no one intrude on his room; that was something he needed to work on now that he had a wife. 

Joy had also gone shopping and gotten a new wardrobe of clothes for Ivy in the span of a day.