Alvin opened his eyes and found himself in a null and void white place .He slowly stood up and then bore in mind what had happened.He grabbed his hand and begin singing his blues.In utter tension and regret he blamed himself for what he had done but on the other hand he thought crying is useless because it won't turn the things back as they were

Alvin then saw a cellar in front of him, the dungeon of sins and slowly stepped forward to reach it but suddenly he heard a voice

," broke my trust.I thought you would become a loyal son."

Alvin stopped dead on his step and these words entered his ears as burning stones....AND Alvin committed the biggest mistake by turning back.He looked back with wide orbs and saw a massive metallic door with the word 'αγωνία' {anguish}' written on it.

Suddenly the door opened and some long roots covered in blood moved towards him adagio. Dreaded by the scene he unsteadily cringed backwards and just as he was about to make a run the roots traveled as a flash and grabbed him from all over,seizing his body tightly as not to let him go.Alvin screamed and squirmed,he shouted on the top of his lungs,cried out with fear, kicked the air and tried to resist but escape was impossible once you get caught in the roots. The roots began to drag him inside at a snail's pace and at last when he was finally inside the mouth of it the door shut loudly.

Alvin was sub-conscious at the moment but when he became utterly aware of his surroundings he perceived that he was present in a pitch-black dark place with a strange tree in front of him which was also lit just as Leviathan saw while his Interfusion of soul.But what Leviathan saw was a tree made on the Pentagonum and the tree that was erected in front of Alvin was real and actual,Alvin stood on his feet and tried to read the words written on the bare branches and stems of the tree but as they were mentioned in a foreign tongue but he couldn't get his head around it.

In the meantime a voice heavy as thunder rumbling spoke up

,"A human, huh? Who are you?"

Alvin kept silent so the voice continued, "You know you've died"

,"....I.....know..." replied Alvin.

The voice was of the devil, the same voice that had communicated with Leviathan

"That's an early age to die...Don't you think so?", The devil said.

Alvin's head was lowered down facing the flooring.He began to shake with dejection and agony.He began to tear up and drops began to descend his cheeks.For a couple of minutes he carried on trembling but then facing up he screeched

,"I still want to live! There are people who are waiting for me! My sister is waiting for me! She has no one left!I still want to live!!!!!....I have to live! Not for my own self but for the sake of my loved ones!"

,"You had to think that before performing Soul Interfusion"

,"I was helpless! I was forced to do that! You can't take my life! I didn't did it on my own accord....Give...GIVE ME MY SOUL BACK!!!...I'm not begging.I'm ordering you!!! You have no right to take my life,my soul away from me!"

Then he burst out into loud and miserable screams and tears.For some time the conversation became reserved as Alvin kept on crying and the Devil stayed silent.

"You can live....but not as a human.",It said.

"W...What do you mean?", Alvin spoke as he took hold on his emotions.

,"The soul of yours cannot be returned but you can make a commitment with me."

,"What sort of?"

,"If you want to live...I'll give you my own soul.By doing that you will lose your status as a human,You'll have your emotions on an extreme level, your appetite will be gone as well as your sense of feel and...You'll become immortal but only till the sworn day ....You'll feel no pain,no grief,no anger and no happiness but that's not it,you have to make sure that you'll find the last component and if you do then I'll return you your soul."

Alvin's teardrops ceased as they were and his mind began to revolve around multiple thoughts.He kept pondering for nearly half an hour and then lifting his head up boldly he said, "I can...I can do it.I can find the last component ,no matter what it takes.I'll survive.I'll survive for not the soul of mine but for the souls of others! I'll survive for my sister! I'll survive for the dead! I AGREE!!! I AGREE!!!

Just then the voice said with evilness in it's rhythm ,"Then! Prepare for the worst pain,greatest misery, biggest happiness, extremest anger! Prepare for the everlasting sorrow!

Just then the branches of the tree extended in his directions and pierced him from every organ and part of his body and he screamed aloud with severely extreme pain! He howled and screeched with affliction,he lifted the sky on his head. His body was drenched in deep blood and then after stabbing into his body parts the roots returned back to their place and then Alvin's pain vanished as if nothing had happened.The blood that was coming out of his body suddenly faded away.

Alvin was puzzled about what just happened .The voice spoke again ,"I have entered your body."

Alvin nodded after acknowledging the situation.Then being engrossed for some instants Alvin said,

"I have a question to ask.....why did you let me live? Why I'm the only person, returning alive after committing soul Interfusion?"

