And the Earth moved

8 feet tall, an ugly smile showing rounded yellowish teeth, drops of saliva that gave off gas when they hit the ground, and the build of a slightly overweight man. There was nothing human about the man called Moe Lester, from his greenish skin to his hair shaped like palm leaves, his gait was reminiscent of a duck but distinguished by the sound of his every step.

*splotch* *splotch*

The monster approached. The girls were shaking and the boys were backing away.

[What... The... Hell...]

[Is that thing a player too?!]

Moe eyed the girls, sniffing the air, the assistant and Pinky shivering.

[Eeeeeeeew don't look at me you realistic oversized fetus! I'm gonna puke if you come closer!]

Moe stopped and burst out laughing. The whole stage was shaking. 10 people fled to vomit.

[Yes yes!!!! I feel it, the presence of an adorable creature filled with hope, the desire to win of two childhood friends, the joy of people in front of a beautiful event! All these things turn me on... YES YES!!!!!! Now I can't resist anymorrr... I must destroy you all for my own good. NGUHE...NGUHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!]

Moe's laugh literally shook the pitch. The assistant nearly passed out, carried only by the "M.C." who watched the referees.

[Hey, this thing is twice the size of everyone else, I'm sure he shouldn't be playing]

The referees stared at him for a moment and then royally ignored him.

(May the universe have mercy on you son.)

(You don't even know what's coming your way yet, but you're right to be afraid.)

The detective tried to remotivate the 2 young girls who had lost hope.

[Come on girls, pull yourself together! Of course he's disgusting, evil and I don't know what went through his parents' minds, but someone should jail whoever named him, but that's not why we should lose our motives. You are strong women so show everyone how you stand up against the cruelty of the world!]

[I am a defender of the old system: men at the stake, women in the kitchen!]

[Mr. Luc, you don't know what it's like to be a woman in front of a man whose name is literally Molester!]

[He's right come on, he doesn't look like he can play basketball, just ignore the face... And the body... And the body secretions... Urgh!...] Added "M.C." who almost vomited.

[Yeah, I mean look at the captain, she's keeping her cool, she's showing you the way.]

At these words, the captain looked at him out of the corner of her eye with an impassive face, the tearful coach hid his face and the audience moaned for him.

[Oh my sweet summer child.] Says the commentator.

Moe approached the detective who decided to stand up to him, standing straight in front of the beast when suddenly...

[Oh don't worry, girls are one of my favorite toys but my diet is... Boys.]

5 people fled to vomit. The detective went white, literally, white as a sheet of paper, like a glass of milk, as he felt his 5 senses disappear and a primitive, ancestral fear grow and spread through his body. The next second he was in the arms of the assistant.

[Forfeit! let's forfeit! There's no reason to do everything we're doing today! The MC is not an MC, the cardiac will no longer play, all that no longer makes sense! I swear to become the best man in the world, to get married and start a family if we leave here now!]

[Tell them!] Said "M.C." from the entrance to the changing rooms.

[Um... But what did you said about facing the cruelty of the world? Your speech inspired me, Detective Master~]

[I'm going to pay you! I swear to give you a regular salary if you get me out of here now!]

The public booed at the detective who admitted to be exploiting a minor.

[She's 18!]

[... Hmmmmmm. Screw it, it would be the best repayment to have you facing this boy enjoyer.]


[You reap what you saw Mr Luc, now be a man in the face of your fear. You too Marcia, didn't you say he couldn't play basketball?]

[Shuuuuuut he will hear you.]

[Oh, I'll show you how I play, personally~.] The Beast said.

[Where are the officials?!]

But no one answered his pleading, all the referees, men had already disappeared. Only the main referee remained, realizing the escape of his comrades.

(I will remember, traitors...)

The two teams faced off for the final quarter, with only 1 point separating them in what would be the most explosive 10 minutes in the sport. To a deafening roar from the audience, play resumed. Kate in possession of the ball easily dribbled past the detective and the assistant but again found himself facing the pink girl, however to the team's surprise he passed and dunked without difficulty.


