Calls (3) *

The next morning, and on Trimshaw Island, Mirabel stirred awake as the first rays of the sun seeped through into their room. Her hazel eyes fluttered open to meet his similar-looking eyes.

She was snuggled close to him, and it felt good to wake up like that. At close proximity like that, Mirabel noticed that his hazel eyes had a tinge of blue flecks in the iris with a depth that seemed to beckon to her, especially when the light rays reflected on them. He was in a half-seated position, just staring at her.

"Did you sleep well?" His husky voice called out to her. Mirabel blushed and nodded. She had just had the best sleep in a very long time; even though the hours had been short with their escapades, she was well-rested.

After a brief pause, he hesitantly asked, "Do, do y-ou r-egret it?"

"No, I don't. I loved every bit of it," she replied firmly.