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The smell of liquor, smoke and potential lust filled the air. The first party of the school year had begun. There were kids from all streams present, it was a recipe for disaster.

No one ever imagined that a place meant to store knowledge would be an excellent party venue. The party organizers strutted in after struggling to get themselves out of the truck. It was at least 14 degrees outside very soon they would start shoveling snow.

Everyone knew to wear double padding, except Mia of course who's cotton dress would soon be the reason for frost bite.

You could tell the party had begun because red plastic cups had already started to litter the place.

Irish, Scott's, American, Canadian, Tennessee, name it. All kinds of whiskey were present at this party. There was a mini bar with all kinds of exotic drinks, from spirits to cocktails.

"Hey dude, did I happen to see a shisha pot somewhere around?", Jason asked.

He smirked, "Yeah, it's next to the stairs". Theo was about to make history.

"So, what do you guys want to drink?", he asked with a great deal of confidence.

Mia scoffed, not just because she couldn't imagine herself drinking at a party, but because she could see how cocky Theo was. At this point she wondered why Brie even hung out with him.

"Pineapple lime chelada", Meghan said.

"Manhattan—", Jenna was saying before she got cut off.

"Hey, come", Theo called out to one of the servers who tied an apron on his waist.

The guy wore a thin shirt despite the cold, his wash board abs couldn't be hidden. It seemed like he would be serving a lot more than drinks.

"Continue—" he said as he waved his hand like a genie fulfilling someone's wishes.

"A mimosa perhaps", Brie said. Each and every order had one this in common, strong alcohol. Mia wondered into the crowd to avoid placing her own order.

She found a corner to stuff her face, no one had really gotten any food since the morning so it was quite convenient when the server walked past with a tray of samosas.

The girl was more than ready to eat a full course meal and her cravings were oddly specific – spicy, savory then sweet.

The next thing she had were jalapeno poppers, it was more spicy than she expected so the guy next to her offered a drink which she politely refused.

After the spice had kicked in she pulled a drink from the first tray she found. It was an aviation, the pink colour was oddly attractive. She got a glass down then had another one.

Not surprisingly, Darby was also at picking up a drink from the tray, the girl was already tipsy.

"Oh, there you are, we've been looking all over for you", Darby yelled over the music. There were too close to the speakers.

"Sorry, I went to find some food", she yelled back.

"The others are back here", she said as she grabbed Mia's hand. As she followed Darby, the sound of the music began to fade and the sound of laughter took over.

It was Theo and the gang, it seemed like the party had another party. A VIP section.

"Hey, she's here", Meghan chanted.

"Yay", they all chanted and clapped. They were playing a game.

"Mia, come sit next to me", It seemed like Brie was also tipsy.

"Okay, shots, shots …..", Greg roared.

"Hey, can you get the shots please" , Jason asked the server. It was the same guy with the really thin shirt and gorgeous torso .

"Okay, the shots are not that strong, it's just Vodka Jello", Greg said in a reckless abandon.

After a couple of shots the room started to spin and Mia was talking a lot more than she would have liked.

"Wait", Meghan stood up, "Where's Theo?"

"I think he's at the beer pong table", Darby replied.

"I want to talk to Theo", her words were slurred.

Mia stared long and hard at the beer pong table and could literally swear that she saw someone familiar.

"Brie, is this party just for academy students?", she asked out of sheer curiosity.

"No, Uni kids usually come, Why'd you ask?".

"Umm, it's nothing". It wasn't nothing, Ethan Johnson was at the party. She vaguely remembered the last place she saw Jenna and made an attempt to warn her.

She walked over to the table very slowly, in her mind she was on full speed.

"Jenna—", she stopped in her tracks. It seemed like Jenna was too busy, Theo had put her on one of the tables.

They had strayed far away from the party. He gently picked her up and put her on the floor, backing her up slowly against the wall .

She was panting slowly trying to catch her breath. His had his hand on the wall, very close to her head. Theo whispered something into her ear, she giggled softly.

He kissed her lips making sure she was terrified anytime his lips left her's. He slipped his hand user her dress and had her other hand intertwined in his.

He pressed her hand against the wall and kissed her neck while pulling her thong down. She was gapping for air .

Each time his lips lefts hers, it came back stronger. She was intoxicated with pleasure, her breathing became heavier as his fingers began to thrust in her, slowly.

Her dress had moved to her upper thigh and was going up higher each time his hand left the middle of her thighs.

Mia stood there with mouth agape as she balled her fists and her hands stayed glued to her side.

She felt everything Jenna did. A large part of her in as much as she would have like to deny it, wanted to stand where Jenna stood.

But she had had enough. All she watched was enough to give her an orgasm and maybe indigestion.

She didn't know how to feel, she just did a walk of shame and met the party at full swing .

"Drinks, who wants drinks?", she asked the crowd.

"Yeah", they chanted in unison. Another round of shots were served and the music got louder. It was about 7pm, it began to get dark out.

A few moments later, the party got more intense. It almost felt like everyone had conserved their energy for the final moments.

Mia had found herself a tray of brownies and shared some with Darby, she let loose and was actually dancing and having fun.

"Where'd you get those brownies from?", Brie asked with sincere concern even if she couldn't feel her legs.

"Ummm, the tray", she pointed to the server who now had his shirt off.

"Oh, no", Brie said while laughing, she fell on the floor attempting to slap the last piece of chocolate fudge brownie from Mia's hand.

There was a lot of talking going on around. Even in her state Mia could see the servers exit and notice the library begin to empty.

"Hey, we got to get out of here", Theo picked her up after hauling most of the people he could out of the library.

She was out of the party and in the car, that was all she remembered. When she woke up she had his jacket on her shoulders.