Calls (2)

After the press conference the Sunday before, Ky and Joy made their way back to their home from the venue. They found Ivy at the dining table having her brunch. Ivy pretended as if she had not seen the exposé from the press conference and rose up to greet like the dutiful new daughter-in-law. As someone who had grown up in similar circles, she knew when not to say anything.

"Good morning, Mum and Dad."

Ky hummed in response and left them. As much as Joy wanted to go into her room immediately, she decided to spend a few minutes with her daughter-in-law to build up their relationship. It was also because the marriage between Charles Wanky and Ivy Magwort was arranged by their households based on business benefits; Joy did like Ivy and wanted to create a good relationship with her despite everything going on.

 "Did you sleep well?"