Did you Expect me to… (2)

The chapter may contain prejudiced words and profanity. Reader Discretion is advised….

Before the father and daughter had come in, Ky and Joy had had a talk about the engagement and Charles's future. Charles was still pining for Thalia and was encased in a world of his own making. He felt deeply hurt that his one and only Thalia had hurt him for the child born out of wedlock. He had been determined to speak to her again, but his parents told him that she had been arrested and would pay for her crimes.

Charles did not feel too good that Thalia was in the confines of the law, though. He also noticed that Elaina had come to visit him several times but paid no attention to the fake tears she had cried in his presence. He knew many girls of her calibre and was very surprised that his parents bought her display.