
The tree had seven branches at it's lower part with something written on each of them and at the top of the tree were three massive branches sticking out of it.On each root a word was written.Leviathan kept on glaring it for a brief moment that suddenly he heard a voice that sounded as heavy as thunder

,"A human again,,,,what do you want?" the voice said.

,"I'm here for a contract." replied Leviathan.

,"The soul Interfusion success experiment?"


,"Then agree to what I say,Give away your positive and negative emotions to me."

,"What do you mean?"

,"I mean a human is made up of 2 module Soul and Body.A human can exist without a body but he can't exist without a soul.If I take away your rationality you will lose your ability of thinking,If I take away your appetite you won't lose your standard as a human being nor taking your sense would be useful but if I take away your emotions you will no longer exist as a human because a person without emotions and sentiments cannot be a human.I'll take away the main thing from you."

,"I agree then."

If you humans want soul interfusion to succeed then you must give the last component too but you people don't know that.That's why I have an another choice for you humans."

,"And that is....?"

,"The sacrifice of ten humans who have committed Soul Interfusion."

,"But how can we,whoever does the soul Interfusion does not returns back alive."

,"The people who contain all five components comes back alive the ones who dies are useless as their last component of soul are missing.Every one do not contains all five components the one who does,is very rare and valuable."

,"How can I find those people?"

,"It's non of my business."

,"What!!! You're telling me to find such people in this whole vast world!"


,".....It's easy for you to say but it's impossible....." Leviathan's voice tune changed ,"You have to grant me something if you are taking something from me.....Exchange must be equal"

These words struck to the one who was speaking to Leviathan's hearing that as if he had been waiting from centuries for such a person or words.It said deeply

,"....I think....I've found the right person at last.The one I was looking for,The one I had been waiting from years,The one to prove on my expectations,...The one demanding for equivalent exchange.Some one finally came who understands the meaning of exchange,equality....... ..................then if I'm taking your emotions then I'll grant you with the Ten Amarties."

,"The ten Amarties?"

,"The ten sins which will help you find those people."

Leviathan undertake the instructions and the commitment and started to walk away but abruptly he stopped as something came in his mind

,"Can I ask you one thing?" said Leviathan.

,"Ask..." the voice responded.

,"Who are you?"

,"I've never answered to this question to anyone but now I will....I am...the devil."

Just then Leviathan woke up,gasping and breathing heavily.He sat straight on the ground and got the biggest shock of his life.He saw extremely strange looking 10 people in front of him.Three were on the right side and seven were on the left side.Eight were male and two were females.He asked them that who were they so firstly,from the sevens group,the person with chocolate-cherry colored hairs told his name to be Languor ,the second person with light auburn colored hairs said his name is Arrogance,the third person who was a female with long light ash blonde colored hairs told her name to be Lechery,the fourth person with pure diamond colored hairs told Leviathan to call him Rage,the fifth person who was a young boy with caramel colored hairs said that he is known as Greed,the sixth person who had leather black hairs uttered that he is called Ravenous and the last person from the septet who was also a female with light brown told that she is Malice.Apart from the septet,the people in the trio were giving off an unnaturally dark scent which rather felt evil and wicked to Leviathan.They were looking a little odd from those seven.

The first one of them with sunflower blonde hairs said,"Despair is my name."

the second one with platinum colored hairs said,"You should call me Cozen."

and the last one with silver hairs said,"My precious name is Rile."

All ten of them had scarlet red eyes.They told Leviathan that they would be succuoring and giving their services for him,and help him find those ten human beings,and if there weren't any then they'll make one.



Few weeks had elapsed and Leviathan discovered that his sister was alive and well,and was currently in Damsholte. The news spread fast and reached into Ours Truly's acknowledgement.He sent the soldiers to arrest her in Damsholte. He had ordered 'Kill at first sight'.

The soldiers reached the village but before they could find Edgar and Lisa ,they had fled to Germany and were staying in a hotel,concealing their true Identity and appearance but it was not long until their true self was revealed.

