Chapter 1 : if I were the head coach of warrior

Outside the window is the sound of cicadas, and the gentle night wind blows gently, and only in the middle of the night will the sweltering heat covering the entire SH city dissipate for a very short time.

Zhang Yu stared intently at the MacBook screen in front of him.

There are dense data, tables and English words on it, which are difficult to understand.

After reading it, he carefully checked it several times before saving and backing up the file, and stretched himself.

He picked up his phone and saw that it was already 12:30

in the morning.Outside the window, the residential building opposite was pitch black, with only a few lights on.

Putting down the phone, Zhang Yu rubbed his tired eyes, got up and went to wash.

He works for an emerging private equity fund in Shanghai and is an investment analyst. It is common for him to work late into the night every day.

The document just now is the company's detailed investigation report on a foreign investment The document just now is the company's detailed investigation report on a foreign investment project, it needs to be reviewed by him, and it will be submitted to the department manager for review tomorrow.

After washing up, Zhang Yu returned to the narrow bedroom.

This house is a typical old dilapidated house. It was a fund-raising product of a public office in Shanghai in the 90s. It was only 5500 square meters, but the rent was [-] yuan a month.

The bed was very messy, and the clothes were in a mess. He picked them up one by one without stacking them, and stuffed them in the closet next to him.

It wasn't until he picked up a blue and white jersey that he carefully smoothed out the wrinkles on the jersey and hung it up on a drying rack.

This is a classic Warriors jersey with the Bay Bridge in San Francisco on the front and "30" and "CURRY" printed on the back.

This jersey was bought by Zhang Yu five years ago. In his closet, there are 5 different styles of Stephen Curry jerseys. This is his favorite one.

Zhang Yu is a Warriors fan, and his greatest pleasure is watching the NBA.

Although work prevents him from watching the live broadcast every day, every weekend, he will spend a day enjoying Curry's three-point performance.

After tidying up, Zhang Yu lay on the bed, but didn't feel sleepy.

The long-term overtime life made his biological clock very different from ordinary people, and he developed the habit of staying up late.

Picking up the phone, Zhang Yu started her night life.

Opening Hupu, Zhang Yu was a little surprised by the most popular post - "[Olympic News] Missed three-pointers in a row at the critical moment, the United States lost to France and suffered its first defeat in the Olympic group stage"

"Did the U.S. team lose to France?" Zhang Yu clicked into the post and browsed through it. "Lillard made 10 of 3 shots and 11 points, Durant made 12 of 4 shots and scored 10 points, and also committed 5 fouls?!"

"Why didn't the god of death come? Oh, he was sent off, so it's okay."

"U.S. team, don't think you're safe."

"Xiaoshuai: Lillard, can't you hold the ball? See if I don't go back and tweet and scold you (dog head)."

Looking at the hot comments under the post, Zhang Yu laughed out loud.

Hupu JR is a talent.

If Durant knew that there were so many people in the far east who dared to tease him on the Internet, he would probably have to practice Chinese hard the next day. Get off now.

Suddenly, he saw a post that had just been published, titled "Rational Discussion, Is Curry Really a Superstar?"

Zhang Yu paused before clicking in.

"Curry has 3 championships, no FMVP once, did not enter the playoffs for two consecutive years without Clay, only 4 best team, 7 All-Stars, not as good as Harden, the second point guard in history That's it?"

Zhang Yu glanced at the host's ID - "Net Lived", the profile picture was Harden's photo.

When he read the post, there was already a reply below:

"Curry was the scoring leader last season, one team, and the top three MVPs. Blame him for not making the playoffs?"

"Hehe, there is one trick. Harden has led the Rockets to the playoffs every year, and he only scored 32 points even in the score. If he has the ability to score 36 points." Net Zhudeng returned quickly.

Zhang Yu looked at it, smiled slightly, and started typing:

"How many championships does Harden have?"

"The Nets will definitely win the championship next year, and Harden will be the FMVP by then." Wang Zhudeng replied.

"How many championships does Harden have?"

"Curry is a player in the system. If Harden had teammates like him, he would have won the championship long ago." The net caught Deng and avoided answering.

"How many championships does Harden have?"

"Hehe, Curry doesn't even have an FMVP. Are those championships useful? Harden doesn't even bother to win the champion without an FMVP!" Net Zhudeng finally became angry from embarrassment.

"So how many FMVPs are Harden?"

After Zhang Yu sent the message, he waited for a long time, but did not see a reply from Wang Zhudeng.

Instead, a passer-by entered the post and commented below:

"Haha, what the host is talking about, I thought Harden had already won several championships!"

"Big talk during the offseason, crazy talk in the regular season, and silence in the playoffs, it's just some Harden fans!"

"Just after the season ended, some people started again, and they all made it."

Zhang Yu shook his head and laughed, and quit the post.

He doesn't hate Harden, but a small number of extreme Harden fans are really annoying.

Not only Harden fans, but any star fan group has a small number of keyboard warriors.

They are keen to infinitely elevate the historical status of their favorite stars and belittle other stars for fun.

There are even some people pretending to be fans of other stars, pulling on the groundto start the fight, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, and they are almost playing.

Zhang Yu knew from the beginning that this was a post in a brainless black library, but he still clicked in.

Three championships and zero FMVP is a deep regret in Curry's career, and Zhang Yu is also brooding about this.

Didn't get a single vote in the FMVP selection in 15, won 16 championships in 73, broke the dream of three consecutive championships in 19, and lost the qualification for the playoffs in 21 years...

Whenever Curry is close to conquering everything with the last step, God will send disaster to stop his most devout believers.

When failure is too close to success, it becomes the deepest scar.

Especially last season, Curry shattered doubts with his unsolvable performance for more than 16 years and won the scoring title, but the Warriors fell in front of the playoffs.

With historical superstars in the team, the Warriors management would rather train a rookie who has never played in the NCAA than believe that Curry can return to the top.

There are many big men who fly into the sky and escape from the ground every year, but only one Curry has been born in more than 70 years!

In order to seize the rare championship window, the Cavaliers management exchanged the No. [-] pick for the Big Three in the Love group, while the Warriors management let the second point guard in history accompany the No. [-] player to level up during the peak period.

Coincidentally, now that Wiggins is also coming to the Warriors, they all have a bright future.

Maybe success really makes people slack off.

It's just that Curry is 33 years old, and Zhang Yu doesn't know how many years he will be at his peak.

What should the Warriors do after he retires?

Can Wiseman win an MVP throughout his entire career?Or can he be a warrior forever?

"Fuck!" Zhang Yu turned around, "Spicy Cole, the management of Spicy Chicken, wasted Curry's peak period, if I were the head coach of the Warriors, I would definitely let the Warriors win three consecutive championships, and Curry surpassed Jordan! "

He closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep with unwillingness and regret.

 This is a story about warriors, but it is also a story about basketball. The author does not criticize any stars (blackness is not considered black), please rest assured to collect~