Vaeloria Empire (s)

Ben looked up, his gaze matched with the intermediate-tier wolf, whose eyes were a piercing yellow as if at any moment he could jump at him to devour his soul.

Apart from the normal-tier wolf, who was as big as a normal wolf, the intermediate-tier wolf was way more muscular and at least 1.5 times taller. Its grayish-black fur danced with the wind, giving it a completely maniac appearance.

"Oh, hey, buddy! I am assuming you came here to welcome us, right?" Ben grinned, chuckling and nervous. In response, the wolf growled in a low tone. Its yellowish teeth, now visible in the moonlight, make it look like the wolf is smiling menacingly.

"Ahh… That doesn't look like a very friendly gesture," Ben said, counting his fists tight. Getting ready to fight, he asked in his mind, 'Hey system. Out of ten, how screwed am I?

[Based on the power difference, host, I believe you are well screwed 7 by 10.]

'That wasn't very motivating,' Ben thought when suddenly, a normal-tier wolf lunged at him from behind, but he casually dodged it to the left.

Another wolf attacked consecutively, but with Ben's enhanced physical capabilities, it was quite easy to dodge.

He looked at Freya, who was standing behind the wolves, her expression unreadable. Surprisingly enough, none of the wolves considered attacking her, as they seemed to recognize Ben as their only enemy.

"If you are done watching a delicate young man surrounded, would you lend me a hand?" Ben asked, a little annoyed by her behavior. He wasn't sure what she could do with the wooden sword, but whatever she could do would be better than doing nothing.

The alpha wolf growled, watching Ben easily dodge the attacks from normal-tier wolves. It dashed towards Ben at an incredible speed. Swinging its claws to target Ben's head.

But the wolf had highly underestimated Ben's spit. With blood vision activated in the 3rd POV, Ben was watching himself fight like a game character. In a radius of 50 meters, Ben could see everything.

He ran towards the alpha wolf. Just as the claws were about to make contact, Ben dove, sliding onto the ground. The claw, although it made contact, couldn't land anything more than a light cut on Ben's forehead.

"Wind Blades!!" Ben herded a chant, followed by three percent blades of wind flying towards the Alpha wolf. It was Freya who launched the attack.

The wolf, still in midair, hit the three attacks consecutively, but surprisingly to Ben, the attacks were so weak they barely landed a scratch on its black fur. What it did was attract normal-tier wolves to attack Freya.

Instantly turning around, he summoned his ancient spear and threw it in the direction of the intermediate-tier wolf.

The spear materialized out of nowhere and took the wolf by surprise, hitting its back, and landing a deep cut, but couldn't do any heavy damage. Ben instantly devised a plan in his head.

'merge inferno stringer with blood skills,' Ignoring the Alpha wolf, he pointed his palm towards the normal wolves who were running towards Frey and shot two consecutive blood bullets.

"Bang! Bang!" [HP: 86/100 ]

Two further blasts sounded. A blood bullet combined with an inferno stringer hit the normal-tier wolf on its head, ending its life in a second.


Normal Tier Wolf Killed; Exp: +5 Soul Essence: None

Eternal enemy: Wolf killed; Exp = x5 (+25 )

Exp: 25/20;


You have leveled up to level 2.

All Stat: +1; Free Stat: +1


"Put all your free stats into agility." Surprised by the new buff in level-up, Ben's smile widened as he dashed toward the group of wolves. He summoned his ancient spear back and lunged to attack.


Name: Ben Franklin

Race: Vampire

Evolution: Evo 4 Level: 2

Exp: 5/50 HP: 86/100

MP: 000/000 B.E.: 000/100

Strength: 23

Agility: 29

Stamina: 25

Free stats: 0


"Your mama didn't teach you how to behave with guests, did she?? He shouted as he jumped over another normal wolf and pierced the spear through its body. Pointing his palm, he launched yet another blood bullet, directly piercing through the wolf's head.