Ours Truly sent a request letter to the President of Germany.The letter said;

,"Most Dignified President,Nathaniel Twain,

I want to state that a traitor who is a soldier belonging to Denmark has absconded into your country.She was ordered to be killed and currently she is staying in the Gianzen hotel near Strasbourg accompanied by a name Edgar Vincent.I respectfully request you to arrest them and hand them in the authority of Denmark .We would be very obliged for receiving a positive response


The Danish Folketing"

At that time Heim Richter was the General of the Army and Jason Aldrich was the Major General.Nathaniel discussed this matter with Richter and Aldrich as they were the very ones on whom Twain trusted completely.

,"Richter and Aldrich I'm giving you the responsibility of bringing those two to me unharmed.We can't simply handover someone who takes refuge in our country.First I'll investigate them on my own accord and then decide whether they should be handed over or not." The President said.



Lisa and Edgar were sitting at a table

,"Edgar,foe how much more long we'll stay like this?" Lisa interrogated Edgar,"Some day our real Identity would be revealed."

,"You're right but till that day we have to stay hidden" replied Edgar.

There was an uncomfortable silence maintained then as Lisa was willing to put a question to Edgar.After a couple of minutes she spoke with a blank expression on her face

,"Edgar,I want to ask you something."

,"I'm listening" Edgar responded to her.

,"....Why did you saved me risking your own life?"

Edgar went a little puzzled on a sudden inspect and after a short while he looked straight at her and said

,"The thing is...that we were comrades and companions as well,We've been raised together.I'm loyal to you as a soldier and as a person who cares for the right.What good would it have given me if I had mingled with those brutales ,with those deceivers.It was better to die then being accompanied by wrong-doers and the other thing is....." He hesitated a little before saying the full statement but then when Lisa looked at him with doubtful eyes he added, "......Mr Leviathan told me to save you and helped me in absconding."

The words left Lisa's stare wide open with astonishment and Edgar informed her further that Leviathan willingly didn't shot her at the place where death was confirmed instead he shot at the point where she would be able to remain alive and helped me in rescuing you ,Lisa was bewildered but still she was in much grief and agony on remembering what her brother had done that made all his words and acts useless near her,There was nothing that could make her forgive him.

Suddenly they heard a jarring noise of door knock which drew their attention to the door.They both stood up as they were getting a sense of peril.Edgar spoke,"Who's there?"

So they heard a man's voice dictating them to surrender .They both became alarmed and Edgar took out his gun instructing Lisa to hide into an another room.She did as she was told and Edgar stood there alerted pointing his gun in the entrance's direction.

The door broke open out of the blue and in came the German soldiers.They told him to surrender but he didn't gave a positive response neither he shot as it could determine him a criminal or impostor.One soldier said,"Where is your accomplice?"Edgar answered that he was all alone but the soldiers showed suspicion in his statement.In the other instance Jason Aldrich stepped in.Edgar was taken aback by his abrupt aspect in the scenario,Aldrich asked him the same question that the soldier had repeated before but Edgar also replied the same as he had replied to the soldier.He knew Aldrich but Aldrich wasn't familiar of him.Without arguing with him Aldrich began to walk towards the room Lisa was in.Edgar went alarmed

Aldrich took hold of his gun and pointing it into the front ,he slowly opened the door,but went shaken to see Lisa pulling out her gun at him at the same time as he was but when they saw each other it felt like a bolt from the blue.It was unexpected,It was unbelieving.They both became motionless with their eyes stalked at each other. Aldrich knew her and Lisa was aware of him as well as they usually met in military meetings and Independence day ceremonies.Darren also knew Aldrich and they were quite good friends and allies. Aldrich was formally friendly with Lisa and Leviathan too but at that time He was extremely perplexed to think that how can she be a traitor.There was no way or thing that could make him believe that.Despite the situation he told her to hand over herself to him and also satisfied her that he won't cause her any harm unless she resists but Lisa said

,"How can I believe you?"