"Look boy I allowed you to continue living because the sworn day has been promised and now anyone who's soul will contain the last component too shall return alive.", the devil responded

,"You soul possesses the last component?"


And suddenly Alvin gained consciousness in the real world gasping with terror,feeling heavy in his breathing,Shaking in dreadfulness.The thought was killing him that he isn't a human anymore.He slowly got control on his senses and looked around the room.There was no one there except himself.Just then he heard a voice from his internal self ,"Your journey of fate has started and yes my can call me the devil or any other evil name you'll like but Devil might be better and I'll like to call you Stone-Cold....Well now your'e my slave.Remember the moment you'll disobey me I'll leave your body and you'll die in that very instant



Alvin ran out of the room for the exit and as it was dark without any window Alvin couldn't jump to the conclusion that whether it was day or night.He came out of his mansion acknowledging that it was almost morning.He descended from the wall from which he had entered the place before and rode on his bicycle.

Just as he reached his house he saw that the sun had completely came out and now was shining on his head.He got off his bicycle and headed inside.Alvin knew that Nathaniel would be awake due to his morning routine so he thought of an acceptable excuse to make when he'll encounter his father and the exact thing happened as Alvin had thought but much to his surprise Juvia was there too.The moment her eyes took notice of her brother she burst into tears and hugged him while weeping.Alvin was totally out of understanding that what was happening.Nathaniel too looked pale faced.He, in a relieved speech said, "Thank God Alvin you've returned.Where have you been?"

,"Me? I just went for some morning exercise." Alvin faked out his sentence.

But on further queries and questions Alvin detected that a whole day had passed.He couldn't swallow the thing and for that, that no one doubts on him he made a falsehood that he had been out with a friend of his'so Nathaniel thought him that he should inform his elders first so that he would arrange security for him.Alvin apologized and told Juvia to follow him.He took her in his bedroom and made sure that no one hears them by locking the door.Then blow-by-blow he told her all about the incident that came down on him with teardrops moistening his eyes and cheeks. Juvia was so shook up by his statements that she couldn't help herself from weeping hardly.When she heard that he had performed Soul Interfusion she went down in the mouth and then they both began to cry unstoppably but Alvin gave her hope saying, "Don't worry Juvia. I'll accomplish what I want.We'll feel happiness again together."

Soon Nathaniel too was informed about the tragic incident and he promised to keep it in shadows.Then from that day Alvin began to search for rare Soul Interfusers to gain knowledge about the Last Component.Accordingly he joined the military's Black storm corps because he thought finding such person would be easy as the military's Interfusers corps,The black storm was connected with all the Interfusers around the world.



So this was the gloomy background of The Valiant Kin and Lisa Bernstein.Well Juvia and Alvin got this alias "Valiant Kin" by the military for their undaunted courage and obstinacy.And one more thing to mention is that Aldrich was also aware of the fact that Alvin had performed Soul Interfusion because Alvin desired for an Elder that could help him make his goal easier and so he explained everything to the colonel and the Lt. General

Now coming back to the present time.It was day time.Alvin was sleeping soundly.The time was 3:00 pm. at the time he was sleeping like a log.Then suddenly Juvia threw a pillow on his face and he immediately woke up getting alarmed but went calm after seeing Juvia.

"Al! Would you like to wake up now or are you planning to stay in the bed for the whole day." cried Juvia.

"What happened?", replied Alvin ,"At least let me sleep today.I'm on off today, don't you know?"

,"General Aldrich has called us right away."

,"What!!! That man won't let me sleep even on sundays!" Alvin cried out in a helpless tune.



The Valiant kin arrived at the central headquarters and annoyed and angrily he stamped his hand on Aldrich's desk saying, "What's so worth my sleep that you called me today!"

Aldrich slowly rolled his eyes at him and said, "Control your temper or should I say save it for later." Alvin and Juvia sat on the sofa and Aldrich and articulated

,"The person, I mean the Brigadier General you killed...the news has spread along many ears but nobody knows who the murderer is.Well how would you handle this matter.If anyone discovered it was you Willed-Head,you'll get hanged and i don't want to be involved in it."

Alvin began to shout with insanity and without thinking he started to say things

,"What!! What!! No! You damned man!!! I told you it was an accident and I did it on your order! How can you step back! AAAA!!!! I'm going to be mad."

Aldrich was watching him with complete serenity and after Alvin had done shouting Aldrich slowly smirked and said

,"It was so amusing to see you make faces like that...I was just jesting.All the mouths of the witnesses have been closed as they all were culprits too.You should be thankful to the president who saved you or else....."

