She did not qualify for it, but….

On the day of the sentencing, Thalia stood at the stand with her heart in her hand, and her head lowered as well. She had seen Mr and Mrs Wanky in the stands and avoided looking at them or anyone for that matter.

Her mother's words kept echoing in her mind, "… I do not want any bastards in my house! I have no daughter like you!" Thalia had already decided to let her mother be and not worry about her words, but the words were spoken by the people we love and care about always cut deep. She still did not understand why her mother was unbothered by the fact that she could be incarcerated. 

As Tahlia mulled on the thoughts of her mother, Charles also crossed her mind. She never once had the thought of visiting him because she was still shaken by the fact that he had tried to kill their child!