She's here!

Lucy didn't know how much time had passed since she sat under the tree. As much as she tried to forget about her responsibilities, they were hovering over her head like a never-ending treasure.

She lifted her eyes to find herself looking at the sky again but this time, a cloudy one. 'It will rain soon..'

However, then her phone notification rang which caught her attention. She moved her trace to find herself staring at a message from her boss.

'I need my files by tomorrow. Is everything fine at your end?'

A small message which made Lucy realize that she had run away from her office that day.

'I didn't even tell anyone about my emergency...not even applied for a leave..' thoughts struck her head and she knew she had to rush.

Yet her heart was lingering about the soft spot. A ray of hope ignited in her head when she recalled the agreement that Mr. Walker offered her.

"That...marriage..." It was a step up to even reconsider it.

Slapping her face, Lucy almost wanted to snap out of this dream. It was a big decision but she had to deal with it no matter what. She got up from her place and looked for a taxi and gave him an address.

"Take me to this address, please."


half an hour later

Lucy looked outside the window to see the heavy pouring of rain. But her gaze was stagnant at the sight of the large villa inside the big campus.

Outside the security guards were standing at the door but Lucy was in a daze.

"Miss, my fare..." The driver said and it brought her out of the dream. She paid the fare and stepped out in the rain without caring about her wet clothes even a bit.

Right now, she needed the courage to face what was waiting for her inside this.

Her white shirt was drenched but she showed least disappointment. With a blank face, Lucy walked to the entrance and the guard came up to her.

"Who are you, lady?"

"I-I need to meet your boss, Mr. Walker. Please tell him that Lucy Warner is here..."

The guard took her appearance in regard. In his eyes, she looked quite pitiful without an umbrella as everyone was standing with an umbrella over their heads.

"I will convey this."

The guard passed the order to someone else and Lucy kept quiet. She watched him talking with her and then coming back to her to tell. "You can go inside, Miss Warner."

Taking a deep breath, she saw the large gate opening for her. With her feets stepping inside the territory, she only walked like a lost soul in her dream. She knew the place's outlook but today, she wasn't here for formal work.

Her heart was cutting inside her chest but she controlled her urges and approached the huge mansion in the middle of the ground.

Standing in front of the door, Lucy gulped and her shivering hand pressed the doorbell and waited for a few minutes...

'This is all for you...Adam...' she sweetly muttered and her dazing eyes glittered on seeing the lighthouse of the man in front of her, who was as shocked as hell at her presence.



In the middle of the night, Liam and Davis were preparing for the project they inspected a few days ago.

"I think it will be perfect. Our clients will be satisfied with the increase in sales."

"Hmm..I feel it will work. But make sure our department presents it in such a way that our clients realize that we are saving their expenses and we are the only one who will do so with them." Davis told what he wanted and Liam nodded his head.

Liam was in his blue-colored round-neck t-shirt with beige color trousers for the time at home. Liam came in his comfortable informal wear and they went on to discuss a few more deals until Davis interrupted their talks. "Have you talked with Ms. Warner, Liam?"

Liam stopped his work and shook, "I tried reaching her but nobody answered. By tomorrow morning we will all get to know what happened to her."

"I hope everything is fine because she left in a very emergency." Davis expressed his thoughts but Liam only laughed. "Is that all? I thought you were very much interested in taking her as a contract bride. But I see you didn't fast track that plan."

Hearing this, Davis got up from his coach without showing any expressions. He walked to the mini bar and made a glass of wine for himself and took a sip out of it,

"She isn't willing. She's too naive to believe in love and shit."

"That's not a completely bad idea either," Liam told and gained a chuckle from Davis who didn't believe in him.

"She is still very young. When she grows up, she will understand that life is...never about love and stuff. It's about compromises.." Davis's eyes glimmered, but he didn't say much.

Afterward, he heard his telecom ringing and Liam picked it up. Davis heard Liam giving instructions and asked, "Who is here at this hour?"

Liam turned his face and gave Davis Walker a wink, "You will see once our guests are here."

Just from Liam's look, Davis knew something was strange. There was no way someone would come to his home at this hour, not even his hard-core enemies-his brother and brother's girlfriend.

He finished his drink and then they heard the doorbell ringing a few minutes after the call. The maid was ready to open it but Davis stopped her.

"Let me take a look." saying this, he walked out the door and opened it in one go, until his heart skipped a beat at his sight.



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