Joy! (1)

Sandy chuckled. A sweet sound that was carried away by the breeze.

"You have to-"

"I know, dear Max, you don't have to repeat yourself. Your one and only sweet girl understands all."

"That's my girl!" He hummed in acknowledgement.

Sandy started taking small, steady steps even further away from Eric and the car.

"You have too much of an insatiable drive, dear. I will see you later tonight, but do something about the little guy now," Her voice changed to a purr teasing him over the phone.

"It's not the little guy," he grunted, liking the slight change in her tone.

"It's the big boss. The one that will make you scream my name!"

Sandy rolled her eyes. 'Boys and their dicks! They think it makes them superior, but then he is right; it does make me scream his name.'

"Is he standing tall and all hard for me?"

"Of course, dear,"

"Slip down your zipper and let the 'big guy' free."