It was late night about 2 o'clock. Aldrich and Lisa set their foot inside his office room that suddenly Aldrich stopped noticing some papers lying on the floor.He contorted down and hoisted the papers and doubted that how did his documents fell on the ground.These documents belonged to the third drawer.He opened up the draw and found all the space messed up and jumbled. Aldrich became flabbergasted and then a dark thought hit his head.He searched for the document with the cross-sign but saw it missing and understood what had happened, what is happening, and what will happen.He quickly turned to Lisa and said with an agitating manner, "Lisa! quick reach the Diabolical Area,Alvin's there,bring him back alive."And In great hurry she ran out out of the room.


Alvin entered Quadrate in Mannheim. It was somehow a very deserted and weird place.No being was to be seen in the streets.The houses looked very old neither were they built properly,the roads were broken and there were hardly any trees, and even if there were any they were bare.The place looked so lifeless. Alvin walked on, to find any person from which he can ask about the street 101 and by chance he detected an old men.He ran up to him and the old man stopped after discerning Alvin.

"Um...Sir can you help me? Where is the street 101?", asked Alvin.

On hearing this the old man smiled weirdly and foolishly answered, "You can't decide whether it is hell or heaven."

Alvin got perplexed for what the man said.

"A...sorry sir.I didn't understood what you meant.I only asked you to tell me about the street 101"

Alvin repeated the same question again and the man again answered insanely, "You don't know whether you'll be shot to death or be stabbed."

Alvin was starting to get heat up but he managed to stow it inside and without any further conversation the old man walked way.Alvin was looking at him as if the person was mental.Just then he heard a voice from behind him which said, "Hey boy. you finding the street 101."

Alvin swiftly turned and looked back to see who had uttered those words and got stunned to see such a drop-dead gorgeous boy.Alvin became astounded due to his such attractive appearance.

The boy had clear turquoise eyes. They were so pure that Alvin was able o see his reflection in his orbs. His hair were dark black,Alvin was surprised to see such light eyes on the same person with having such dark hair. He was leaning on the wall and was expressing a beam which rather felt devilish than friendly to Alvin.After staring for a short while Alvin said

,"Yes.I'm looking for the street 101 and can you also tell me,currently on which street are we standing?"

"Actually...Street 101 is not really a street.The last end of this town is distinguished as Street 101, So you just keep walking straight 'til you meet the end, at the end of this town is a huge fence, well...why are you asking about that place?Where do you wan'na go?", the boy said.

Alvin's countenances of his face were revealing that he didn't wanted to tell so the boy, while smirking slightly said, "Diabolical Area, right?"

Alvin became so astonished that he could have been knocked down with only a feather but didn't displayed it because he didn't wanted to uncover Aldrich's secret on anyone.He just brushed of the topic and gracefully thanked him on which the boy noded still with an evil smile.

Alvin lifted his feet to take steps further to his desired destination that he stopped. He didn't look back at the boy again but turning his head a little he said, "I want to ask one more thing....Who are you?"

,"It's better for you to not know me.The less you know,the safer you are...It's enough for you to know that I'm not an enemy nor a friend.", the boy replied with dead seriousness and sharpness on his visage.However Alvin took his route towards the last point of this weird place.


Juvia was standing outside her mansion in the garden that suddenly she detected someone going out from the mansion.She pondered who could go outside at this time so she also went out to check who it was and saw that it was Alvin.He was walking straight. Juvia cried out, "Alvin! Is it you? When did you came back?"

Alvin called it a day and turned back for a couple of seconds.He kept glaring densely in her eyes and then expressing a creepy wide and broad smile he reverted in his previous direction and commenced to carry on his walk again. Juvia called out his name again but he didn't stopped and then she decided to run before him and just as Juvia did so Alvin's steps got faster and soon he too was sprinting.Rushing and running Alvin turned into a twitten and when Juvia set her foot on there her senses went out by seeing a person facing his back in a black cloak instead of her brother.She felt as she was having butterflies in her stomach. Abruptly a cold breeze flew and the person vanished in dust with the wind.

Juvia was frozen to the ground at the moment as if someone had nailed her feet with the ground

"First it was Al and then...", Juvia thought.

Then she noticed a paper on the ground.Gaining strength she bent down and lifted it up with her hands. Opening it,she saw the a word written with blood and that word was 'Illusions'.

Juvia was now getting an alarm that something would go wrong and without further wastage of time she paced back to her house with heavy feet with the paper still in her hand."


