Déjà Vu (4)

Flora just could not help it. Public or not, she laughed till her sides hurt and she cleaned the tired that had spilt.

'That was a good laugh!'

Mirabel felt a sense of déjà vu wash over her as she took in the whole scene. It was as if she had been here before, experiencing the same rush of emotions. Well, not quite the same emotions because she was not one to be stamped on now. She tried to not let her mind travel back through time to that cursed day. 

One thing she was sure of was that she refused to let the intense emotions she experienced that day in the past resurface, so she was determined to prevent any repeat of those bitter feelings she had experienced back in the shop then with Eliana and Charles.

She gazed at the fiery and angry Eliana, then she shifted her attention towards the sales attendant,

"I apologize for the inconvenience caused by my son. He is usually not as willful, but sometimes, these things do happen."