The Beast

The whole team gathered around Julian. The young man lying on his side was breathing hard and holding his chest, Cithara was the first at his bedside.

[I told you... Why don't you ever listen to me?? Please, someone call the nurses!]

The doctors arrived nonchalantly then finding that the victim did not suffer from another deficiency in self-esteem, rushed on him. The other team members were worried and puzzled by the situation.

[What is happening? Was he injured?]

[He behaves like those who have suffered emotional damage but... He doesn't, does he?]

The captain, squeezing her arm, replied with her head bowed.

[Julian was always the best basketball player, even when we were in elementary school. With him we never lost but...]

Tears welled up in her eyes.

[He has suffered from heart disease since childhood... At first he could play 3 quarters but the more time passes, the more his disease worsens. Today he can only play bits of matches It's so unfair We were the best duo, nobody could beat us It was our own treasure. If he can't play anymore... I don't know if I'll continue. Why does life deprive us of our passion? Who cares if we're just playing with each other?]

The "MC' wanted to respond by looking at the Silver Space players but his instincts told him that now was a bad time for sarcasm. Doctors took Julian away, leaving the Coconut players without their secret weapon as the 4th quarter was about to begin.

[What are we doing? We're back to where we started, now what are we going to do?]

[And I doubt we can count on any of those NPCs over there on the bench.]

(On the bench.)

[Hey! Insult us all you want, if you think we're going back on the pitch now that you've raised the bar so high, you're terribly mistaken!]


However among these NPCs, only one got up and walked towards the 4, greeted by suspicious looks.



[Here we go again.]


The detective moving away from his former teammates straightened up, then to everyone's surprise, bowed to the "MC'.

I deeply apologize for my behavior earlier. I didn't realize how important this moment was to everyone and I almost ruined everything.]

[Almost? You are literally the cause of everything!]

The captain was holding back the pink haired girl, yes the detective had been stupid, arrogant, selfish and through his fault the dreams of the Coconut Dreamers and Julian's health were in danger, but wasn't it more important to grant forgiveness to the one who has recognized his wrongs?

[No, this time I think I deserve it, I'm ready to take whatever comes my way. You are all in this situation because of me, but here I was just focused on my own thing, barely noticed your efforts and in the end... My sincere apologies to you all, especially Yours, Marcia Chanter. I'm sorry for harassing you like I did, I always thought I was fighting for justice but I've come to realize there is nothing worse for a justice fighter than to have been unjust. I apologize again and wish you will forget me and my weird behavior if it means you can play like before again, you have great talent and no one should be allowed to blame you.]

*He then turns to the rest of the team*

[My sincere apologies too you too, you were fine until I...all 4 were fine but we messed it up.]

[He's right you brats, you're all useless here!]

[Coach, please have some shame! Like I said, I'm really sorry, especially for you, captain, because of me, your friend's life is in danger, I won't say that I will take responsibility if something goes wrong... Because I swear on my life to do whatever it takes to save him. I'll make sure he walk again, you have my word.]

[ *sight* I hope so... And don't worry, it was probably his last game. He wanted to quit after one last game so technically you granted his wish. I just hope it won't be his last...]

[And for you my partner, no matter what I say I can't apologize enough for everything I've done to you and everything I don't know, it's my fault you have way too much suffered and I sincerely believe that you would shine a thousand times brighter if you stayed away from me.]

[Umf! You take the words out of my mouth.]

[Ah... Haha yes it's true, it's terrible to have a boss who doesn't know how to treat his teammates well. I am not a boss after all. For you, for all you sacrifice for me, I have to be something else. I have to be a leader. A boss gives orders by exploiting minions, but a leader will walk in front of his teammates and suffer for them. This is the way I should be, this is my new motto.]

At these words the whole team applauded the detective, the power to recognize his wrongs was a rare virtue in individuals, when one could express it one had to congratulate and encourage him. The end goal was not to rebuke the culprit but to achieve victory after all. The "M.C." sighed in relief, the captain patted the detective's head and the assistant hid a smile. One person, however, was not satisfied.

[Oi, what's about me?] Said pinky.

[Oh... Hm.... I also apologize to you for... Um...]

[Don't say a thing, your apologies are denied GET OUT!]

[C-calm down P... Young girlfriend of lil bro it's alright now.]

[Yeah and we're about to win anyway, better having him than any nameless bencher right?]

(On the bench.)

[I didn't ask to be a side character, Miss Protagoni~ist.]

[What's your name ??]

[... Billy.]

[Why am I not surprised? Good continuation Billy! Everyone claps for Billy, this is the only time in his life where he will be the center of attention.]

While Billy cried, the team prepared to enter the field. Nevertheless, on the side of Silver Space the tension was mounting.

[They don't look like they've given up, that means we're gonna get pounded again!]

[It doesn't matter they lost their best player, they won't be able to humiliate us like before.]

[No, it just means they can ONLY smoke us like in the 2nd quarter!]

[I've bet my school money on our victory]

[I've also bet the money I owed the Mafia boy on our victory]

[WHAAAAAATTT????!!!!!] Said a player named Christophe La Mafia.

[Sorry bro...]

Kate Lebas slapped the bench, imposing silence with authority.

[I'm tired of being ridiculed because of you. Whichever way you look at it, only a miracle or God can get us out of this, but I feel like all those things were exhausted earlier. I alone will never be able to get us out of this.]

[Come on, you're exaggerating, we're not that bad.]

[No I swear I wonder how you all ended up on a basketball team. You guys are the worst basketball team I've ever seen in my life.]

[More than the Coconuts?]

[Holy sh... YES!]

[It's only because they have girls in their teams, we would be motivated if we could see something other than Solomon's pecs in practice.]

[Do you have something against my pecs, punk?]

Kate was staring at the Coconuts and suddenly a dark smile appeared on his face.

[Oh but you're right, it's true that we could use a new player too, and I just remembered we have a secret weapon in reserve.]

The players looked at him with concern. The invisible coach all game observed him.

[You... You don't think... But he was banned from playing for several games!]

[Coach you're not going to do now what you haven't done the whole day so sit down and be quiet!]

[Grrr.. if I want to!...] The coach muttered in an inaudible voice.

Kate turned to a large player, surprisingly lying on a bench in the back, his face covered.

[Hey, it's time to wake up, there's your favorite game here.]

The motionless player laughed ominously and replied in a creepy voice.

[Hm-hm i have no use for a food that i only have to swallow, you should know it already.]

[Oh? When did I say you had to swallow it? The best food is the one that has been carefully worked on, right?]

At these words, the players' eyes twinkled and he stood up heavily, the remaining bench sticking to his outfit and eventually falling back with a crash that alarmed everyone.

[W-what is that?!]

[Oh my god what the hell is that thing?!]

[W-wait... I recognize him... It's... It's...]

[I thought he was forbidden from playing again...]

The women held back from throwing up, the men quickly drank their alcohol to forget, the children were jubilant when they saw with their eyes the monster under the bed that the parents were always talking about. The Coconut players saw their last hopes dashed against the creature who wore the jersey of the opposing team. Kate seated on his throne, Cithara trembling at the foot of the stairs and the haggard commentator confirming everyone's fears.

[8 feet tall, an ugly smile and an ugly look covered in the most disgusting sweat I have ever zeen in my life... Ladies and gentlemen... The beast is among us once again, hide your husbands, hide your sons, from the deepest underworld, here comes: Moe Lester.]