After the Press Conference

Ivy was among the few who were streaming this live. She had woken up in her in-laws' house the following day to find it empty.

The night before, Ivy had cried herself to sleep in the confines of her new room. She was glad that she did not have to share her new husband's room because in as much as she was now the young mistress of the Wanky household, her heart and mind were still with her beloved, Ted.

The weird attitude of the new household had not held on long enough in her mind that night, obviously because of thoughts on Ted.

  Usually, as a new 'bride', no matter how unconventional she was, she thought it right to send her greetings to her new parents-in-law, but they had already left the home when she woke at the break of dawn, and Ivy had woken up pretty early with swollen eyes and a pounding headache from all the crying.