[Normal Tier Wolf Killed; Exp: +5 Soul Essence: None]

[Normal Tier Wolf Killed; Exp: +5 Soul Essence: None]

[ Exp: 55/50 ] 

[ Levelled up to level 3; All stats +1; Free Stat: +1...added to Agility ] 

This time, all the wolf's attention was redirected towards Ben. Somehow, the wolves tend to be more focused on Ben than Freya.

Ben instantly shot a blood bullet towards the Alpha Wolf, who was running towards him, but surprisingly, the blood bullet, enhanced with an inferno stringer, did no damage but a little scratch.

"What the hell?!" Ben was taken aback, and the wolf continued to attack Ben. Somehow, Ben dodged, running away from the wolves. With his blood bullet ineffective again against the beast, it would be barely a matter of time before Ben would lose to these beasts.

He searched for Freya using his blood vision, but it looked like she had run out of the 50-meter radius for him to see. As pissed off as he was, he couldn't exactly blame her for running away.

Ben too dashed towards the edge of the ruined city in a zig-zag manner to avoid the attacks.

This time, his goal wasn't the wolves but the crumbling wall, which was barely standing with the support of a small rubble. Ben, almost without hesitation, threw his ancient spear towards the rubble with all his might.

'System, do it!" He commanded, and the ancient spear flying through the air was now engulfed in flames, an ability of the inferno stringer.

"Grrhhhhh!" The intermediate tier roared as it dashed toward Ben. It was quick, and the distance between them was very close. Ben didn't get the time to react, but he summoned the beetle dagger and crossed his arms.

The last thing he saw was the wolf swinging its claws, and soon, a stinging pain ran through his body. A force so incredible that he was thrown back, flying.

A resonating blast sounded as the spear hit the rubble, destroying it in pieces. Followed by two consecutive blasts that sounded in sync. The wolf's attack and the falling wall.

[ HP: 42/100; BE: 000/100 ]

[ Soul Essence: Beetle's Chitin Dagger has been destroyed! ]

The wall, barely hanging on the rubble, fell, creating a huge cloud of dust and a resonance that could be heard even from the village.

"I almost peed my pants, ouch!" Ben somehow stood up, sarcastically roasting himself. He planned to use the cloud of dust as a distraction, while the wolf wouldn't be able to see him, and he could use his blood vision to escape.

Ben stood up to run, but when he looked up, his legs froze. The first time in the Tsi fight, beads of cold sweat dripped down his forehead, and a sense of chill ran down his spine.

Two golden yellow eyes, illuminating in the cloud of smoke, looked directly into Ben's soul. Different from earlier, now Ben was sensing a strong killing intent coming from the Alpha Wolf.

His legs instinctively stepped back, and as the cloud of smoke cleared, the grulling wolf walked towards him.

"Trust me, buddy, if you eat me right now, you will get one bloody constipation." Ben stepped back, praying for his life, but even before the face of his death, somehow his heart was beating pretty normally, with neither a blood-rushing sensation nor any adrenaline.

Or, to say the least, Ben realized he couldn't feel fear anymore.


Not so far from the ongoing battle, when Ben was attacking the normal trolls, Freya used this chance to find an escape and run towards the village. Her magical powers were very minimal, and fatigue was getting on her head. Despite this, somehow she kept running for her life.

"I don't have very much magical power; I have to use up all my magic to send a distress signal," Freya said and she could feel her lungs trembling each time she breathed. It was when her legs couldn't support her weight anymore that she collapsed on her knees.

"If there is any mage inside that village, this is the only chance to get help," she thought, extracting all the magical powers in her and condensing them in her hands.

Her eyes blurred, and the world around her revolved dizzily. A ringing sound enveloped her ears, and an unknown whiteness faded her vision. At this point in time, all her senses had stopped responding; what she was doing was purely based on intuition.

The invisible energy in the palms of her hands kept condensing more and more until she couldn't condense it anymore.

'Mana Brust!' She chanted softly as the condensed energy in her palms blasted like a big wave in the ocean. Despite it being invisible, anyone with even the tiniest bit of magic inside their body could feel the strong signal, and the same was true for villagers.

"You feel that, Alex?" A red-haired teenager asked, his voice resonating through the wooden room.

"Battle is calling!" A voice replied as intense magic pressure filled the room.