Ongoing Havoc (1)

Trimshaw Industries HQ…

Ryan was troubled, but he was a pro at his work and never let any personal issues affect him, not that he had any personal such issues to affect him before, at least not until Flora Leeds appeared in his life. He needed to get his head on straight; he told himself as he went about executing the instructions that Jorge Trimshaw had given him.

Ryan had left Trimshaw Island with Flora mainly to keep up appearances because they were now an 'engaged couple!' A fact that only Mauricio and they knew. He had initially been happy when Flora had agreed to do that with him because, in his opinion, it had given him the chance to be close to her and possibly woo her.

Ryan's main aim was to turn the fake engagement into a real one, but the fact was that he was not confident. He had never had relations with the opposite sex at all, and this was his first interest in one.