,"There's no other option.." Aldrich said.

And unwillingly Lisa and Edgar got into the hands of the military.



Lisa and Edgar were sitting in front of Nathaniel by their knees and Aldrich and Richter were standing beside him,Nathaniel declared his words,"I'm stunned to see that the traitor is Lisa Bernstein, a proud soldier of Denmark."

"I am not a traitor.", with her head down she uttered breaking the last two syllables.

"I think the same dear child but i can't either think exactly to your words unless you don't prove them right",in a gentle tone the President remarked.

There was a complete silence there as no one spoke and then suddenly tears began to emerge from her moist eyes and rolled down her cheeks.The others stared at her in fret and gradually she explained each and everything about the whole tragic incident which that left everyone doing a double take.

Nathaniel gently told her to stand up and raise her head.He told her to look in his eyes.Then with a sympathetic tone in his voice.Encouraging her he said

,"My child,it's okay now.We never doubted you in the first place.You're like my own daughter to me.I have seen you from your birth till now and there's nothing that can make me believe what Denmark says.I know you're innocent.You don't have to worry because you are now in the protection of Germany,"

And after that Germany became the home and country of Lisa and Edgar.They both were shifted in the military.Edgar became the First Lt. and Lisa became the Colonel because of her exceptional abilities though she was unexperienced but Richter and Nathaniel felt it beneficial for her as she can gain her confidence back like this. Nathaniel sent a letter to the Republic of Denmark which said;

Respected Republic of Denmark,

Me Nathaniel Twain doesn't allows Denmark to take over someone who is innocent from their country.I have investigated the whole matter and the result has came as the decision that Lisa Bernstein does not deserve death therefore she will now reside in Germany with her companion Edgar Vincent.


Nathaniel Twain

When Ours Truly received the letter he became extremely furious and the matter went so sensitive that it caused a war between the two countries,Denmark and Germany.The warfare carried on till 11 months and 3 weeks in which Heim Richter,Juvia's and Alvin's father died while protecting the boundaries.He was the only cause that prevented the Denmark's army from entering into Germany. On wards Nathaniel began to cherish both his young ones.The war lasted in an agreement that Lisa Bernstein would not be allowed to step out of the limits of a Germany and if she did she will be put to an end.And after the treaty was made the war and dispute between the countries turned to dust and flew away.Again the healthy and good relations between the neighbours were reformed.



Two years later the war,

One day Alvin asked Nathaniel to teach him and his sister their Copper Interfusion so that they can become like their father.So when they their right age came he began to give them training and in 389 days Richter's kids completely learned Copper Interfusion.

One night Alvin was reading about Soul Interfusion with Juvia. Suddenly Juvia said,"Alvin why are you reading it?Dad said not to do it."

"Yeah father said not to do it he didn't said not to read it at least."Alvin sharply replied.

While reading Alvin thought about that what could the last component be and why is it forbidden thing.He asked out Juvia about his suspicions so she answered ,"I have no idea about the last comopent..tent...comtotempt...nent"

,"It's component", Alvin corrected her.

,"Yeah whatever.So i was saying that i have no idea about the last compotent..nent sorry but about the forbidden thing, I think it is prohibited because no one can create a soul except God and though if we do it the only thing we get is nothing but failure and agony instead.That's why soul Interfusion is illegal in the country."

That night Alvin was missing his father to moon and back at such an extent that teardrops were emerging from his innocent orbs down to his fragile cheeks.Today he was feeling the grief that what it feels to be a kid without parents."



That night at about 3 o'clock Alvin heard a knock on the window of his room.As he was awake he took notice of the voice rather than Juvia who was asleep.He walked towards the window and opened it to see who it was but he found no one.

All of a sudden his heed pulled towards a letter that was hanging from the window.He took hold of it and unclosed it to read it and noted that the letter said;

"Today at,Werder,Lab 14,Room-748"



The town mentioned on the letter was a little far from Berlin,the town where Alvin lived. Alvin reached the place after about one and a half hour as he was riding on his bicycle.

