Dismiss Him (6)

"I have no choice, he says," Jorge said in mockery and smirked as if he had just heard the most amusing, unrealistic statement ever in his life. He turned to Ryan and nodded at him. 

Mirabel was still apprehensive as she had little grasp of what was going on in the conference room.

Ryan stood up once again and started reading from a tablet in his hand. All the men in the room looked on with mixed emotions. This was not how they had envisioned the meeting at all.

They had planned that the meeting would have been over in a quarter of an hour after they ousted Jorge Trimshaw by voting and put another person in his stead, but the meeting had already been ongoing for half an hour, and they were making no headway on it! At least not in the direction they had anticipated. Ryan's clear voice rang out in the room,

"According to the shareholder's buyout agreement, …."