Evil Step-Brother

Lucy's lips curved into a small smile. She didn't know how to react at this point since the lady in front of her eyes didn't share a simple relationship with her boss.

If rumors are to be believed, she was the ex-girlfriend of Mr. Walker, who later on dumped him to jump into the arms of his half-brother with whom he didn't get along with.

Initially, when she heard it, she didn't pay any heed to the same.

With time spent in the office, it was hard to ignore the words and the gossip flowing into the air.

As much as Lucy tried to not appear in front, the lady tried to keep her out of their talks.

And then her eyesight shifted to Davis on hearing his sarcastic remark, "Sierra Shen, people need to earn love and respect. But I believe you aren't worthy of the same."

Davis remarked and this twisted Sierra's lips.

"Are you saying that whatever we had wasn't true? tsk tsk, maybe you can lie with your mouth but is your heart ready to lie too?"

"Stop that drama for once, Sierra. Why are you still interested in remaining in that past? Are you perhaps sorry about leaving me and getting in touch with a playboy?" Davis's smirk was simply an insult in Sierra's direction and subconsciously, Sierra could feel Davis mocking her.

'He is trying to play with your mind, Sierra.' she knew deep down, Davis wasn't over her.

Otherwise, why would he not move on and be on public display with his lady girl like he was with today?

However, then she saw a beautiful woman standing beside Davis, not in work attire but in a gown. As much as she wanted to inquire, Sierra kept it to herself and carried herself with absolute grace,

"Davis..." She took a step closer in the direction of the man opposite her. Her eyes never tore from his perfect jaw which was itself making her legs feel weak.

As much as she wanted to crash this, her tactics to seduce would never fail. Sierra winked her eyes twice and mumbled his name under her breath to finally put her hand over the collar of his coat. Slowly, her eyelashes looked at his face, "You look handsome tonight, have I told you this?"

"Miss Shen, I think you are forgetting that we are at the banquet. If the rumors spread that a supermodel is seducing her current boyfriend's brother and ex so openly, I'm sure it would only boost your reputation isn't it so?" Davis smiles but it didn't reach up to his eyes.

Hearing his words, Sierra found herself sweating. As if a bucket of cold water has been poured on her head. Subconsciously, she took a few steps back with her wide eyes staring back at Davis. "Y-You...Davis!"

"Miss Shen." unwillingly Lucy spoke her name to make her presence known.

Despite acting ignorant of the closeness between the two people, she looked annoyed. 'Has she forgotten that I'm standing just beside him?' Until now, no one took her for granted.

As if hearing her voice, Sierra gave her a glance, "Did I ask you to interrupt my words with Davis?"

"You have forgotten where we are. I think y-"

"Brother!" Suddenly a voice pulled all of them from their dramatic encounter.

They turned their faces to find no one else but Denis Walker, someone Lucy wasn't much familiar with except the name.

Denis walked up to them with his wine glass and suddenly tugged Sierra into his arms. His hands slid through her waist in a sweet gesture when he gave her the sweetest and most lovable smile to which she returned with an awkward seal to cover up her expressions.

"Baby, I was looking for you.."

"Oh, I came here to greet your brother..." she mumbled under her breath but her heart stopped when Denis tightened his grip around her body, pulling her closer to his body. "Hmm. Now I see why you look surprised. You didn't expect him to come here, did you?"

With this, Denis moved his eyes to look at this elder brother, "Your presence is very crucial in our shining empire. I'm glad you showed up, Davis."

"Seems like you are very pleased. I'm happy to see you here too. But I shouldn't be surprised since you end up going to every banquet since there are few legs that you might enjoy." Davis replied and took a sip of his wine.

Listening to his words, Lucy wasn't able to hold her laughter. Just as she chuckled, it gained everyone's attention, especially Denis whose eyes grossed at her figure before landing on her face.

"Such a good-looking lady. I'm wondering what are you doing with my brother tonight?"

His earlier intentions of making Davis jealous while hocking Sierra in his arms vanished into thin air. When he realized that Davis's expressions hadn't been altered since the moment he held Sierra in his arms, he knew that this man wasn't going to give him any reason to entertain.

Yet then his gaze fell upon a lady, whose dress would seem better out from her body right now.

Without knowing much about the man, Lucy assumed him to be a normal brother of Davis. "Good evening, Lucy Warner."

"Ahh..Lucy Warner. That's why I felt that I had seen you somewhere, it was in my brother's office." Denis commented and Lucy simply smiled without replying back.

But on the other end, his eyes curved in meaningful glare which neither missed.

Sierra dug her nails into her hands and Davis wanted to burn Denis into a fire. His eyes were full of fury for eyeing Lucy with his stalking eyes. He took a step ahead and was ready to mend back but then he heard Denis coming back at his face and smiling gently.

But no one knew Denis more than Davis. Knowing that his half-brother will never smile at him, without any reason. Davis waited and was approached by a hug by Denis, who came near his ears to whisper in his own laughing tone and then passed the last warning.

"You have one month, Davis. After that, don't forget I will end up snatching everything from you....just like I did before. See you with nothing, Davis Walker."