Mr Richter unlocked the door of his sanctum study place and became quiet flabbergasted to see his son and daughter, sitting on the flooring beside a heap of book.Both were perusing something from the same tome.They were so engrossed with their work that they didn't even notice their father in front of them until he called out their names fondly and tenderly. Juvia and Alvin looked up at him with their innocent eyes and their father went near them.He then sat on the ground crossed-leg in front of their bodies.

He gave a pleasent smile and said,"Alvin,Juvia. What are you two reading?"So Alvin instantly reached out the book towards him saying,"Daddy,It's name is Interfusions,Is interfusion the same thing you use?"It was quite a hefty treatise with 1505 pages.Richter gently took the book and said,"That's right. but why are you two reading it?"

Alvin avidly responded that he and his sister wants to learn to activate their gifted Interfusion too.Their father told them that they are two young to learn Interfusion now but they insisted eagerly to at least teach them that 'What is Interfusion?' to which Richter agreed

Richter held the book.Both,Juvia's and Alvin's heed was towards him.So their father started

,"Interfusion, in simple words means joining or blending two substances to make one.The person who can interfuse things is known as an interfuser.For instance I am a Copper Interfuser and if I interfuse for example tin so it will create a new substance called bronze. Because i joined to substances Copper and Tin to make one this is interfusion. As copper is an easily fusible substance that's why it can blend with most of the substances"

Juvia immediately asked,"Dad,what will copper and zinc form?"


Alvin, after thinking for a while, said,"Dad is there only one kind of Interfusion?"

,"No Dear,there are several types of Interfusions. So many that even i don't know such as Freezing Interfusion,Silver Interfusion, Zinc Interfusion,Electric Interfusion and many other.

The little boy said,"Which is the most extremely strong Interfusion?"

,"It depends on the Interfuser, how skilled the interfuser is.But some interfusions which are not based on the elements ,but are directly connected to energy generators are rather more stronger than of the element's, interfusions are not always based on elements they can,as i told you ,also be based on generating energy that means the interfuser owns the energy generator and generates energy using other substances,And Alvin about your question ,the strongest interfusion. The most vigorous one is the Conflagration Interfusion means generating fire from oxygen and fuel,the sun energy,hot atmosphere,friction, sparks and electricity. he can use any of these sources to create fire.It's a very very rare interfusion,there is a rule in this country about this that there can only be one Conflagration Interfuser at a time." replied their father.

Just then Alvin slowly took the book and opened it's last page.Showing it to his father,Alvin said,"Dad as the title says it's Soul interfusion Pentagonum . What does this Interfusion means"

Just as these words reached inside Richter's ears his mien suddenly became grave.He became deadly serious he closed the tome and stood up saying,"It's something that someone does't needs to know.....but you should know it's forbidden.It never succeeds and remember my words.Never ever try to commit it or else there will be a dark fate waiting ahead for you." and then he went out of the room leaving the two kids gazing at him



Still 5 years ago:

Denmark, the country of whom Lisa Bernstein was training to become the youngest soldier at the age of 16.She was as well the daughter of the Danish Prime minister.Denmark was the state in which she opened her eyes.She was known as "Leaina" for her such straightforwardness towards justice and for her courage towards the foe even after being a female.Her father "Darren Bernstein" had treated and had cherished her up like as on from a premature age and the repercussion came out as her unpredictable fortitude, pluck,aptness and loyalty.Darren was the father of three children names Leviathan,Leonard and Lisa.Leviathan was the firstborn amongst his siblings. He had been raised up with unusual respect because of his pre-eminent intellectual skills and desire to lead his country and nation,Two years passed and Leviathan developed into a 21 year old person, Lisa attained her age till 18 and Leonard became 13 years old.In these two years Darren was arrested in a fatal disease from which demise was absolute and after two years he died.Then a meeting was held in which all the militarian officers were invited.As Leviathan was The General Of The Army he was also a part of the military he was also consisted in the invited guests.In the meeting an anonymous person whom the officers present there called "Ours Truly" was also there.Leviathan knew that he would be the next Primi Minister as he had won the elections.There was also an another person in the conference whom Leviathan hadn't ever met or seen before but it seemed like the others were wary of him quite well.Leviathan wasn't conscious of Ours Truly either.Then Ours Truly made a speech regarding the country and it's nation in the end of which he said

,"This man Mathew Anderson will become the next Prime Minister ."

On hearing this Leviathan became inflamed and vented,"What's nonsense are you uttering! I was elected by the nation .I am supposed to be the next Prime Minister and Who are YOU to decide this!"

Ours Truly and the others were all cal there and after Leviathan had stopped shouting he said

,"Young man don't go on the warpath,This country doesn't cares who wins the elections. I and only I am the one to declare and decide the next King."

,"What kind of policy is that!How can a stranger grant the seat to anyone he likes. Wouldn't you all oppose him!"

Just as he said his last words a wicked grin appeared on everyone's face which made Leviathan tongue-tied.

