Are you Crazy (3)

It took a total of about half an hour before Flora returned. Within that time, Thalia could still feel the flush and embarrassment that Flora now knew of her sexual encounter with her boyfriend.

Thalia was usually outspoken, but this was not necessarily a topic that she liked to share with anyone. She did know that deep down, Flora only had her best interests at heart. To take her mind off the encounter, she cleaned up the bowls they had used for their meal and talked briefly on the phone with Charles. This was because, when Flora was 'reprimanding' her, she had ignored Charles' texts so much that he had called instead because he felt that something was off.

"She knows. I mean, Flora knows about yesterday."

"From your voice, I am guessing that it did not go well. Do you want me to come over? I can talk to her to let her know how serious I am about you."

"It's okay, I can handle her … thanks for the offer, though."

"Are you sure?"