Chapter 10: ( Because your are Stephen curry).

(Because your are Stephen curry.) Zhang yu said in his heart.

"Do you believe in God?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Coach, I am the most devout believer in God." Curry looked serious.

"There is no God in the East. We call God 'God'. It was God who guided me to find you. I don't know if it was a dream, but it was a miracle that I was able to meet you. Looking back ten years later Only then can we know how incredible all this is, Stephen, please trust me as you trust yourself, I assure you, we will create legends." Zhang Yu's voice was deep and powerful.

He finally found that he couldn't maintain a normal state of mind in front of Curry. There was always a sense of agitation in his heart. He had to say these words. He couldn't bear to see Curry doubt himself.

Curry stared at Zhang Yu in a daze. Although he still thought that he could not reach that height, he was very moved by the sincerity and recognition in Zhang Yu's words.

In the boundless darkness, a ray of light finally appeared in front of his eyes, no matter how ethereal and illusory the ray of light was, he had to hold on to it firmly.

"Coach, I believe in you." Curry nodded heavily.

Zhang Yu smiled and said:

"Very well, since this is the case, I have a few suggestions for you."

Curry made a gesture of listening carefully.

Zhang Yu continued:

"I noticed that you are a two motion shot. Although your release speed is already very fast, if you want to play the NCAA without gaining weight, you still need a faster release speed. I hope This summer you can switch to a one motion shot, so you can go as fast as you can."

"Can I not play in the NCAA without changing my shooting posture?" Curry asked.

"Of course not, but changing your stance will make you play better."

"Okay, I'll change it when I get back!"

"In addition, I hope that after you go back, you can practice ball control and passing in a targeted manner. In the new season, you will be the team's first ball holder. You need to change your habit of focusing on offense without the ball. I suggest you Look at the game videos of Chris Paul and Steve Nash more, they are real passing masters, I don't ask you to pass as exquisite assists as them, but you must have the qualities that a point guard should have. "Zhang Yu said.

"No problem, coach." Curry agreed.

"I know that it is tiring to do all this, but I believe that you will be able to persevere. You are the child of Dell Curry. You grew up in the NBA arena since you were a child. This is your luck and your shackles. , if you want to get out of your father's shadow, you can't just be a shooter." Zhang Yu said slowly.

Curry only felt that every word Zhang Yu said reached his heart. No one had ever known him so well, even his family members, did not know that he yearned to surpass his father all the time.

"Coach, I will definitely do it!" Curry said with firm eyes.

"I'm looking forward to the surprise you gave me," Zhang Yu said with a smile, "I'm going to the bathroom and I'll be back in a while."

He got up and left, leaving Curry drinking coffee alone.

Curry waited for a while, the coffee in the cup had run out, and Zhang Yu hadn't returned yet, so he went to the counter to check out, but the waiter told him:

"The gentleman just now has already paid the bill."

Zhang Yu just came out of the bathroom, and Curry said dissatisfiedly:

"Coach, I agreed to buy you coffee!"

Zhang Yu smiled and said:

"Your pocket money is hard-earned, so keep it for yourself."

"Coach, thank you," Curry laughed happily, and then explained, "I spend all my spare time practicing, otherwise I wouldn't have no pocket money. Many of my classmates have their own cars, but My mother didn't agree to let me drive and only gave me a small pocket money every month."

Zhang Yu patted him on the shoulder:

"This is Sonya's love for you. You will understand in the future. Remember, only by treating basketball with the purest attitude can you achieve the greatest achievement."

Curry said seriously:

"Coach, I remember, I will spend all my time on practice."

The two walked out of the cafe and walked to the hotel. Zhang Yu's smile became more and more proud, and he became Curry's head coach and spiritual mentor!

May I ask, who can make Curry do what he says?That depends on me!

The next day, Zhang Yu dug up Curry's high school game video and handed it to Stevens.

After he read it, the two worked together to design tactics for Curry for the new season.

And because of the addition of Curry, the team's style of play also needs to be changed. Zhang Yu and the coaching staff have also changed the team's overall tactics.

Matthew Graves continues to be in charge of the team's recruiting work, but Indiana's local talented high school students have long been snatched away by the famous schools. He can only sign a few high school students who are only locally famous as substitutes or reds. shirt ball.

In less than a week, the Bulldogs recruiting work also came to an end.

Looking at the lineup list in his hand, Zhang Yu was very fortunate to have recruited Curry, otherwise he would not have any confidence in leading the team to the top [-].

When Matthew Graves and Stevens were busy, Zhang Yu was not idle. He reread all the professional books that the original body had read, and carefully studied the notes that the original body had taken.