"Hm....." Ours Truly spoke,"Leviathan actually this process has been running down from the first day this country came into being.Every ruler was selected like this,even your father too....because this country was made on the base of succeeding an experiment and the person who is made the Prime Minister is responsible for it's continuity.This is our policy and Yes Leviathan if you still insist on becoming the Prime Minister then the seat warmly welcomes you if you assent with our conditions....because we'll highly admire a well-born ruler like you.

Leviathan was ambiguous but he estimated power more than anything and so he asked him about the experiment and the the conditions.



Leviathan and Ours Truly were sitting eye-to-eye alone in a room.Leviathan said,

"So....explain me your mission and conditions."

,"I bet that you know about Soul Interfusion as you are also an interfuser right? Silver interfuser."

,"Yes I do,but not much, not even want to know because i don't want to fall in forbidden things."

"But know I think you should learn as much as possible."

,"What do you mean?"

,"I mean...the succeeding of Soul Interfusion."

When Leviathan heard this his orbs opened wide and he was startled to hear what the man was saying.He became speechless.Ours Truly continued,

"I know you would have heard that it never succeeds but the truth is....there IS a way to make it succeed.The race of Danish Kings and Prime Ministers have been passed down giving their efforts to enter the Dungeon of sins and contracting with the Devil"

,"I don't have a single point of what you're talking about."

,"So I see you're a newbie.So listen now....Soul Interfusion means creating a soul and a soul is made up of 5 components; Rationality, Appetite, Sense, Emotions and the last component has not been discovered yet.If we obtain the last component too and combine all these components we can also create a soul but it hasn't succeeded yet because we are not allowed to do this ,neither we know the last component.Whoever commits Soul Interfusion gets nothing in progress instead he is snatched with one of his soul's components or maybe more awful then that but we have figured out a way to enter the dungeon of sins but only the ones come back alive who makes the commitment with the devil....Years have passsed out but still no one has been able to accomplish the thingS that the devil demanded."

,"What is the commitment?"

,"You'll know yourself after doing the Soul Interfusion."

Leviathan became terrified to hear this.He asked Ours Truly that Does he have to commit Soul Interfusion to become the King and Ours Truly replied as a yes.

Leviathan thought for a while but still the split of desire was heavier and so he acquiesced that too.Leviathan then asked of the provisions and Ours Truly said that the conditions will be told when the coronation day will be held.



The day came when Leviathan would become the Prime Minister of Denmark.In the Folketing Leviathan took the oath in front of all the chairmen and the parliament.His family was present there too.After that just as he was about to sit on the seat Ours Truly ceased him and told him,

"First the conditions then the seat." The Bernstein family got bemused by Ours Truly's wordings but all the chairmen and the military officers seemed to be quite understanding the overall scenario because they were all involved in the guilt.Ours Truly loudly said,"The condition or i should say the pay for this seat,seat of Prime Minister is that he who becomes the Prime Minister of Denmark mustn't have any blood relations,if any then they should be killed."

This declaration from the man's mouth opened the eyes of the Bernstein Family including Leviathan's.Lisa,Leonard and Karolin, their mother were gazing at Leviathan in a manner as if they were looking for an answer.Just then Leviathan cried out in anger

,"What the hell are you saying .You're asking me to kill my own family! What kind of demand is this!" More than what Ours Truly said Lisa was flabbergasted by Leviathan's words. Lisa started in an alarmed tone,"Conditions? What conditions? Where did this matter landed from? Levi what kind of condition is he talking about? What is going in between you two?"

Leviathan became nervous as he hadn't informed his menage about the policies.Ours Truly,recognizing the situation said,"Oh! so I see you haven't made your family aware of this matter yet."

Leviathan was at a loss of speech.Lisa cried out to him that what was he hiding from them.The sitch was adding fuel to the fire as Leviathan wasn't answering and his sister was struggling for him to respond.After a couple of minutes Ours Truly spoke,"Leviathan you're taking too much time to decide.I'll say it again,you have to choose one;your family or power."

These words created death silence there. Karolin spoke to his son with hope,"Levi,Is it even a thing to think of.Why don't you just quit the seat."

Leviathan's head was down and he wasn't listening to anyone.He was in a deep thought.All he could imagine was his own future,his own destiny.He was unconscious towards his surrounding as if he was present in a dark world with dark notions.Everyone there was biding their time for his response After a long while he gradually lifted his head up and faced his family.He stared vacantly at them for a short while and then facing the people he braced himself and at last spoke

,"A person like me lived for his goals as well as for his loved ones but when they see their aims tearing apart in a single flash they think, was this the result they were looking for......I....I can't afford to lose my dreams nor my family but when things go this way then Power is given priority....I choose power to be more worthier to me than my family.I choose to become The President of this country."

The sentence entered in the ears of his family as if they were sharp knives .They all became motionless and their senses shaken up with agony and bewilderment.They couldn't accept the fact that Leviathan uttered those phrases especially Lisa who had ever looked at Leviathan in the place of her father but at that moment it seemed like that father turned into a stranger.This was the wildest thought she couldn't have ever acknowledged.Leviathan himself was feeling grieve to think that what result he was giving to his mother who cherished him up,what result he was giving to his sister who always stood abreast him no matter how the circumstances were but nevertheless it felt as if he had lost all his memories the only thing revolving in his mind was regime.