[Eh?! Girl what's going on?? Your defense has been breached!]

[Huh... I... I'm not really into it right now... Not like I can activate it as a flashlight anyway!]

Her gaze was on her friend who was terrified, never taking his eyes off Moe.

[Oh no... Not again!]

The game resumed and the ball arrived in the hands of the detective who was about to pass when he felt a shiver.


He jumped and saw Moe in front of the opponent's racket, a terrible smile on his face. He looked at "M.C." who was shaking his head furiously. He then inhaled and bravely launched himself towards Moe.

[I'm not afraid of you!!!]

[Wait Mr. Luc.. No..]

The captain didn't have time to stop him. The detective faced Moe but to everyone's surprise passed easily, alone facing the hoop but suddenly fell. The ball went away but the detective, on the ground, was shaking. He stood up and looked at Moe in disgust.

[You are a monster...]

[Huehe... How could I resist when you give yourself on a golden plate?]

[Hey Mr. Referee! That mental patient stroked my bottom!]

The referee gave him a look and then burst out laughing.

[What?! I was assaulted and you are laughing! You're laughing??!!]

[I did not see anything ! Leave me alone!]

Despite the appearance of the referee's complicity, the truth was quite different. Moe, seemingly limited by his build, was incredibly fast. In an instant, he had caressed the detective's noble behind with a speed imperceptible to the human eye.

[No matter what you do, you can't stop me and no one can see what I'm doing, you're at my mercy! NGUHAHAHA!!!!]

[Referee he recognizes his actions! Do something for God's sake!]

[Keep it up and I'll give them a free throw!]

[You moth... Beautiful son of your mom.]


The game resumed and Moe continued his destructive work. The detective was powerless against the giant's dazzling caresses, instantly losing the ball. Cithara was in a tricky position, marked by 2 opposing players and Pinky's defense was down. Nothing could stop Silver Spade except assistant 3-pointers and "M.C." who kept his distance well from Moe.


The assistant was panting more and more, began to get tired and looked at the bench.

[Don't even think about it! You're our last hope!] "M.C" said desperately.

[I know... Ah... I just need to breathe... You too go ahead we can't win like this!]

[EH? But…. I'm more useful here!]

[No, we can't stop Kate you and me and since you're scared, your friend can't use her full potential. Mr. Luc alone will not pass Moe but if you are 2 he will not be able to…. Test your temperature easily...]

[… Hmm... Why are we bothering so much anyway?]

[I'm going to become a pass distributor, just go for it!]

"M.C." dashed off terrified, not by the young girl behind him but by the monster who was looking at him smiling.

[It's been hell for me all day anyway… Give me the ball Mr. Luc, I claim my share of the pain!]

[… Marcia...]

Moe for his part laughed harder, jubilant for the moment.

[Hahahaaa…. Perfect.... Everyone is cheering him on, you are a brave man.... *inhale* UOOOOOOGHHHH!!!!!!]


Marcia C. lunged at Moe screaming. The public holds its breath, the team members were surprised.

[W-wait little bro! Just shoot! Don't come any closer!]

[I can't crush this parasite without getting any closer, GIYAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!]


Everyone was surprised, from coaches to substitutes to opponents.

[What the hell is he doing?]

[Is this guy serious?]



Even the commentator.


A few meters separated the two bombs in a second that seemed like an eternity and suddenly, in a blinding light, they collided. The earth shook, the walls shook, the drinks spilled, no one remained standing before the impact and the shock wave that had spread. The whole universe would have to stop to allow this miracle of physics. Soon the cloud of smoke formed by the impact dissipated. Faces were tense, the sweat vaporized by the shock wave flowing again. Eyes were fixed on the place where the 2 actors were to be and soon cries of distress spread, little by little, quickly covering the ground, in front of the spectacle of the unconscious body of Marcia C.