Alvin had arrived the huge fence of which the boy was talking about and was now thinking what to do.

After thinking he concluded to jump on the other side of the huge barriers.He ascended the fence and after reaching the peak he fell down on it's other side.He pulled out a slight shriek of pain and then became conscious that he had conquered the distance.He stood up and saw an extremely large mansion similar to a castle but it was seeming so outlandish and eccentric that one would get the feeling that it was the residence of witches. It was tenebrous and the mansion looked like as if it had been abandoned from ages.He scratched his head and thought whether he should go in or not and by the abashment of the idea that did he just came here to observe it's aspect he disagreed with the thought and moved forward he stood st the doorsteps of the mansion and knocked the door with the enormous gong on the front.He waited for a brief period of time but received no response.Alvin kept waiting expecting some one to respond but it went opposite to his notion.He was trying his best not to acknowledge the idea that no one resided there. He again put his hand on the door knocker but just as he lifted his hand up the door opened suddenly and he found a young man pointing his gun at Alvin's head and Alvin was shocked to see that man's abrupt actions. The man was peering in his eyes directly in a manner that it felt like he would shoot at any minute.

Alvin could describe the man having auburn colored hairs and honey brown eyes .His face was covered with a face mask. After glaring at each other for a short time the man spoke

,"Name? Destination? Purpose? Path?"

Alvin didn't knew what to say further so he slowly raised up his hand as a sign of surrender and spoke out, "Sir I'm not an enemy I just..."Before Alvin could complete his sentence the man loaded his gun and said, "Traitor.How did you find this place?"

Not wanting to tell Alvin kept quite and after a short period of silence he slowly began to say

,"My...name...is...Mark...and I got...the...address...of....this...place from...." and without completing his statement Alvin grabbed the man's gun.Swiftly the person took out another gun with his left hand and shot towards Alvin but he managed to dodge the bullet just in time, using his copper interfusion he interfused his gun under his touch into a copper-steel dagger and flipped away from him.

The man didn't shot at him then.Alvin went baffled and cried out to him

,"Why don't you shoot? Got scared huh? Or you don't want to die."

Listening to this the man smirked and said, "Sometimes people think that everything is just as what is before their eyes but such people fail to remember that death, danger and the next moment comes untold."

Alvin was just about to get the meaning of what the person said that he felt someone behind him.He was about to look back but two pistols pointing to his head didn't allowed him to do so.A man kicked in Alvin's leg's patella and he fell on his knees.

"Coward! You can only dare to hit from behind!" Alvin roared but now it was futile as he was beneath the arms of two men. The man with hazel eyes walked towards Alvin and giving a great sense of pride he looked down at Alvin with his head lifted up and said, "No matter how you win,the only thing that matters IS to win."He then thumped his fist in Alvin's face that made his mouth bleed.

The Hazel-eyed guy took out his gun, he loaded and directing it at Alvin's forehead he told him that he was about to die.Alvin didn't repented a bit, In fact he had sworn to himself not to regret.He believed that he couldn't die so easily,not so meaninglessly.Anyways the man was about to shoot Alvin that a voice was heard by the people present there,

"Περίμενε! [Stop!]"

The voice caught everyone's attention and recognizing the voice the young man lowered his gun and saw that it was Lisa.

Lisa came near to them slowly with her gun in her hand and said

,"Περίμενε! Είναι αετός μην πυροβολείς [Wait! It's Aetos.Don't shoot]"

The only People who were able to understand that second language were Lisa and the man.

"Αετός ποιος έστειλε αυτό το αγόρι εδώ; Είστε προδότες. Πώς έφτασε στον τόπο μας; [Aetos who sent this boy here? You people are traitors. How did he reached our place?]"

,"Μπορώ να εξηγήσω. Δεν του είπαμε τίποτα. Είχε δει τη διεύθυνση γραμμένη σε έγγραφα White Fangs. Αφήστε τον να φύγει [I can Explain.We didn't told him anything.He had seen the address written on White fangs documents. Let him go.]"

There was a short silence there and then the man began to laugh.Alvin was astounded to see what was happening

The man then began in a dangerous tune

,"Αετός...Ξέρεις ότι είσαι μόνος εδώ και έχω έναν πλήρη στρατό τώρα. Ο Κινγκ έπρεπε να το σκεφτεί πριν στείλει μια κυρία ολομόναχη εδώ. Μπορώ να κάνω τα πάντα τώρα με σένα και με αυτό το αγόρι. Αλλά δεν θα το κάνω, εκτός και αν μου το πει. Μπορείς να φύγεις αυτή τη φορά, αλλά να θυμάσαι αν ξαναδούμε αυτό το αγόρι εδώ γύρω, θα σκοτωθεί. [Aetos...You know you're all alone here and I have a full army present right now.King should have thought that before sending a lady all alone here. I can do anything right now with you and with this boy.But I won't, unless I'm told to. You can go away this time but remember if we see this boy around here again he'll get killed.]