Tears began to shed from his mother's eyes and she told him that he had ruined all her expectations.Ours Truly ordered the soldiers present there to kill his family members.Leviathan turned around and then two echo of gunshots were heard and Leonard and Karolin fell to the ground.That jiff felt like hell for Lisa.She stood there frozen from head to toe.She stared at the dead bodies,the blood flowing on the ground from their heads.The sight left her rooted to the spot.Then the voice of gun load was heard and the soldier pointed his gun in her direction but before he could shoot Lisa shouted out with tears in her eyes,tremble in her voice and wrath mixed with sorrow in her heart

,"Leviathan! Remember this seat that is precious to you will become hell for you.Your life will be filled with grief and agony.Every moment,you'll yell for death.Your fate will only be misery and despair.Remember! I will never forgive you NEVER!!!!"

His heart was also crying but he had came to the point from where he can't return suddenly he spoke,"Stop!" Ours Truly looked at him and told him that he has to get rid of his all family members.Still,with his head down Leviathan answered,"I can't let anyone kill my sister."

Then he turned back to face her and with his gun in his hand he said,"I'll kill her myself."and then he fired and the bullet went straight in her abdomen and Leviathan said to himself

,"Even if you forgive me too i won't be able to forgive myself....I'm sorry Lisa"



Lisa opened her eyes but she wasn't able to move at all.She was bleeding insanely from the wound.It was so throbbing that she couldn't even stand up.She slowly lifted her head up and saw that there was no one there and beside her were the dead bodies of her little brother and mother,

Lisa knew that her death was at no distance but she told herself,"I-I can't die so easily.If I died then my family won't forgive me.I have to avenge him." The floor was covered in blood.Lisa somehow took out a cloth out of her pocket and placed it over her wound then she tried her best to stand on her feet but it was impossible with such immense pain and bleeding.Her soul was nearly at death's door.The affliction began to grow and she lay still on the flooring waiting for the pain to cease but there was no prospect of surviving without any other persons assist She thought how pitiful she was at the moment.Just then she heard the door open so she put her hand on her gun but when the person came near she recognized that it was Edgar.

Edgar ran up to her and kneeling down to her he said,"Lisa!Lisa you're alive!,,,You're alive and we can both escape from here." And without any sort of hesitation she told him that she is in accord with his opinion.Edgar then lifted her up and they fled from a hidden and unknown passage that directly opened the exit in Damsholte,a village near Marienburg,Their escape was a success

Lisa got her treatment there and fortunately she survived.Lisa and Edgar stayed there as a refugee.



Leviathan had became the Prime Minister and it had been two months since his leadership started.One Day Ours Truly came to him and said

,"Leviathan it's time for you to carry out the experiment."

,"What do I have to do?" asked Leviathan.

,"Soul Interfusion...There is a warning for you...don't look back if you here any voices.Walk up to the dungeon in front of you and then go inside.When you meet the devil tell him that you are here for the contract and accede to everything it says....but remember DON'T LOOK BACK or else you won't be able to return back again"

Then Ours Truly led him into a vacant room and he abandoned him all by himself.Just then Leviathan drew the Soul Interfusion pentagonum and stood in the kernel of the pentagonum .He shut his eyes and focused on his rationality, appetite, sense and emotions.Then he inhaled a deep breath and in a short while blood began to emerge from the pentagonum and loosing consciousness he fainted.He found himself in a completely white world.The limit his eyes could reach was also white and hollow.That place had no exit.Just then he saw a prison in front of him and thought of it that,that was the prison Ours Truly called "The Dungeon of Sins".

Leviathan stood up and walked towards the cellar but just as he took three to four steps he heard a voice saying,"Leviathan why did you abandoned us? These words frozed him right at the spot he was standing at.He was left so aghasted after hearing those wordings that his mouth went agape with bewilderment.And the worst thing was he recognized the voice being of his mother's.

Were we a burden to you,why didn't you saved us.You don't deserve to live....Come back to us", The voice echoed in that void world again .

These words resembled and felt as if someone had put a burning stone over his heart.He wanted to look back but Ours Truly's statement was borne in his mind.With a heavy heart somehow he managed to accelerate forward but the voices kept on echoing in the vast and infinite space again and again.At last moving and moving he touched the bar of the dungeon and the voices disappeared too.Leviathan was out of breath.He gasped for air.His heart and mind both were down-casted but in spite of that he opened the dungeon and walked in .It was pitch black inside and vast as the sky.He kept on walking and walking that he saw a pentagonum but it was of a different kind.It was lit up that's why he was able to observe it.On the pentagonum a tree was made.There were words written on it too but as they were in a different language Leviathan wasn't able to understand them.

.............To Be Continued......

wait for the next chapter