Fiancée (6)

As Thalia entered the sitting room, the first person her eyes landed on was Charles. Her Charles on a seat with a lovely-looking girl- 

It hit her then, Joy had been up to no good, for the only reason she would have called her there was to see the new girl!

"Eliana!" Thalia felt herself tremble as she lost control of her emotions, and the small plate of food fell from her hands.  She did not even pay heed to Mr and Mrs Wanky, who sat on one of the cushioned seats in the room. A disappointed glint flashed in her eyes as her gaze flickered over Charles. Then her eyes hesitantly settled on the gloating look of Eliana.

"What was she doing there?" Many thoughts and emotions flashed through her as she looked at them. Even though she hated to admit it, Charles and Eliana, seated side-by-side, looked like the picture-perfect couple. She lightly shook her head to get rid of such thoughts.

"Oh Thalia, this is-"