Back to the cage Part I

"What did you say? My boat was bitten?!?”

“Yes, that’s what they said.” He gave me a sheepish smile as my eyes opened wide enough to fall out of their sockets. I ran my fingers through my hair, deep in thought. I gazed at the sea which was much more peaceful than the day I had lured the sharks. Small waves hit the shore, but that did not make me feel any better.

“Nobody recovered it?”

“There are many sharks in this area, so no one dared to go down.”

“What do I do? I need to use…!”


I snapped my head at the sound of a boat engine to see a speed boat driving around not far away. The driver was a regular tourist who was sailing without any worries of something dragging him down into the sea. I looked at it with interest, trying to read the letters engraved on the boat.

‘Jiffy’s Boat’

“Jiffy’s it a boat rental place?” I asked the man, and he nodded.

“Yes, tourists mostly go there for rentals.”

“Do you know where it is?”