I just got back home and saw Chloe in front of my house. When she saw me she went close.

"What was the post about? I thought you both don't have romantic relationships?!" Chloe exclaimed. I was about to calm her down but. "Don't touch me!" I was surprised by her actions.

"There weren't. We were not even aware that someone took a photo of me and Elijah. They even edited Alice and Paul out." I explained to her.

"Oh really? The pictures were very clear of how he ruffles your hair and smiled sweetly. I thought we were friends. You said you don't have feelings for Elijah. I trusted you!" She spoke angrily. I could see her hands forming a fist.

"And I don't have feelings for him. Like I said, Elijah and I are friends." I calmly replied to her. She sarcastically laughed.

"Hah! And these photos are fake? Don't play with me Dione, the people commented that you two were always together on campus and they even gave evidence in the comments of how you'd make a beautiful couple."

"Why did you even assume that we are always together? Alice and Paul are always with us!" I was getting frustrated.

"You made me a fool. Here I thought you like Marco, turns out you're just a flirt." And I snapped. I slapped her.

"I can't believe you could say that. You really believed in that nonsense post than your own best friends words?! Just for a guy? Haha. I'm disappointed of you Chloe. I thought you know me better." My voice broke. "Let's end our friendship then. Chase Elijah for all I care."

I left her without hearing her word and slammed the door. My tears are flowing down my face. I can't believe she could say that to me. I went to my room before Aunt Flor saw me crying. I dialed Alice's number.


"Alice." My voice still broke.

"Dione? Are you alright? Why are you crying? Are you alright?" She worriedly asked. I didn't answer and just cried my heart out. I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep.

I just woke up from crying too much last night. My eyes, nose and head hurts. I coughed a little and someone just opened the door.

"Knock, knock?" It was mom!

"Mom." I cried. Mom looked worried at my face and hugged me.

"Oh, sweety. What happened?" I cry as I told her everything. She just caressed my back and assured me that everything would be alright.

"Why don't you skip school just for today? I'll just make an excuse in your school that you're not feeling well." Mom said and kissed my head. I nodded.

"I'll text Alice." I told her. She nodded and left me to make a call. When I hit the send button, I saw Alice's number calling me, so I answered.

"Tell me what happened." she demanded. I sighed and told her.

"So Chloe unfortunately, believed that you two are dating? That's so unlike her!"

"Please don't, I think it's my fault. I should have cut off contact with Elijah." I sadly said.

"And why? It's not your fault that you both got to know each other first, also, it's childish to think that you both have feelings even when you've been actually assumed by your own best friend. I can't understand her!" She said out of frustration. I laughed a bit.

"Why are you more stressed than I am? I should be the one ranting about it, not you."

"You're both my best friends. Also, Chloe just texted me that we should meet up. I'll talk knock some senses to her. So childish!" She snorted.

"Alright, I'm going to skip school today, mom suggested it so I can be away from reality for a day." I happily said.

"See you tomorrow, I'll visit you." She said then hung up. I'm grateful to have a friend like Alice.

3rd person's pov

Alice was headed to the café where Chloe was waiting for her. She was fuming mad because Chloe made Dione cry. But she remained calm because she only knew Dione's side of the story. Now, she will get to both sides of the story. When she went inside the café, she quickly saw Chloe waving at her. She had a red cheek.

'This must be from Dione's slap.' She thought to herself. She remained unbothered and sat down.

"Hey, what's up?" Alice asked. Chloe puts down her drink.

"I want to talk about Dione." She directly told her.

"What about her?"

"Are you also aware of her relationship with Elijah?" Alice's eyebrow was raised.

"Who wouldn't? They are friends. Why do you suddenly ask that?" Chloe revealed something from her phone. The posts, comments, and her Dms.

"oh wow, I didn't expect the publisher turned out to be someone I know." She smirked. Chloe was confused.

"What do you mean?"

"You're not the only one who has an entitled queen bee at school, the person who Dmed you was Ivy, an entitled queen bitch at our school who likes Elijah and wants to ruin Dione and I's peaceful lives. Who would've thought that she would pull up some tricks and involve you into our feud." Alice snorted. Chloe was shocked and flustered.

"What? Then why would she dm me?" She was confused.

"Are you dumb or something? It's already been spread like wildfire that you are courting Elijah. And I know it's one of your friends in college that you told spread the rumor and it was heard by Ivy and shifted you as her target." Alice rolled her eyes. The pieces have come together, and Chloe just realized what she just done.

"Oh my gosh, and I took out my anger on Dione." She regretted it. Alice stared at her.

"What did you do?" Chloe averted her eyes. "Yeah right, I already heard from Dione. You blamed her and said awful things to her. As your friend also, I'm quite ashamed of your actions. You two were friends since like forever even before I joined you two in high school. Why on earth would you choose to believe in a false rumor than your best friend? I'm quite disappointed to be honest. I dislike what you did. If it wasn't for my long-time friendship with you, I don't even dare take up your offer on meeting up right now. Although I had no choice because I wanted to knock some senses on you, and it worked. But unfortunately, the conversation ends here now that you have learned who did who. I can't stand being here with you after what you did to Dione." Alice controlled her anger and carefully not to say anything mean to Chloe who is in verge of tears. "I'll see myself out." She then left.

Chloe stared at her drink for a long time. Regretting what she had done to her friend.

'I'm such an idiot.' She thought. Tears streamed down her face. She quickly wiped it so no one will saw or notice it.

"Are you alright?" A familiar voice caught her attention. When she lifted her head, she saw…