Take Responsibility

It took all of Liam's composure not to react and remain indifferent. He had to stay in character! It was one thing for Ian to have an internal dialogue with himself and another thing for him to talk to someone, especially of the opposite sex. He became tongue-tied!

He was glad of the position he was in because Liam was sure he would have stumbled if he had been standing. 

'What is she driving at?' he asked himself. He had heard enough of the conversation in the apartment over the past few days and he had pictures as well. He could now safely report on what he had been tasked.

She turned to look at him, and Liam further lowered his head and wondered why she was even there. Over the past few days, he had not heard her interact with the other people in there much. 

When she got no response from him, she continued,

"I've seen you here for some days now,"

'Shoot! How did I not realize this?' He wondered as she continued her self-dialogue.