Although the memory inherited from the original body has been deeply embedded in his mind, but it is not his own, there will always be a sense of separation when recalling it, and after half a month of hard study, Zhang Yu gradually mastered the original body. Gradually turn it into my own understanding of basketball.

After talking about his evaluation, three months of careful study will allow him to fully grasp these memories.

Only then will he have enough confidence to coach the team.

Fortunately, the Bulldogs don't need to play games now. The coaching staff led by Stevens is in charge of the specific training matters. Zhang Yu only needs to watch the players train from the sidelines, applaud and applaud from time to time, and it is enough to show his presence as the head coach , otherwise it is really possible to reveal the truth.


"Well done, continue!" Stevens applauded loudly from the sidelines.

The team is training. At this time, half a month has passed since Curry came to Butler University for trial training. The players are practicing the new tactics designed by the coaching staff.

The team's starting point guard Ben Slayton threw the ball to the left side of the court according to the established tactics, but AJ Graves, who was supposed to respond there, stayed in the interior. The basketball flew out of the court, and Zhang Yu happened to be standing there. Looking forward without focusing his eyes, he was obviously in a daze.


The basketball flew by and hit him hard in the face.

"Ouch!" Zhang Yu howled miserably, squatted down, covered her nose with her hands, only felt her nose sore, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Ben Slaton panicked and hurried over:

"I'm sorry, coach, I didn't mean to, are you okay?"

The players gathered around, concerned about their head coach.

"Boss, do you need to go to the hospital? I'll carry you." Julian Beko quickly expressed his loyalty.

"Sorry, coach, I made a mistake in my movement..." AJ Graves' eyes were full of worry.

Although it was training, Ben Slaton's pass was heavy and hit Zhang Yu's nose, which is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body. He squatted on the ground for a long time, unable to speak.

After a few minutes, Zhang Yu rubbed his nose. Although the pain was unbearable, it was fine. He stood up from the ground and said in a strong nasal voice:

"I'm fine, you can continue training."

The players were relieved to see that the coach was fine, and Ben Slaton and AJ Graves apologized again.

Stevens looked at Zhang Yu thoughtfully from the side, but didn't say anything, and continued to guide the players in training.

In the afternoon, after training, Stevens walked up to Zhang Yu:

"Ronan, Ronan?"

"Ah? Do you have anything to do with me?" Zhang Yu, who was in a daze, came back to her senses and looked at Stevens.

"You know, this is the 57th time you've been in a daze for half a month. Do you have something on your mind?" Stevens asked.

Zhang Yu was stunned, and said with some embarrassment:

"Is there so much?"

"I'm bullshit," said Stevens with a serious expression on his face, "but if you continue to stare like this in practice, you will become the first head coach in the history of the Bulldogs to be thrown into the hospital by a ball!"

Zhang Yu sighed, beckoned for Stevens to follow, and the two walked out of the arena.

"Brad, tell me, do I have any hope of becoming the head coach of an NBA team?" Zhang Yu's tone was slightly distressed.

"Of course it is possible. You are now the youngest head coach in the NCAA, and you are very likely to enter the NBA in 20 years."

"But I hope to be able to become the head coach of the NBA within three years... no, within five years, preferably to coach the Warriors. How likely do you think it is?" Zhang Yu asked.

After meeting Curry, he recalled what he said the night before the time travel. Could it be that he was able to time travel back to 2006 because of his "ambition"?

Moreover, the original dream is also to coach an NBA team. If he can coach the Warriors, he will continue to be Curry's head coach...

Just thinking about it made Zhang Yu feel emotional. In the past few days, he had imagined how many times he would be the head coach of the Warriors in his mind.

Stevens didn't answer, but looked up into the sky.

At this time they just walked out of the Hinkle Arena, the orange-red sunset was falling, and the blazing sunlight in the day turned into a soft dark red sunset, sprinkled on the ground, rendering an extraordinarily peaceful atmosphere.

"Today's sunset is really good." Zhang Yu praised.

"I mean, it's not dark yet, why are you dreaming?" Stevens said lightly.

"Uh...Okay." Zhang Yu looked a little frustrated.

He also knows that this idea is nonsense, but after waiting more than ten or 20 years to coach in the NBA, Curry has retired and the day lily is cold.

"Don't be wishful thinking. Unless the owner of the Warriors is out of his mind, he will never hire a young man in his 20s as the team's head coach. Do you think Chris Cohan is an idiot?" Stevens continued Knife.

Zhang Yu heaved a long sigh, feeling that the "great wish" he made could only be shattered.

But there was a flash of inspiration in his mind, he looked straight at Stevens, and said word by word:

"You just said that the owner of the Warriors is Chris Cohan?"

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