3rd person's pov

"Elijah?" She was shocked at his sudden appearance. "What are you doing here?"

"I was about to buy some coffee. Wait, why are you crying?" He seemed worried because Chloe was teary-eyed.

"Ah um, it's nothing, I was just sad about the movie I just watched, haha." She awkwardly brushed off her tears, but Elijah was not convinced. He knew something was off, but he didn't ask further.

"Alice and Dione are not with you?" He asked.

"Alice was here earlier, as for Dione, um, we're fine, I guess?" She awkwardly answered while roaming around her eyes to avoid eye contact.

"Did something happen to both of you?" She sighed.

"I though she would tell you when you're also involved with our argue." She blinked. Elijah shrugs.

"We don't really message each other. All our Dms are mostly about school stuff or when we hangout with Alice and Paul. We mostly interact in person than in chats, I don't want her to be uncomfortable." He flatly smiled. "Anyway, why am I involved? Is it because of the rumors spreading?" Chloe's nervous face said it all. Elijah just chuckled.

"Why would you believe in such baseless rumor? It's true that I like Dione romantically, but she only likes me as a friend. Such an Aromantic girl indeed." Chloe could tell Elijah's expression that he was telling the truth. "Did you assume that the gossip site was true?"

"Yes. Your school also provided clear pictures about it and I just…" She couldn't finish her word because she felt ashamed. Elijah smiled softly.

"Whatever your problem with Dione, I know that you two will make up, after all, you're both friends." Elijah cheered her up. Chloe faked a smile.

'If only that's true.' She sadly thought.

"Anyway, I need to go first. I still got errands to do." Elijah waved and left. Chloe was left alone again.

'How can I make up for Dione?'


Dione is just hanging around the living room, watching Barbie movies when her mom served her some freshly baked cookies.

"Mom, I forgot to ask why had you come home suddenly?" Dione asked. Her mom smiled and sat down next to her.

"I came because I missed you. I was expecting to be a happy reunion, well, unexpected things always happened." She giggled. She then caressed Dione's hair.

"Now then, who's the boy you two fought about?" Dione coughed.

"Mom!" She whined. Her mom laughed. "His name is Elijah, Elijah Anderson."

"Oh, Mr. Anderson's son? He is one of our clients and we are somewhat invested in their business. Nice taste." Her mom teased. Dione sighed in frustration.

"Like I tell you, I don't like Elijah romantically, we are only friends! I am also shocked about how they gossip about it in a group and post it. What's more is Chloe actually believed that gossip instead of me. It didn't occur to me that we would get caught up in some gossip. People really have ways in making a gossip so they can throw shade." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh darling, it's a typical college thing. That's what make it exciting." Her mom commented. Dione sighed again and just opened her phone. There were a lot of notifications from her phone. The main context of it is about her and Elijah which makes her irritated. She excused herself to make a call. In just two rings, he answered.

"Eli." She greeted.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Did you also get a lot of notification? It's irritating me." She expresses her distress.

"uh huh, I don't mind about it but hearing that you look a stress about it, why don't we just post that we're friends?" He suggested.

"They won't believe it. I'm unbothered about that gossip to be honest, but a beep of a notification every second is raising my anger issues." She sighed. Elijah laughed on the other line.

"I'll do something about the platforms, don't worry." He assured her.

"Thanks Eli." She then hung up.