The Culprit (4)

After Maxi decided to get her phone, she hurried inside and directly to the towels. She was in a panicked state as she tried to think of what had happened. With one only thought in her mind to try to get to Mirabel Thalia over the phone, she did not have the mind to pay attention to anything else.

At that time, she had not realized that no one had come out then, even amidst all that ruckus. Baby Collin had cried at the top of his lungs, and it was so piercing that it would have woken up anyone who was asleep, but no one came out to find out why.

Just as she reached for the phone, she heard the sound of footsteps, slow and steady, coming from one of the corridors at the top of the stairs. She instinctively glanced up and saw young Master Richard standing there.

She took an involuntary step back just out of instinct.