Chapter 2 :Am I the head coach

"Ronan, wake up, we will be training later..."

Zhang Yu was in a deep sleep when she suddenly felt pushed a few times.

He opened his eyes in a daze, his consciousness was still in the chaos of waking up, and he felt that the voice he heard in his ears was very strange.

Zhang Yu raised his head, and gradually came back to his senses, feeling a sore feeling all over his body.

He was surprised to find that he was not lying on the bed, but lying on a table.

Beside him was a tall-nosed, deep-eyed, tough-faced white man who was bending over to look at him with concern.

He finally knew where the strange voice was, it was an English sentence!

"Today is your first day as the head coach. If you watch videos all night in the office, aren't you afraid of dark circles?" Seeing Zhang Yu waking up, the white man smiled.

Zhang Yu was a little dazed, and stared blankly at the white man in front of him. He felt very familiar, but he just couldn't remember his name.

Where am I?what happened?

Zhang Yu looked around, feeling more and more confused.

In front of him is a huge solid wood desk with an old-fashioned computer on it. The monitor is huge and thick, and the screen is a freeze-frame basketball game.

On the left side of the room is a huge black bookcase, in addition to books, there are also several trophies on display.

On the right is a half French window, with two chairs and a table in front of the window.

I've never been here!

Zhang Yu is very sure that everything here is so strange.

And this white man is not his colleague or client, but he looks familiar, where should he have seen it.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Zhang Yu's mind, and he blurted out:

"Are you Brad Stevens?"

The white man showed doubts, and Zhang Yu realized that what he just said was Chinese.

Zhang Yu took a deep breath and repeated in English:

"Brad Stevens?"

"Apart from me, who would come to wake you up? What's wrong with you? Don't tell me you lost your memory, you still owe me a dozen Budweiser." The white man showed a teasing smile.

Brad Stevens Woke Me Up...

Did I pass through?

An incredible idea emerged in Zhang Yu's mind.

He stood up slowly, and walked to the semi-french window step by step under Stevens' puzzled gaze. With trembling hands, he undid the latch and pushed the window open.

Without the hindrance of soundproof glass, the hustle and bustle of the outside is coming.

Outside the window is a small road with tall street trees on both sides. The rising sun hangs in the far east, and the soft sunlight shines through the dense leaves, casting fine golden spots.

Under the tree, there are many young people walking.

An Asian boy and a blond white girl walked together arm in arm, smiling sweetly.

A muscular black boy was wearing headphones, his face was intoxicated, and his body was moving rhythmically.

Zhang Yu looked into the distance, and there were many young people carrying backpacks and holding a large stack of books laughing at each other, and they all spoke English without exception.

This is a typical American campus scene.

Zhang Yu walked back to the desk in a daze, just in time to see that the time displayed in the lower right corner of the computer screen was May 2006, 5.

Stevens looked out the window and said:

"What are you looking at?"

Just as Zhang Yu was about to speak, he suddenly felt a heavy dizziness.

His feet went limp and he sat down on the chair, a series of images suddenly appeared in his mind.

That turned out to be the growth process of another "Zhang Yu"!

He grew up in China, came from the same place as Zhang Yu, has the same parents, and even has the same name and appearance as Zhang Yu. He also likes basketball very much.

But unlike Zhang Yu, "Zhang Yu" was born 12 years earlier than Zhang Yu and dreamed of becoming a basketball coach.

"Zhang Yu" resolutely applied for the physical education major during the college entrance examination, studied basketball tactics hard in his spare timeand completed all courses in his sophomore year.

With his excellent grades, he went abroad to study abroad at public expense, and came to Butler University in Indiana, USA, where he majored in physical education and health, and gave himself an English name "Ronan".

After coming to the United States, "Zhang Yu" impresses Butler University Bulldogs head coach Lickett with his solid theoretical knowledge and sincere enthusiasm through half a year of unremitting efforts, and successfully entered the Bulldogs as an assistant coach.

This year, "Zhang Yu" is 23 years old and has completed all university courses and graduated successfully.

He wants to continue to follow Lickriter to accumulate coaching experience, and when the time is right, he will take charge of a high school team, start step by step, and eventually coach an NBA team. This is the greatest wish in his heart.

However, there was an unforeseen situation. Half a month ago, when "Zhang Yu" and Rickett were out together, a minivan lost control and severely knocked over the Chevrolet that Rickett was driving!

The Camaro rolled three times on the ground and was severely damaged, and Lickritt fell into a coma immediately.

But "Zhang Yu" miraculously suffered only a little skin trauma. With great effort, he dragged Likrit out of the car. After walking only five meters, the Chevrolet spontaneously ignited.

After examination, Lickriter suffered multiple comminuted fractures all over his body, and his severe injuries prevented him from continuing to serve as the head coach of the Bulldogs.

