Valoria Empire (2)

Ben summoned the ancient spear, tightly gripping it. If he were to die today, then he would die fighting. So, he thought.

[HP: 40/100; B.E.: 000/100 ]

[Notice: Slave 'Freya' has fallen unconscious due to a mana drain ]

Two notifications popped up before Ben, but he didn't even bother looking at them. His focus was unwavering, set for the intermediate-tier wolf before him. It's been a minute since, but the wolf somehow wasn't attacking Ben.

"Trust me, I don't taste as good as I look," Ben said, hesitating, as the mighty beast walked towards him, each step at a time. While Ben stepped back, each step at a time,

"Grup!!!" The wolf grinned before it jumped towards Ben, its jaws wide open, to bite. Ben instantly swung his spear to block the attack, but before the attack could hit him, an unnatural sensation was felt through his body.

Like a cold shiver, Ben felt a goosebump running down his body as if something very powerful was coming towards him.


A blinding light was followed by a sound so loud that Ben could feel his ears bust. Everything around him turned white. He could sense intense heat, but somehow the unnatural force wasn't targeted to attack him.

"Are you alright?" A sharp but composed voice asked him as he tried to regain his bearings and understand what had just happened. Ben switched from his blood vision to his normal vision, just to see a person standing before him.

His bald head was shining in the moonlight, while his emotionless eyes glimmed in bluish white. While he had a fine buildup but was not too defined, he wore casual clothing like any farmer in the 18th century would wear. From the looks of it, the guy appeared to be a teenager like him.

Waves of thunder constantly emitted from his body, like a snake of lightning dancing. His overall calm face and casual behavior reminded Ben of a person.

"Is that you, Saitama?" He asked out loud, but instantly regretted his decision. He stood back up on his legs and picked up his spear. "I am fine, or not too injured, at least."

"That's fine. Your friend is also alive. I don't sense any other presence than that," he said, clenching his fists, taking a battle stance, and once again, a wave of white energy coated his hands.

"We are only two people, yes," Ben said, but before he could complete his sentence, the wave of wolves lunged toward them, way more aggressively than before.

"Then try to hold on your own; I will take care of the big guy!" The bald person said that before he jumped and slammed both his fists again, he ground.

With a crackling sound, like thunder, the ground blasted into pieces, and the surge of energy hit all the wolves within a radius of 5 meters, throwing them back paralyzed for a fraction of a second.

"Howwlllllwlwlllll" Before Ben could perceive, the Alpha wolf had appeared towards the left, howling intensely. As it did, waves of sound were produced from its jaws, like circular discs destroying everything on its way, but surprisingly, it wasn't aimed at Ben but at the other guy on the battlefield.

"Beware of that attack; if you get hit, you will break your ears!" The bald person said as it disappeared from its position like a blink, and the next second, it appeared behind the Alpha wolf.

During this period, the effects of paralysis were over, and the normal-tier wolves began to move. Ben didn't think twice; he began to swing his ancient spear imbued with an inferno stringer to attack the wolves.

Surprisingly, his spear didn't land any critical hits; he could attack the wolves but couldn't damage them enough to kill them. Ben gritted his teeth, swinging his spear again when a wolf from the group let out the same howling attack towards Ben.

[Host, behind you! ]

Ben alerted and instantly jumped in the other direction, but unfortunately, the attack was too fast for him to dodge. A disc of sound hit him, like a wave of vibration that was sent throughout his body.

"The fuck is that!" Ben shouted, holding both his ears. The wolves seized this opportunity, and the other two of them let out the same attack, bringing Bne down to his knees.

[What you are thinking is the right host.]

[It seems earlier they weren't fighting seriously.]

Ben listened to the system, but his mind was too distracted to comprehend what was just said. He was using all his concentration to barely hang on to his consciousness. The howling sound finally stopped, and Ben fell to the ground, huffing.

He looked at the raining fireballs towards the wolves, his vision turned to look at the teenage boy with short red hair, his fists engulfed in flames. He was constantly shooting balls of fire towards the wolves, and supposiditivelt saying something to Ben, but his ears were too numb to perceive anything he said.

Before his eyes, the wolves began to run away, slowly fading away into the darkness. The redhead guy chased them for a few meters before he gave up and came back towards Ben.

This time was enough for Ben to break off the stun effect and explain things clearly.

[ Hp: 34/100]

"Cough, cough." Another notification popped up, and as Ben coughed up blood from his mouth, his eyes were glowing crimson in anger.

[HP is in a danger zone.]

[Hp: 34/100]

Ben looked at the status screen slightly before he fixed his gaze on the red-haired person again. Who was walking towards him with heavy steps? Ben, on the other hand, could only use the time he was lying to restore his stamina.

"I am so depleted of stamina that I can barely hold my senses." Ben let his body loose, trying to rest as much as possible.

One thing that he found good about Vampire's body was the fact that he wouldn't lose HP from constant blood loss. Unless the wound is too big to close instantly.

"Hey, buddy! Thx, you and your friend for help, or I would have gotten my ass cooked twice a day, or night." Ben said, huffing, as he sat against the rubble.

"What's your purpose in this village?" The person asked, his voice numb and cold.

Ben was taken aback by that sudden change in attitude. It was nice of them to help him out, but the untrust for someone stranger was completely understandable to him. That's why he decided to cooperate with them.

"We were traveling in the enchanted forest when we lost our way and got separated from our group." Ben made up a lie, as far as his knowledge exceeds this world.

"While finding our way back home, we were attacked by a bunch of wolves, and the girl with me managed to somehow escape, and if I am guessing correctly, she is the one who called you here." Ben continued, explaining as best he could.

"Is that so?" The person weirdly looked at him, scanning up and down, before he asked again. The bald guy joined them as well. "Then how would you explain the royal emblem of the Valoria Empire on your dress?"

Ben was taken aback. This was certainly a possibility that he didn't think of. And now that he was thinking about it, it could also be the reason for the unfriendly behavior of the person with him.

"The expression on your face says a different story; tell me, where did you get that hood from?" The bald guy interrupted Ben's thoughts with a bold voice.

"I picked it up on the way from Copse's in the forest." Ben, whose stamina had recovered a bit, slowly stood up, stumbling on his legs. "Trust me, I have nothing to do with mages."

"Ya, I can guess that much. An imperial mage would have killed me in a bare second of fighting. You are too weak, " the red-haired person continued to stare at Ben with an expressionless face.

"Sigh... Alright, fine. I am sorry about that. I just saw a person in Imperial Emblem running towards the village, and I got on my edge." The guard nodded his head, thinking back to what happened.

"So we can see my friend now?" Ben asked, cutting the guard conv. in between. While the other just stared back.


Name: ???

Affiliation: Slave

HP: 30/52 [Healing]

MP: 68/113

Stamina: Normal [Restoring]



Weekly PS and Golden Ticket Challenge:

1. 100 PS = 2 extra CH on Sunday

2. 30 GT = 1 bonus CH on Sunday 

3. 200 PS = 5 ch mass release on Sunday

4. 50 GT = 2 bonus ch on Sunday. 

I hope you guys can complete it. -