"Welcome students to the fifteenth annual orientation here at Winnington university".
One of the stakeholders at the academy spoke, and loud. The man had a hearing disorder so the people at the AV stand made sure to be on standby.
Orientations from time unknown was held at one of the largest auditoriums in the school, 'the Larbs hall'.
This structure has hosted international visitors, which have been a lot. They have hosted a series of competitions and seminars for building and driving innovation, most of the effort channeled towards this course did not go in vain.
The school produced lots of intellectual property every year and was highly credibly amongst other institutions. In fact, it's reputation precedes itself.
Winnington University in past years has been featured in many articles and cited a quote from the most renowned one which referred to the as "a pillar of hope in a dying academic world".
This quote can be seen quite often around the school; on banners, inscribed in walls and even in year books.
"We strive to drive Innovation by empowering young people", the man couldn't help but be distracted, people pooled in trying their possible best to be quiet.
Mia was also distracted, she sat beside Darby and Jenna, and some other girls from the block, so the only orientation they were getting was 'getting to know the cute boys'.
On the other side of the sitting arrangement was Breanna, Victor, and some other kids Mia hadn't seen before.
From one end Mia kept sneaking glances at Breanna, and it was the same for Brie .
Everyone literally faded throughout the orientation.
As promised the mandatory attendance accounted for 5% of their grade, the entire school experience was like an unending exam.
"Mia!", Brie called out from where she sat, she thought she spoke softly but was very wrong. Mia turned to see the direction from where her name was called.
"Would you like to hang out later?", Brie whispered.
"What?", Mia responded. Her voice was too low, she really couldn't hear a word.
"Hey, she said to come over dude", Theo, Brie's friend yelled. He was a stunning 6'1, the boy could easily pass off as a model.
"Why was he so rude", Mia wondered. From her end she couldn't see much, all her caught her eyes were his.
A pure dark brown hazel glistering in perfect lighting of the immaculate auditorium. Mia was dazed, she just couldn't concentrate any longer. She was fighting urge to look at the pretty boy who obviously was looking at her too.
"And we hope that in all you do, you keep the dream alive and become the future we prayed for", the director gave his closing remarks which from the point of view of those who listened, was inspiring and unequivocally pleasurable.
There was a clear plan to gather the students, simple and easy. First, the orientation took place on the main campus, a place academy students were prohibited.
Since it was students from all streams, the plan was to gather them outside and into the buses systematically right after attendance had been taken.
Those who were recorded present earlier had to be recorded present afterwards, failure to be present at the time of accounting would lead to dire consequences.
"There's a party tonight, want to come?", Mia read out a text from Brie, loud.
She gave it no thought before saying ,"No".
"Hell no sis, we are not missing a good o'l orientation after-party", Jenna said.
"We?", Mia responded confused.
"Yes, WE, We are going dude and you can't say shit to stop this", Mia was contemplating it. She needed a sign, and a "see you there" from Theo as he walked pass her to get on the bus was solid assurance. His eyes had formed slits, now his iris' were the only things visible.
There was a short transit back to the Academy campus, which to Mia was the longest ride she had ever had. She was scared, the closest thing to a party she had ever been to were chaperoned teen dances and the peak was her graduation after party.
"Hey, this is us, so what's the plan", Jenna bumped Mia with her hip.
"I really don't know", and truly she didn't, after the invite she was quite confused. Was there supposed to be an address or was she supposed to find the party herself?
"It's time, I'll come get you", she was hit by instant confusion as she read yet another text. Jenna grabbed her phone to take a look.
"IT IS TIME! ", Jenna chanted.
"First party of the school year", Darby whooped.
The girls made their way out of the class during lunch and met at the muster point, the academy cafeteria. Apparently the party was on school grounds, in the library at the east side. The library had been abandoned and was only visited occasionally by cleaning staff.
When they talk about driving innovation, they mean so with regards to science.
Art had never really been their forté, the sole reason why a state of the art library with books which contained original stories by past students was left to gather dust.
In every institution, association and gathering, there will always be people who were at the bottom of the food chain and glaringly, people who failed to score an invite to the orientation after party were them—the outcasts.
"What is wrong with you? ", Jenna looked concerned, Mia had turned pale. They were seated at the part of the cafeteria closest to the kitchen door, all the food served here are freshly cooked by seasoned chefs.
Mia shook her head. "No, for real, it can't be nothing", Jenna insisted.
Darby rubbed her shoulders "You can talk to us, if you don't want to go--"
"No, it's not that", she interrupted. She stared at the cause of her unsettledness. It was Theo and his Jet black troubles, his hair was perfectly styled she wondered if he ever had bad hair days.
"I see", Jenna giggled.
You have the hots for pretty boy over there", "I'm right, you like him", her eyes glowed differently as each of the invasive questions came spitting out.
"I don't know whether to say yes, you know after what happened last time", Mia said with a shrug.
"How many times do I have to apologize about that, he was too much of a good deal, I couldn't resist", Jenna pleaded.
"Wow", Darby was utterly displeased and didn't plan on hiding it.
"It's fine, I'll prove it", she said. "Prove what? ", they chorused.
"That I've changed", Jenna responded in confidence.
"How do you intend on doing that? ", Mia asked with arms crossed.
"I will not make passes at any guy you mark, and of course you too Darbs", she took too long to say.
Mia laughed a little under her breath and soon after, Darby, then the three girls began to laugh without seizing.
"Come through the kitchen", a text from an unknown number said. They obeyed, they snuck in through the kitchen doors and made way out of the other door. The door led them outside where they met a familiar Maybach.
It was grey with an inscription at the back that said "Horbs corp". Mia knew she had seen this vehicle before, even the license plate number was oddly familiar. The vehicle parked besides it opened to confirm her suspicions.
It was a huge white truck that brought in fresh produce to be cooked, apparently it wasn't used today before all the food was prepared days before and refrigerated against orientation day. Only few people know this.
Breanna, Victor and some other kids were hiding behind the truck while Jason and Gregory are up front.
Mia instantly remembers, I mean how could she forget, the car belongs to Brie's mum. It seems Theo was put in charge of driving it, that was their ride to the party.
She stood there, cold and confused. Her tight black shows off her long slender legs. It didn't help her condition at all , in fact all it did was draw unwanted attention.
She got another text from the unknown number "what are you waiting for?, A 'go' sign, hop in".
Mia, Darby and Jenna got into the car, to their surprise, Meghan was in front seat.
"So why were you standing there like that, currents", Theo said. Why did he call her currents, was this some kind of sick joke?. That was what Breanna saved her number as. So she gave him her number, why would she do that, and without her permission?
Mia was fuming, she felt so violated.
"How did you get my number?", she asked curtly.
"Hey chill, I stole your number from her phone, now I can feel the electricity she talked about".
But why would he steal her number from Brie's phone?