Out of gratitude to "Zhang Yu" and admiration for his professionalism, Lickriter, who was sober, recommended "Zhang Yu" to the school to succeed him.

Naturally, the first reaction of the Butler University Board of Trustees was to say no.

Although the Bulldogs have not made it to the NCAA championship several times, and only two players have entered the NBA as water dispenser administrators in history, they are very transparent small teams in the United States.

But no matter how transparent Butler is, he is still an NCAA Division I team. He broke into March Madness four years ago. How could the position of head coach be handed over to a 23-year-old Chinese?

It's just that Lickriter was seriously injured, and his recommended school is not easy to refute.

Moreover, after an in-depth investigation by the school's basketball operation department, the Bulldogs players have a good impression of this Chinese man and do not reject him as the team's head coach.

Even the assistant coach Brad Stevens, who the board of directors prefer to take over as the head coach, expressed support for "Zhang Yu".

After comprehensive consideration, the school board finally signed a one-year interim head coach contract of $30 with "Zhang Yu".

Now, the executor of this contract has become Zhang Yu.

After absorbing all the images in his mind, Zhang Yu gradually came to his senses.

Only then did he realize that Stevens was holding his shoulders and looking at him intently:

"Ronan, it seems that the accident still left you with sequelae, do you need me to call the emergency department? You can't work like this anymore, you are not Clark Kent, nor Bruce Wayne!"

Zhang Yu recalled that the original body was terrified of the ambulance, and hurriedly stopped:

"No! I'm fine!"

In the United States, the cost of calling an ambulance is very high for ordinary people.

Although Zhang Yu has insurance as an international student, calling an ambulance costs at least $300.

This is also because Indiana is not a developed area, otherwise the price would be higher.

In the memory left by the original body, an ambulance must not be called easily.

"You are already the head coach of the Bulldogs, and you can afford to call an ambulance." Seeing that Zhang Yu really didn't seem to be in trouble, Stevens relaxed and teased him with a smile.

"Haha, you're right..." Zhang Yu laughed dryly, "Brad, I probably stayed up too late watching the game video yesterday, and my energy was a little low. I'll be fine after a short rest."

"Then I'll go to the arena first, and if there's anything wrong, please call me." Stevens made a phone call gesture, "Don't delay too long, today is your first day as a head coach. "

After Stevens left, Zhang Yu sat on a chair and stared blankly at the quiet and vibrant Butler University campus outside the window.

"Calm down, calm down... Fuck! I'm just a keyboard warrior, at most I point out the country on the Internet, how can I be the head coach of an NCAA team?" Zhang Yu rubbed his face fiercely, and growled a few words frantically.

He slumped on a chair, staring at the ceiling with a look of lovelessness on his face.

Suddenly, a familiar feeling of dizziness hit, and a series of pictures appeared in Zhang Yu's mind again.

But this time the dizziness was much lighter than the previous one.

In the picture are all kinds of basketball tactics books and piles of notes, as well as the game videos he watched after he served as the assistant coach of the Bulldogs, and the games he personally experienced on the sidelines.

Zhang Yu was sitting there with a dull expression, looking ahead without focusing.

All his attention was attracted by the picture in his mind.

After half an hour, finally there were no new images coming out, Zhang Yu let out a long sigh of relief:

"Is this considered after-sales service for traversers?"

All the images that emerged just now remained in Zhang Yu's mind, as deep as his innate memory.

From this moment on, he is no longer the experienced and true fan who has watched football for more than ten years, but an assistant coach of the Bulldogs with a solid theoretical foundation.

No wonder Likrit would recommend Yuan body to succeed him.

Not only because he is grateful for Yuanshen's life-saving grace, but Yuanshen's hard study and profound professional accumulation cannot be ignored.

He devoted all his time and energy to his dream, read dozens of basketball tactics books, and studied hundreds of classic game videos.

But Yuanzheng has never coached a basketball game alone, lacks coaching experience, and is still far from a top basketball coach.

This section of the road needs Zhang Yu to walk.

He let out a long sigh, got up slowly, and came to the bookcase.

In the translucent glass window is a young man with a height of about 1 meters and a handsome appearance, but not particularly outstanding. The most impressive thing about him is the two flying sword eyebrows.

Because of the night's fatigue, the young man's complexion was a little pale, and his pupils were bloodshot.

"We have the same name, and I have inherited your memory. From today onwards, I am the head coach of the Bulldogs. I will carry your dream and mine and go on firmly."

Zhang Yu whispered to himself, carefully smoothed the wrinkles on the shirt, picked up the Zegna dark gray suit on the rattan chair, and put it on neatly.

He tied his tie, bowed deeply to the figure in the glass window with a solemn expression, turned around and strode out of the office.

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