Déjà Vu (3)

Collin's eyes followed the sound, as did most of the people in the shop, because the person had spoken loud enough. 

The young woman, who had her arms crossed over her chest and sunglasses perched on her hair, tapping her heels impatiently, glared at the sales attendant as if she had not heard Mirabel and Collin.

"Are you deaf? Wrap up that for me right now," the attendant flinched at the tone of voice used.

Contrary to the woman's glamorous look, a long black leather trousers with a sequined sleeveless crop top and a fur coat loosely draped over her shoulder, her voice and tone made people scrunch up their noses at her.

In short, her brilliant look and tone did not match; it showed what a rich brat she was before anyone got to notice her as a person. Her long hair was still draped over her shoulders as she did in the past, and her skin was as fair as it had always been with a small face and very red lips. Mirabel's thoughts on her were the exact same.