I will not cheat

Lucy kept her head on the bed but the lights were still lighting up the room. She absent-mindedly stared at the ceiling above her without blinking her eyes for a single second.

She had changed into a nightgown prepared by the maid. Since she had no clothes in this house, this was all she could wear for now. A brown silky gown touched her molds, curves, and her back.

But it was of no concern.

Her heart was beating loudly on recalling the events of the day, how she got married while her brother has no hint about this wedding.

She knew she was bursting on the news reports and the reason Davis blocked all the social media contacts from her phone was so that she doesn't get traumatized in the event of being famous.

But how was she supposed to react knowing she married a billionaire and is in a contract marriage?

'A wedding night in two different rooms.' This was the title she wanted to give herself and her day.

However, it was too soon to say when she heard a notification on her phone. Lucy raised her head and grabbed her phone from the side table to look at the message.

'It is so late, who is messing right now?' Lucy came across an unknown number but it wasn't as alarming as the content of the message.

There were no words but pictures attached.

Initially, Lucy was hesitant about downloading them because of the unknown fear. She had to wet her lips with her tongue and took a deep breath before she tapped on the screen and the pictures were downloading.

As expected, Lucy's eyes widened but they turned normal in a few seconds. Those pictures were normal, yet something in her chest seemed to be getting annoyed.

"Davis and...Sierra..."

In the photograph, Davis was hugging Sierra by her waist and smiling widely. There was a small grin on Sierra's lips and she could see the love blossoming between them.

The second phone showed how closely Davis held Sierra's face near his. He was cupping Sierra's face with his hands and his thumb was caressing her cheeks.

'Who the hell is sending me this?' that too on her first night of marriage? a scoff left Lucy's lips. "Davis's enemies who don't want him to get married."

Why was she not shocked by the two events? However, Lucy was partially annoyed. Her mood was ruined by the pictures, not because she hated Davis for his past but something she could not easily point out.

Within a few minutes, Lucy put down her phone back on the side table and switched off the night lamps and lights to drift back to sleep.

And to avoid those uncommon emotions...


The next morning, Lucy and Davis were having breakfast and the aunt came to them and left the basket of bread in front of them.

"Thank you.." Lucy muttered.

"No worries, Mrs. Walker. Please have a nice breakfast. We will be sending your lunch along with sirs in the office." Lucy nodded her head and then turned her attention back to Davis who was sitting opposite her.

Since the morning, they hardly conversed and Davis was busy looking at the documents provided to him for the project.

Initially, Lucy was nervous but she bit her lower lip and looked at her plate.

"Davis, I need to tell you something." Lucy's voice got Davis to raise his head and found Lucy not making eye contact with him. "Hmm?"

"I got some pictures last night," Lucy muttered without looking into his eyes. "It was from an unknown number. I don't know who sent them but it seems deliberate."

"Can you show those pictures to me?" asked Davis and Lucy simply passed her phone to him. At first glance, a frown developed on Davis's forehead when he handed the phone back to Lucy.

"It looks like someone wants you to hate me." Davis's speech was filled with sarcasticness but deep inside, he was burning with anger. Did someone dare to pass on those pictures?

But why was he not surprised, just like Lucy who showed no reaction? Davis's face depicted his resentment for such an act but Lucy hardly commented.

"That is the past, Lucy. You don't have to be sad." he didn't know why he said those comforting words, probably how she was still not lifting those twinkling eyes of hers.

On the other hand, Lucy had no words for him. She ate her breakfast in silence and replied plainly, "I'm not sad. I don't have any reasons."

"Is that so?" Davis's brows lifted when he asked, "Then why are you not meeting my eyes, Lucy?"


"Don't say anything. I know what you might be feeling. Anyone will feel anger when they receive pictures of their husband with another woman of the past, even though it is a contract marriage."

Should she be grateful to Davis for how he understood her emotions? She wasn't jealous but it completely ruined her mood to watch Davis smile at someone so lovingly. She never doubted that this man once loved hard, but now knowing that he is her husband and she was in a contracted marriage with her boss....it was awkward to accept.

As expected, Davis didn't ask anymore but only said words. "I can say that I'm not like my father, Lucy. I know the importance of marriage. I will not let you down. You have my promise that I will not look for someone else until I'm bonded with this marriage. I will..not cheat."

Hearing this, Lucy raised her eyes to look at Davis for the very first time since the morning. At first glare, she could see his sincerity and how he wasn't kidding.

"Are you sure?" Despite being cold-hearted, he has urged. But his assurance was exciting. No matter what, Lucy failed to hide the surprise and happiness in her voice.

Without any doubt, Davis watched her emotions and gave her another nod. "I will stick to my words, you have my promise."

"T-Thank you. I never wanted to be labeled as cheated on.." Lucy genuinely expressed herself and Davis smiled. "You will not."

"I will come back after taking the files from the room now," Lucy told him and Davis gave her a nod.

He watched Lucy leave the dining room and then he took his phone to dial Liam's number which Liam answered from the other end.

"Yes, Boss?"

"Help me hack Sierra's laptop and phone. Delete all the photos she has of me, including of us both. She has been feeding on shit..and trying to use it now." Davis's earlier soft tone was cold.

Liam didn't question much except to agree. However, he still asked out of his curiosity, "But boss, is she blackmailing you?"

At this question, Davis once again looked in the direction where Lucy went. A dangerous smirk drew on his lips when he replied.

"Not me. But she is trying to bug my wife. Anything which makes her sad needs to be wiped out as soon as possible."