Lab 14 was a huge old mansion.It was the property belonging to the military so there were two guards on the front gate. Unwillifngly Alvin had to jump in from the backside wall which was a little broke so he didn't had a hard time climbing it,Alvin quickly ran into the mansion.It was pitch dark inside but not dark enough as to obscure his vision.

Alvin walked up the stairs,there were hundreds of rooms and the room in front of which he was standing at the jiff was room no. 420 and he could see other rooms as well.He started walking ahead taking care of the numbers and at last he reached his desired place,Room no. 748.

Alvin slowly put his hand on the door knob willing to open it and did so.

It was such a huge room which was totally vacant with just a fire place situated in the left wall of the room which faintly lit up the room.Alvin slowly walked inside and felt the ground disappear from under his feet after seeing the soul Interfusion Pentagonum drawn on the ground.The room consisted of an another gate ,

In an instance,that gate opened and in came eight people wearing long black cloaks.Alvin became alarmed that something would ggo wrong.The eight people stoodaround the Pentagonum. All of their faces were covered from the head of the cloak.Just then an another person wearing the same cloak entered the room but he felt a little different from the others.The cloak was covering him from head to toe.He also came and stood at the head of the Pentagonum. Alvin could only see his mouth which had a sadistic smile on.

Alvin said ,"Who are you?"

The person's smile expanded more and he said ,"I am the person born to help people who are vexed from their destiny."

Alvin had now began to sweat bullet sized drops from the sense of fear because the vibe and scent the person was giving out was not seeming to be usual instead he was getting a sense of hazard.

Alvin asked him ,"Why did you called me here?"

,"For the lowest of lowers help shall come as a cruel arrow and passing through the throat it will kill all your sorrows....so kid you are also in agony now, aren't you? I can understand what is the sorrow for losing your father."

This crossed the limits of Alvin's astonishment that how did the person knew so much about him.The person added,"I hope you have a desire deep hidden in that dark heart of yours,desire of bringing him back, Don't you?"

Alvin's blood began to run cold .The person pointing at the Pentagonum said, "Wouldn't you try to bring his soul back through Soul Interfusion?"

Alvin was bewildered from his words .He hadn't expected something like this out of the blue.He went still as death.Somehow he managed to speak,

"I wouldn't do anything like that and if you have called me here only to say that then I'm leaving.."Alvin turned back to leave but suddenly the door shut in his face and the man said,"No prey you can't leave so early." Alvin quickly turned back and got so shocked that his heart skipped a beat.He froze to the very spot.

He saw Juvia in the person's hand who had his knife fixed on her throat and said

,"I'll count to three for you to agree and if you don't then this girl will depart from this world."

He started the countdown but Alvin was so paralyzed that he couldn't even say 'yes' to save his sister and at last when the countdown finished the man ran his dagger on her throat.A splash of blood flew out of her throat leaving her body lying on the ground and at last Juvia closed her eyes.

At once Alvin gained will and shouted out her name with terror,anguish and sorrow in his eyes and voice.Tears accompanied his words.He weeping, fell on his knees seeing his sister dying before his very own eyes.

The person spoke with evilness ,"I hope your sister is someone who is precious for you and you won't abandon her like this.You won't deny to bring HER soul back.....would you?

This time Alvin forgot all about the restrictions and his father's words.He impulsively agreed because he couldn't endure to see the person worth its weight in gold,precious than his own life dying in front of his vision.He swiftly stood in the center of the Pentagonum and deposited his focus to all of his soul's components and in a while the Pentagonum began to bleed and slowly he started to faint but before he could completely close his eyes he saw the biggest terror of his life.He saw that Juvia's body slowly began to disappear.At first he didn't understood what was happening unless the person said ,"I didn't knew illusions were that useful"

And now all that Alvin could think was that he had made an irreversible mistake and now no one and nothing could save him from being destroyed....

To be continued....

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