A layer of relief ran upon Aldrich's face and sitting back he proudly remarked

,"Yeah, I knew he would do that, besides why would he try his son to be dead."

Then Juvia grilled Aldrich that what would happen to the General so the Lt.General replied that he would be presented in the court and will be penalized. Just then suddenly the door of the office room opened loudly and in came Aldrich's friend, Major Sebastian.C.Adolf in a playful manner and wearing a bright smile on his face..He was such a boisterous pal.He came in saying blithely aloud, "Good news! Valiant Kin"

Aldrich sighed a bit and said in his mind, "Here comes trouble..."

Alvin got up on his legs and hopefully said ,"Really! Where!"

"Mexico!" He said out aloud.

The word left Juvia's and Alvin agape. Juvia said that it was quite far so Sebastian said, "Yeah, I know it's far but you can also find him in Germany."

,"What do you mean by that?", said Juvia

,"I mean the interfuser once lived in Mexico but now he's dead."


."Yes dead...but his laboratory V.U is in Germany because he once came here and had built the lab for his work here.That place is believed to be sacred."

,"Awesome! Thanks Major.We'll go right away..", Alvin sprightly said as he moved his steps forward but then suddenly stopped right in his tracks and looking turning back and said

,"But...where in Germany? Germany's so vast"

And Sebastian merrily cried, "I don't know.", That left the valiant kin agape and Juvia cried out, "Would we search in the whole Germany!"

"My job was to inform you and if I'll find any details I'll tell you right at the moment", said Sebastian.

And so the siblings decided to forage the Laboratory from that day.



It was night time.Nathaniel, Juvia and Alvin were having dinner together.Alvin said, "Father, I want a favor from you."

"Ask anything son.", Nathaniel reacted

,"I want some men."

,"Men? For what reason?"

,"Actually Major Sebastian just found a soul Interfuser's laboratory but it's location is unknown so I thought spreading people places would do it better than only two of us."

,"That's good.i'll send 20 to 25 men in every state and if more will be needed then I'll dispatch more.Well what's the name of the laboratory?"


,"Got it"

,"Father but I don't want to just sit and see.Me and Juvia will search too."

,"As you think my son."

,"Ah...Thank you father.You have always been a great help."

,"There's no need to thank me.....Since my son left me I thought I won't be able to find contentment again.I deemed I was not a satisfying father that's why he left me but when you two came in my life you told me that the one who wasn't able to fulfill this relationship was my son.So...that'a why I'm trying to give my best as a father to my son and daughter."

He said the last four words with an enchantingly soft smile which made the valiant kin beam as well.



The next day, as said 20 to 25 men were sent in each province of Germany to explore the V.U laboratory.In that while Juvia and Alvin were sitting in a cafe drinking Lemon tea.

,"Father has sent the men, and we should also be searching for the site.", said Alvin

"Suppose even if we find the laboratory...what will we be going to do with it, all the laboratories we have searched till now didn't gave us any important knowledge and I bet this one would be the same as the rest too," Juvia uttered hopelessly.

,"No...I don't think so.I don't even know completely myself but it's just...It's giving me a feeling that we may find something there, something that really will indicate something, I....", Alvin stopped suddenly by noticing a a chain with an X sign in the hand of a young boy.Alvin was sure that he had seen this sort of sign before in one of the documents of Aldrich. Juvia, by seeing his sudden bend of expressions she asked if anything had happened so her brother told her to stay there and wait for him.Alvin stood up from his bench and went out of the cafe in persiut of the boy he saw.

The boy was wearing a black signature fedora hat with a grey strip on it's edge.The face mask which he was wearing in black covered his nose and mouth.He had an extremely slim and slender figure and he was moderately tall.His hairs were shoulder-length and bold cherry in color.Alvin was unable to see his eyes as his head was tilting towards his forehead keeping his eyes concealed but Alvin was able to judge the boy would only be about 19 or 20.

The boy kept on walking on and Alvin kept tracing his track but then when he went inside a thin alley Alvin lost sight of him.

Alvin was confounded that where did the boy disappeared.A while ago he was in front of his eyes.Dismissing it,Alvin decided to go back where his sister was biding her time for him.

Alvin walked back to her and Juvia asked, "Al. What happened?"

,"You remember the cross mark on Aldrich's document?" Alvin asked her out.


."I just saw the same symbol in the hand of a boy.I was going after him but then when he entered in alley....he was out of my vision."

,"Shouldn't we ask the Lt. General about this?"