Lisa agreed to what he said and took Alvin back with her.


Juvia was standing in Aldrich's office. the thought of that Aldric may have known where Alvin had went was waking up her terrors that what will he do to Alvin. Just then Aldrich entered the room and Juvia's face went pale.He sat on his chair and told Juvia to settle down too.Following his instruction she sat down on the sofa and then the conversation began

"Where's your brother? I called both of you. Didn't I?", said Aldrich.

,"Lt.General I don't....know where he is.",replied Juvia.

,"Really? Is that so?"

,"Yes.that's right.Why would I lie to you?"

,"TO CONCEAL THE ACTS OF YOUR BROTHER!", Aldrich raised his voice in slight anger stamping his palm hard on the desk which made Juvia understand that he had been made aware of what had happened.

,"Didn't I told him to stay away from this!", Aldrich shouted, "I said it had nothing to do with him then why did he disobeyed me?"

,"Lt.General. I tried to stop him but..."Juvia spoke.

,"You know he is in danger now! Not only him but one of my companions too...Pray...Pray that nothing bad happens or else the deserving of punishment would be you."

Juvia lowered down her eyes in repentment.


Lisa and Alvin had got out of the town and were on their way back to the central.Alvin had been questioning her regarding things like; What were you speaking? How did you know him? How does he know you? How did you know I was here but Lisa was not giving any rejoinder to any of his queries .They were walking that Lisa stopped.They were now standing in a dark and deserted alley.She turned her face to Alvin and with a serious look and calm voice she spoke,

"Alvin, You have been saved now but next time you won't be."

Alvin listened to her words intensely and she added, "If you want to stay alive then never speak to anyone about what happened.Never think of going there again and never say or desire to know about that."

Lisa began to step forward that Alvin held her wrist asking why and she answered that the less he knows the safer he is. Alvin went stunned by her words because he had heard the exact thing from the mouth of the boy he met earlier. The fire of raring to go was burning insanely in Stone-Cold's mind

but he decided to put it out for the instance.Abruptly they heard a cry. The cry of a child shouting for help.They both ran in the direction from where the voice was coming from and saw a boy sitting on the ground facing his back. A little bit of blood was emerging from his foot.The boy seemed to be in his teen maybe 2 to 3 years younger than Alvin.Seeing his condition Lisa walked up to him.His face was down.She put her hand on his shoulder saying

,"Hey Kid? Are you alright? Do you need any help?" Suddenly his moaning came to an end and he put up a creaking silence to his voice.Lisa felt suspicious and approached him nearer to see what was wrong and just in that jiff the boy turned around and violently stabbed her in her arm saying that she should not be so pleasant with everyone.Just as Lisa got hit Alvin ran up to her at once calling her name and in that while Lisa kicked hard in his chest which made him loose his firmness on the dagger and fall back on the ground.She also retreated and her arm began to bleed.Alvin came to her and held her

,"Colonel! Are you okay?", Alvin asked anxiously.

She expressed that she was fine.They both then noticed the boy who leisurely stood up in front of them with his head bent down, his caramel hairs covering his face and then he lifted his skull up, laughing insanely.The listeners there could declare that his chuckle was giving off a dark vibe.The boy removed his bangs that were onto his vile eyes and with a wide open grin he said,

"Great!...Let's see can you be a good sacrifice!"

Alvin and Lisa were both at a loss what to think and say.The street was utterly vacant.No one was there except the trio so Alvin didn't hesitated to offend on the kid thinking that he could cause disaster.So Alvin took out his gun and aimed the pistol at him saying, "Don't try to fool us...tell everything that you mean and why did you did that.Tell me!

,"Boy you are already decided, don't come in my way.Don't cause trouble.I just want that female with you.",replied the evil youngster remarked.

And then Alvin cognized completely that the youth in front of them has no good intention.He had to defend Lisa as she was sent as a safe-keeping from Aldrich .As fighting with guns was not Alvin's style he transformed the gun into a Aluminium Bronzes dagger and with full force dashed towards the boy

To Be Continued........

Wait for the next chapter....