,"You rode my mind.Let's go."

They both got into the car and while they were travelling in it Alvin described the boy's appearance to Juvia.


Aldrich was reading the court's orders on Lenz's case.Just then he heard a knock.He directed the person to come in so the Valiant Kin arrived inside his room. Aldrich put the papers back on his desk and looked at them.They both sat on the sofa in front of him and Aldrich asked their intention for coming here.

,"Lt.General, I want to ask you about something...if you don't mind.",said Alvin.

,"Well,it would be decided after you ask.Remember promises and decisions shouldn't be made unless you know the whole thing.", Aldrich spoke.

,"...Can you tell me about this symbol?". Alvin showed the sign which he had drew down on a piece of paper. Just as Jason discern the diagram,the soft expressions suddenly vanished from his bold face and seriousness took their place.In a cold way he replied

,"Willed-Head...I would mind telling you that and although it has nothing to do with you so you should abstain it."

,"But..." Alvin's sentence was trimmed by Aldrich saying, "I think it's enough.You should stay away from this matter, now I don't want to hear anything related to that from your tongue again."

Aldrich stood up from his seat and left the room.

At first Alvin went dumbstruck but then making a nasty face he said, "At first I wasn't interested in this matter much, but now I will dig out the entire truth."

Alvin stood up on his feet and closed the door. Juvia was perplexed about what was going in his mind but when she noticed him moving towards Aldrich's locker she comprehended that he is about to search for his desired documentations on which the X sign was made.She knew what Alvin was doind meant to be wrong and illegal to go through the treeware of militarian officers without approval of the owner.

"Al! What are you doing? That's wrong.He said that's none of your business then what else are you looking for?", Juvia tried to instruct him.

Opening a drawer, Alvin replied that it's not in his nature to stay away from the thing he is told to abstain and neither he can stay calm until he put light on the thing that is in shadows means he is averted to secrets.So Juvia declared that she is not involved in any kind of business like that. Alvin kept on unlocking the drawers and exploring the paperwork and eventually, in the fourth drawer, Alvin conquered the papers and somehow his body made him say aloud, "I finally found it!"

He closed all the drawers and doors back of the Lt. General's locker and took hold of the papers. Juvia, uncomfortable from inside,couldn't help her selves from peering at the documents.They both were very puzzled while seeing what was written.Under the cross-mark everything was stated down in Numericals, Except one thing.Only one line was inscribed in English and that was, "Diabolical Area, Mannheim city, Quadrate, Street no. 101, sacred ally [Only active at night, X]

,"This is just an address of a place.", exclaimed Juvia.

,"Not just an address, a mysterious address. This matter is becoming more and more complicated.The only way to find the whole truth is...". Alvin hadn't completed his sentence that he was cut off by Juvia who swiftly said, "Don't tell me you are thinking to go there."

And Alvin responded with an absolute yes which made his sister perturbed. She tried to convince him to quit the idea because they didn't know whether the place was safe or not but Alvin confidently answered

,"Juvia. Now I've left fearing to risk...because the person who even defeated death can pan out every peril." He uttered those words with a shimmer of hope and as Juvia knew her brother very well, her anxiousness faded like dust.



Lisa, Edgar and Norris were standing near a fountain which was located in the green ground of the central headquarters.They were discussing something that they saw the Lt.General coming towards them. They faced and turned their heed to him. The three saluted and Aldrich spoke,"A new news has been received, After two days an important personality is planned to be killed.I hope you all are ready to secure that innocent life."

,"We're always ready sir.What's the spot?", said Lisa.

So Aldrich added, "Strausberg, F-cube*, Mansion no.1241."

When the three heard this their senses were left amazed and Edgar uttered, "In our society, Professor Tobias."

"Have they gone this far that they are targeting someone in the military's society.Have they become this fearless?", Norris expressed his words with fury.

"No matter how fearless they grow, they'll always remain one step below us because Justice and right will always stay prior to injustice and brutality.", remarked Aldrich. He then lifted his head up with pride and with boldness in his rhythm he called out

,"Aetos." Lisa saluted.

,"Tycheros." Edgar saluted

,"Voreios." Norris saluted.

And then Aldrich said out, "My undaunted wolves.I know until I have you all abreast me no one can defeat us...Aetos alert Theo Dory as he is going to play an important role too and you should prepare your self as well.You're going to face them directly.Inform the White Fangs to gather in the den tomorrow night,"


End of the chapter

Hope you enjoyed

wait for the next chapter.....